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But y doh

9,184 Ihavenorealideawhatiamdoing  7.0 years ago

Make no mistake this is not an angry question, just an inquiring one if that makes any sense . I am super crazy excited for the newest update coming out soon, and there is a beta of it on other devices, but not iOS. iOS ALWAYS seems to get the short end of the stick, I realize it has limits compared to pc or something, and I also realize why you can't have mods on iOS, but what about nudging, beta versions and things like that, I don't even know what nudging is, only that it is on pc version of sp. Again I'm not mad, just curious. Why doesn't iOS have these things? It seems like it would be possible, even easy to do, it then again I don't know anything about coding, just wondering, also PLS ADD A LAN MULTIPLAYER TO IOS IN THE 1.6 UPDATE!!!!

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    13.9k Fjorge

    Apple says mods for any app is not allowed... as for betas they usually have iOS just not this time.

    7.0 years ago
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    I totally agree with you. iOS is sh°°. And the devs don't respect that.
    Also with the multiplayer thing, can your iPad honestly run 3,000 parts?

    7.0 years ago
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    6,338 KDS

    What @MechWARRIOR57 said as far as MP goes, not happening. Also, iOS betas take awhile to go through Apples policies to make sure it is safe for their devices. Making the app the only thing at risk. So they realeased the beta on the other versions as they don't have to wait super long periods of time to get it appoved like Apple would make them wait. Have you noticed apple takes a day or so more after a official update to get it? That's apple going through the process of approving it first. So they want to make sure they get the bugs on all the other versions more or less out so they can catch it on iOS before the long process of making it a beta can begin. Nudging would be nice to see on Apple and is doable as a add on and is a good suggestion to at least have it so if you have a Bluetooth keyboard then you can.

    7.0 years ago
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    Y u kill all hope for anything good in the world?:-: @MechWARRIOR57

    7.0 years ago
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    Multiplayer in any form will not come stock! They would need to recode the game! Deal with it! They won't add it, ever, they might make a different game with mp but not in this game!

    7.0 years ago
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    16.1k DisferGoatz

    It's apple's fault which is why iOS doesn't have beta. Also, nudging is where you can move parts very precisively.

    Also, there will more than likely never be a multiplayer for iOS. Don't ask me why.

    7.0 years ago