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3/4 to silver.

8,810 Verterium  7.5 years ago

3/4 of the way to silver. With ONE plane and in ONE day! And, 3rd highest rated plane for today, and the 27th highest ranked for this week. Most people have to make at least 10 planes to even get to bronze, and that is over the span of a month or more. Am I just lucky? Did I post at the perfect time so that I would get a bunch of upvotes? I really don't know, but thank you guys.

For the Douglas X-3, I'll have another version that is the complete base model, and I tried to make it as realistic to the real thing as possible. One of the only things I could not possibly do is the "X-3" logo on the nose. It isn't a straight "X" or a straight "3", they are both jagged and kind of curved, so it is very hard to replicate. The wings are a bit longer and they have the wing under it, but other than that, mostly accurate. I put in new landing gear for the front, and put it in the correct position. The speed is near perfect, the real plane could go just above 750 mph, this one can reach 850 mph, 950 mph in a dive. I'm not sure about the maneuverability, because the plane was not meant to be maneuverable, just fast.

Once again, thank you guys!

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    8,810 Verterium

    @FlyingHonda27 Check out my first plane. Almost 50 upvotes.

    7.5 years ago
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    JUST 2 days ago you had 60 points, how DID you jump all the way to 1,102 points already?! You must making very good creations!

    7.5 years ago
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    55.3k Beefy

    @Verterium Philippines. I thought you're non American.

    7.5 years ago
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    8,810 Verterium

    US, why? @Alienbeef0421

    7.5 years ago
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    55.3k Beefy

    Congrats V!

    Where are you from?

    7.5 years ago
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    @Verterium uhh... Ok...

    7.5 years ago
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    8,810 Verterium

    Yeah I've actually been here a while, just not on an account. @MemeKingIndustriesAndMegaCorporation

    7.5 years ago
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    Well, Since you're new around here I assume you know all the basics? If you have any questions you can ask me and I'll get to them ASAP! Happy Building V!

    7.5 years ago
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    8,810 Verterium

    @SkullsAndCrossbones :D

    7.5 years ago