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helicopter man is first to reach 100+ likes on a comment

105k RailfanEthan  5.2 years ago


since this is indeed a forum post by me, i have to talk about my builds


so i'm still set on working on my builds, i've just been caught up making a route for Trainz: A New Era. I've already released a 1.0 verison, but I'm expanding it to at least double the size. That's a lot for a 2ft gauge route.

but hey, i'm working on like 3 Rovers in SP and some trains. I might do some more work on a Hiawatha I started with TrainDude a year ago.

so uh yeah, if anyone with T:ANE wants to download my route, it's on the Download Station, just say something in the comments



congrats to Dllama4 for making the first comment to achieve 100 likes

