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Cobradero P-92 Ultranaval (Midway Challenge)

6,443 Flewey  3.7 years ago
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Auto Credit Based on Flewey's Cobradero P-91 Supernaval (Midway Challenge)

(AR) during the last few weeks of the Seige of Midway, American forces suffered heavy losses. In retaliation, Cobradero Industires created the P-92 Ultranaval. With the combined power of a Cobradero 2000 radial engine and a Conradero 1000 inline, the P-92 was even more deadly than its predessecor the P-91 Supernaval. Within a week, Ultranaval pilots took out 7 Japanese destroyers, 2 battleships (IJN Herotama and IJN Motoshima), 4 aircraft carriers, and around 427 enemy aircraft.

General Characteristics


  • Power/Weight Ratio 0.633
  • Horse Power/Weight Ratio 0.375
  • Wing Loading 36.0lbs/ft2 (175.7kg/m2)
  • Wing Area 147.9ft2 (13.7m2)
  • Drag Points 2399


  • Number of Parts 49
  • Control Surfaces 9
  • Performance Cost 352