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Thinking of quiting.

32.4k TheAceOwl  8.3 years ago

Sighs Ive been putting alot of effort into my newest creations but apparently people are more interested in creations that are flashy, bright of weird. I upload these aircraft that took me a good while to do, they get 100 downloads and I get no comments about how it flies or if it simply sucks. Thats all I want, feed-back. Yet There is nothing. Some upvotes. This just draws me down when I get on and see the downloads of my planes go higher and higher yet no one says a thing..

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    Try stepping up the game. No need for shiny stuff, just add a lot of details. My planes are mostly light propeller aircraft. Most people find those to be boring, but mine have interiors so I'm doing well. Find some characteristic future for your planes, something interesting and recognizable.

    8.3 years ago
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    29.1k Viper28

    Good riddance, if you can quit over not being noticed then you obviously don't actually like the game.

    8.3 years ago
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    1,769 helix44

    try a new color scheme and working with the structural panels

    8.3 years ago
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    7,305 OtterOfToast

    The answer to these questions is just keep building. Tinker with it yourself, and if you're feeling jaunty, get your name out on the forums. Ask for test-pilots or something. Sulking doesn't give you a very good image-- so just post something saying "I'd like feedback! Test-pilots needed!" Simple. If you've done this before and it didn't work, keep doing it. The internet is basically infinite.

    8.3 years ago
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    4,164 Glaceon

    Das y downloads should be considered 5 or 10 points.

    8.3 years ago
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    @TheOwlAce Ah, don't go that route! I've seen a couple of your' builds in passing but didn't look at what else you had. There's a LOT of stuff on there I think I'd like to try out. You are a far more accomplished builder than I am and a good bit more imaginative!
    I first got on here as a model builder. It doesn't cost an arm and a leg for a kit, there's no waiting for glue to dry, there are no paint fumes - and scratchbuilding is SOOOOO much easier here. Not to mention I get to fly around my builds~ When others download my stuff and try it out and whether I get upvotes or comments - it's just gravy. I love flight, I love military aircraft I love dive bombing Tiny - even if it won't do damage - and adore blowing up those two bridges! Heck, I have subassemblies of aircraft and tanks that I can set off to the side of my build so it would be off of the runway, takeoff, then turn around and strafe/bomb/rocket them to oblivion. XD That 17B Fortress design for example, the pun on the B-17 Fortress, I stripped it of wings, took away it's canopy and now it's saved as a prime target! lol Still trying to figure out how to create stand-alone ak-ak or SAM sites. ;)
    I digress however, the point is; We're all here because we love building stuff - why quit - you're golden! Sure the novelties get downloads and upvotes. However I bet few of us actually bother to save them after the novelty wears off.

    8.3 years ago
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    Paint is your biggest friend

    8.3 years ago
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    17.8k jsaret

    @HellFireKoder fair point....this will not be an easy fix, will it? Not that we have any say :)

    8.3 years ago
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    17.8k jsaret

    @Mod but then there's no lazyness involved. People don't look at your plane, say "COOOL!!1" then not download it; they do download it and not upvote it, however.

    8.3 years ago
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    @Mod @jsaret With it based on downloads, you would basically be basing points/ranks off how good something looks, but ignoring how it flies, since it looks cool people download it, but if it flies terrible, they still got your download.

    8.3 years ago
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    This always happens, but if people like cool flashy planes why not make some? That's what I did lol

    8.3 years ago
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    49.1k Flightsonic

    Nuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu don't do it!

    8.3 years ago
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    Mod Squirrel

    @TheOwlAce No problem!

    8.3 years ago
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    32.4k TheAceOwl

    @Squirrel Thank you.

    8.3 years ago
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    21.4k RedHawk

    @TheOwlAce yeah pretty much

    8.3 years ago
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    Mod Squirrel

    @TheOwlAce Going to be honest, I haven't seen your aircraft before. However, I like what I see, so I'll follow you (#stalkeralert) and upvote / give points for improvement where I see fit. Probably won't be the best at it, but it's the thought that counts!!

    8.3 years ago
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    21.5k FrankieB

    I like your style planes, I agree, Im not sure I like these future designs that are smooth and weird, don't quit!

    8.3 years ago
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    32.4k TheAceOwl

    @RedHawk Ive seen those post before and mainly, they all involve making your plane bright and shiny so the drooling masses look at yours first.

    8.3 years ago
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    21.4k RedHawk

    Don't quit just keep trying! Check out forum posts and such for pointers on how to make getting points "easier". They really can work

    8.3 years ago
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    17.8k jsaret

    What about if instead of points we have ranks based on downloads instead? 1 point per download. I'd get screwed over by this (5,700 to maybe 1,800 if I'm lucky) but then this would make XML modded tools [like the bridge gun] worth huge sums of points (on the order of 25,000 each). So…something else then.

    8.3 years ago
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    Make small planes, make big planes, but make sure they look SMOOTH. By smooth I mean don't have things stabbing out of a side. Look at my planes, they look sleek, nothing pokes out of the fuselage, etc..

    8.3 years ago
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    17.8k jsaret

    @Mod perhaps, but then how do we distinguish a new player from a great one (not that someone can't be both)

    8.3 years ago
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    6,953 Wahoo12

    Try some smaller stuff. The majority of players are mobile (i think) and they cannot run your flying battleships.

    8.3 years ago
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    I agree

    8.3 years ago
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    lol same

    8.3 years ago
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