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Tank School: One Shot, Double Kill

17.2k GoldenEagle  7.8 years ago

One Shot, Double Kill
GoldenEagle: Alright! Let's get started!
[At the Battleground]
Referee TOG II: Due to imbalance of firepower, I'm looking at you Hetzer II, Hetzer III, SU-315, and Olifant... Ratte and Super Maus, go to the Red Team... Medium III and Type 59, go to the Blue Team
Ratte: OK!
Super Maus: I hope I don't get hit first
Schkeska-120/2: Don't worry, you are... hehehe
Schkeska Scorpion: Bro, don't scare him
Schkeska-120/2: What are you gonna do sis?
Schkeska Scorpion: Nothing, just... stop
Medium III: I hope I can be useful!
M4A3E8 Fury: Uhhh, you should not platoon with me for this battle, platoon with Leo
Leopard II: Meh, I'm fine with the useless one
Medium III: Hey!
Type 59: Shì a, shì a... Ràng wo de lingdao zhe, huòzhe pái zhang wo yigè youyòng de
M4A3E8 Fury: English please...
Type 59: Shì a, shì a
M4A3E8 Fury: sigh
Referee TOG II: Alright! Go to your bases everyone! We will start in a minute!
[Everyone rushes to their bases, well, except for Ratte and Super Maus]
[50 seconds passed]
Referee TOG II: 10! 9! 8! 7! 6! 5! 4! 3! 2! 1! Battle!
[M4 Scorpion and Schkeska Scorpion Scouts]
M4 Scorpion: You see anything?
Schkeska Scorpion: Not yet... wait! I see someone!
Lt-1: What! Damnit! I'm spotted already!? 1 minute in the match!?
Tua-1: Don't worry, I'm spotted too, but let's wreck 'em!
Lt-1: Yeah!
Schkeska Scorpion: Should we fire?
M4 Scorpion: Hold your fire, let SU-315 do the work.... (Radio: SU-315, ready... fire!)
SU-315: (Radio: On the way!) Fires


Tua-1: What was that?
Lt-1: Arty maybe...
[Tua-1 and Lt-1 got hit by SU-315]
Referee TOG II: Tua-1, Lt-1, both of you are out!
Tua-1: Damnit!
Lt-1: That's my line!
Referee TOG II: Out!
SU-315: Yes!!!!!
ISU-152: Good job comrade!
T-34/85: Nice work! Now, according to the plan, advance! Alpha, go to point C-3, and Delta, go to point G-9
ISU-152: URA!!!
MBT-8B: Oh! Wait! Stop! Wait for me!
Leveler: Alright Delta! Let's go! M8, you first!
M8 General Burns: I go where I go boy, since this is a battle....
Leveler: Your are rude...
M8 General Burns: [Censored]
Leveler: Really rude...

To be Continued

M1 Abrams: Ok, Tua-1 and Lt-1 were out in the first 3 minutes...
Leopard 2 'GoldenEagle': Also, there is a continuation, I think I will be making like 5 of these
M1 Abrams: Good Luck!
Leopard 2: Good thing that the British guy is gone...
Challenger 2: What was that mate? Do you want me to blast you with my L30 mate?
Leopard 2: Please no....

Characters and Tanks

Please Standby....

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    147k Pilotmario

    @MemeKingIndustriesAndMegaCorporation The concept of good leadership is pretty similar.

    7.7 years ago
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    6,953 Wahoo12

    Add the M60 for 'nam!

    7.7 years ago
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    @Pilotmario Changed Suleiman's name to Layl. Oh and He does have a plan. Leadership is about leading the dirty work. You do it. Or you become a follower and stand and watch. It's different in Islamic terms. Something you'd never understand

    7.8 years ago
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    147k Pilotmario

    @MemeKingIndustriesAndMegaCorporation The M8 is a stealth tank.

    The Leveler? Not so much.

    Also, I don't think that's really in character with Suleimani. If he was a leader-figure, he would send someone else to do it.

    Because that's what leadership is about. Getting someone else to do the dirty work for you, so you don't have to.

    7.8 years ago
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    147k Pilotmario

    Sounds like my M8.

    7.8 years ago
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    @GoldenEagle "Layl (Suleimani) sneaks up and finds Leveler and M8 General Burns" Should we take the shot?

    7.8 years ago
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    29.0k Supermini555

    Medium III, the weakest link

    7.8 years ago
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    17.2k GoldenEagle

    @MemeKingIndustriesAndMegaCorporation damn...

    7.8 years ago
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    @GoldenEagle I already read

    7.8 years ago
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    17.2k GoldenEagle


    7.8 years ago
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    17.2k GoldenEagle

    @Supermini555 @CaesiciusPlanes

    7.8 years ago