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Mark II Grenade Launcher Sub

8,845 XjayIndustrys  4.3 years ago
Auto Credit Based on XjayIndustrys's Xjay/SM-16 Fifloa Multipurpose Helicopter

New Mark II Grenade Launcher, it has 60, 6in rounds which are fired at 50m/s and are extremely useful for firing out of direct line of sight or as close AtG weapons, its also the first use of a Magnet ive found outside of swinging around and around endlessly. The Mark II is a fixed mount. Also included are the SOR (sight over rise) imager and the LICFR and CCVD, the former is a high speed Lidar, Visual Camera and Infared Camera, the resulting infomation is directly sent to crew screens and the latter is a Computer Controlled Visual Distancer, the CCVD is made of 2 special cameras that measure size, speed, distance, trajectory, colour, materials, weight and other extreme details which are sent to a computer for sorting and acting on. Enjoy

General Characteristics


  • Wing Loading 439,839.3lbs/ft2 (2,147,483.6kg/m2)
  • Wing Area 0.0ft2 (0.0m2)
  • Drag Points 127


  • Number of Parts 1
  • Control Surfaces 0
  • Performance Cost 111