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World of Tanks Blitz - A guide to armour

4,236 MeetThyDoom  7.8 years ago

Greetings! I'd just like to share my guide to armour for World of Tanks Blitz. Tell me what you think! :)

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    4,236 MeetThyDoom

    Blimey, those are some major typos. Thanks for pointing them out, I should read the through a guide more carefully next time and maybe even put it through somehing like grammaly. Lol

    7.8 years ago
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    that's all :D

    7.8 years ago
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    Aha! that makes séance now. But what do i do with all this information?
    1. stop, aim your gun
    2. go into sniper mode
    3. If you cannot penetrate the enemy aim for the weak spots but not the tracks.
    4. If you cannot penetrate the weak spots aim for the tracks and immobilize the enemy.
    5. make sure you don't get pentrated."

    7.8 years ago
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    very minor
    "Right, gotcha! My shots are hitting now, but I’m still not penetrating.
    Ok, in almost every tank there are weak spots. These are parts in the tank that are not very well armoured. Try the commanders hatch or lower frontal plate of your target.
    With countless battles of experience to call on, a lot of players know the weak spots of most tanks in the game. You should be able to too in a few hundred battles.However, (put a space here) here are a few to note."

    7.8 years ago
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    "Ok, That makes sense now. But my shots are missing the enemy too, how can I stop that?
    You can stop that from happening by letting your gun aim.
    In the canter of you screen is a very small triangle, and around that is several dots in a circle, this is called the aiming reticule and the triangle marks the centre of it. This circle will shrink, the smaller it gets the more likely you are to hit your target. When you stop moving or when you have just reloaded, the circle will be at its biggest. There’s a lot of stuff inside that circle that your shot could potentially hit. But we don’t want to hit all that stuff do we. (put a question mark ""?"" instead of a period) So, you need to let that circle shrink so you will hit your target."

    7.8 years ago
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    Don't panic! Ask yourself these questions.
    1. have you rushed forward without your ( team should be here ) and are being attacked form multiple directions? If so you should move back as soon as possible.
    2. are (should be is) the enemy firing APCR/HEAT? This is an inevitable occurrence and if you do get penned from your position then move into solid cover."

    7.8 years ago
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    the you're is a bit of a mistake here it should be your
    "Any other tactics? I think I'm getting the hang of this.
    Yes! There's another one called "Hull down". Does exactly what it says on the tin, keeps your hull down and hopefully out of line of fire.
    What you'll need to do is find a slight dip in the ground or maybe a rise, get right up close to it and, voila! You're hull down. You can increase you're armour effectiveness here if you drive forward slightly so you're tank is going up the rise, so to speak. If you show some of your hull that's fine because it will be vertically angled."

    7.8 years ago
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    the part where it said "You could also try angling, which will increase your armour thickness. This means you can show some of your side armour to the enemy. " it should be
    "You could also try angling, which will increase your armour thickness. This means you show some of your side armour to the enemy"
    seems to be more understable :)

    7.8 years ago
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    4,236 MeetThyDoom

    @MemeKingIndustriesAndMegaCorporation Yes please, that'd be very helpful :)

    7.8 years ago
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    @MeetThyDoom not many. but should I proof-read and point them out?

    7.8 years ago
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    4,236 MeetThyDoom

    @MemeKingIndustriesAndMegaCorporation @Supermini555 Thank you both!

    Memeking, are they serious typos?

    7.8 years ago
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    29.0k Supermini555

    Excellent job on summing up the penetration factors in WoTB!

    7.8 years ago
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    im going to be honest. there are few typos and word misses. however this is a absolutely great in-depth guide to Armor Penetrating! its so understandable and so simple! I just love it. very nice work on this. great job!

    7.8 years ago