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15.4k iMxr  5.1 years ago

Dear SimplePlanes community,
I am writing this statement to describe the multiple events that have occurred in the time that I have been away, and some good news as well.
School has been taking a toll on me in terms of stress levels, I have had a lot of work to be done and I have been going back and forth between being caught up and falling behind. I also recently completed the PSAT, which did relieve a lot of the anxiety and stress.
However, out of school and regarding family, it has been very difficult in the recent passing of my grandmother. She had lived with my for 12 years since I was adopted, but within the past few months her health was declining. She had moments of profound confusion, which led us; my mother and me to believe she had dementia. A few weeks ago we had noticed she was not eating, drinking, or going to the bathroom for 24 hours. My cousin, who flew in from Texas was staying over with us. My mother determined that we needed to bring her to the hospital, so we helped her up and started making our way to the car. When we reached the garage, she then slumped over her walker, and sat down on the ground, going unconscious. I had to call 911 immediately and did so. Once they arrived, they took her to the hospital and we came along. Later that night they had given her some fluids to rehydrate her. However she was then put in ICU for 3-4 days. The doctors determined that the medicine she was on was basically life support, and left us to the decision to take her off of it or not to. We decided to do so, and they put her into hospice. Surprisingly, the doctors said that once they took her off of the medicine, she would only have a few hours to live, but she fought on for a whole week. Sadly, on April 12, 10:53 PM 2019, she passed away peacefully. At first, I felt numb to it, because I wasn’t able to believe the fact that she was gone. Even to this day I can’t comprehend her not being there with me, and it feels like my hearts been torn up, and a part of it is missing. I know that it will take a long time to get over it. The service is planned for May 4th, and we are currently preparing the food, sending invitations, and getting organized.
Trying to end on a hopeful note, even though a lot has been going on my life and I feel like it is necessary for me to try and get my mind off of it all, I’m happy to announce I am returning to SimplePlanes. I have a lot of blueprints I’ve been developing and I am planning to start building them! I hope to see you all soon, Farewell for now!


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    I come here to build planes... but now I'm crying why is what is happening what

    Condolences from me, friend.

    5.1 years ago
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    5.1 years ago
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    7,775 Karzigg

    Hey I feel you I literally do I just completed my PSATs in December and not long after my Great grandma passed at the age of 94 in February if you ever need a outlet this community is always here

    5.1 years ago
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    40.2k Awsomur

    I’m so sorry to hear about your grandmother. I can relate to what you went through; my grandpa died in a similar way. Over his last six months he started to forget where he was, what year it was, and little things like leaving the water on. In the end, we were glad that he passed when he did and didn’t keep living in that confused state. I don’t know what your views are on death or the future, but I wish you the best in dealing with this.

    +1 5.1 years ago
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    4,377 JamesBleriot

    My mother kept my Great-Gram's death a secret, but shortly after she passed my mother was on the phone with someone, and so that is how I found out. She was the family historian, and me, being the last genealogist in the family besides my grandmother, I intend to fill the gaps that she left.

    5.1 years ago
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    34.8k WarHawk95

    I lost my dad in 2013, when I was 11. I'm sorry and I know how you can feel.

    5.1 years ago
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    24.4k NoGoCars

    Sorry for you loss... But It's nice to see another face around here!

    5.1 years ago