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A bit of something for the guys going to school

50.6k ChaMikey  7.8 years ago

First of all, I as a former senior student am truly sorry for the people still in school, i know the morning wake up struggle, the bullying, the teachers, and all sorts of those bad things.. but try to look at school from a different perspective!

I have always looked at school as an alcatraz or hell on earth and when its over I felt free like an ostrich given working wings! but then as time passed i realized what i could've done in that 3 years of high school ;-; there were a lot of things and i mean a bloody damn lot. of. things. that i could've done to make more friends, or have fun, and even impress the devils/teachers (no offense to teachers here :p) of myself.

High school is literally the real world in a very small space, you get to know new people, and there are always people you don't know, the authorities sucks and only some of them are like-able, there are various activities, and all those other important things!

and for this reason i wrote this post to encourage all you high school AND jr. high school students to do more.

Try to be active in class, always try to help people, try to NOT get caught in a school drama, always think twice before doing anything, learn things other than geometry, bloody algebraic mathematics using Pythagoras to determine the length of a trapezium on an X, Y table (unless you're into those sort of things) and learn more stuff from extracurriculars or libraries!

I say this because i know each and everyone of has has a set of particular skills, skills that we acquire along our life, skills that would make you stand out to people, if you let those skills go then that'll be the end of it. but if you don't... your skills will be sharpened, and it shall serve you well.

and most importantly make GOOD memories of that hellh-- oooh i mean school! yes, school.

So good luck to you blessed little fellers who can still change their ways at school and do better!

Cheers my loves!


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    50.6k ChaMikey

    i know right? school for me is rather interesting but yet hellish because the education isn't even interesting.. i too feel like my brain was being drag down from being average to being a bloody sack of potato, although I never tried to play dirty it sadly is one of the ways to win in life @Peridot

    7.8 years ago
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    50.6k ChaMikey

    @VladCelTroll i did feel that! thats one of many reasons i wrote this lol, but yeah man i feel you, its hard but you can do it man :) jr high was not the fondest of my memories but its where everything starts! and at sr high its where your mentality gets tested to the limit but still better than jr high imo :p hang in there!

    7.8 years ago
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    @AeroEngineering I tagged the first 3 people. A Majority of the Comments are there here are about it being bad.

    7.8 years ago
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    @MemeKingIndustriesAndMegaCorporation please point out where in my comment I called the community bad?

    7.8 years ago
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    @Peridot @AeroEngineering @VladCelTroll He who Calls the community bad. is the worst out of the entire community.

    7.8 years ago
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    Well, looks like I'm on the rigt track already then. Also, the most kids in any of my classes is 20. I found a good high school that only has about 500 kids and more than enough teachers, so the classes are smaller and more 1 on 1.

    @CrazyCodeC can't wait to see the results!

    7.8 years ago
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    50.6k ChaMikey

    @KingDeadshot wow, thats messed up.. why would a mother agree on paddling her own kid when you can take your kid to a psychiatrist.. and yeah, we need teachers with better quality to teach in public schools don't know what about the students behavior though, depends on the parents i guess..

    7.8 years ago
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    19.3k TTHHSSSS

    Thanks! @ChaMikey

    7.8 years ago
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    50.6k ChaMikey

    @KingDeadshot and whoah 100 kids, we do have some school with that amount of kids in one class as well, with only 1 teacher!

    7.8 years ago
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    50.6k ChaMikey

    thats awful, teachers should get a psych evaluation imo so they don't go bloody crazy if a kid ever does something bad. good thing the teacher was fired though right? @KingDeadshot

    7.8 years ago
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    49.1k Flightsonic

    Heh... when they teach you there's only 3 states of matter

    7.8 years ago
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    50.6k ChaMikey

    whooah! thats awesome! @CrazyCodeC very interesting idea as well! I'd love to hear any progress you've made! and for the replica you're going to make :)

    7.8 years ago
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    50.6k ChaMikey

    damn! i wish i got those kind of tech in my day :') my school just installed an air conditioner when I already graduated... >:[ @TrainDude awesome things coming ahead of you man!

    7.8 years ago
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    50.6k ChaMikey

    @KingDeadshot i see, i wouldn't really know how the teachers discipline the students in America but i do know most of the teachers in Asia are pretty damn strict. some are abusive even. And about feeling that you've been there too long, i know that feel, i felt superior to my fellow classmates for some reason, but its good to make memorable memories to have something to remind you of your life at school :)

    7.8 years ago
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    8,573 CrazyCodeC

    @ChaMikey Read

    7.8 years ago
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    50.6k ChaMikey

    ahh, freshman years. best of luck to you my boy! @TTHHSSSS

    7.8 years ago
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    50.6k ChaMikey

    woah, isn't the air to thin for a glider there? don't know much about how thin air is at 90.000ft but that should be interesting to hear!n@CrazyCodeC

    7.8 years ago
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    19.3k TTHHSSSS

    Nice note, going into high school now and will keep in mind!

    7.8 years ago
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    8,573 CrazyCodeC

    I've only been in high school one year so far, but I've already helped design an experiment for a research glider being sent to the mesosphere to gather information, and yes, that is higher than any aircraft before, at 90,000 feet. And yes, I said glider, it's hard to explain. I may build a replica of it when we get the data back this September.

    7.8 years ago