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How do unlisted posts work?

1,215 Airgaurdian  28 days ago

How do unlisted posts work?

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    2,811 Tiper4062

    You can see posts that are not listed by going to the post then changing public to unlisted. this only applies to owners maybe moderators and developers I forgot

    26 days ago
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    Unlisted post can be accessible by the original creator, or if someone has a link of it. Unlisted post can't be upvoted but still can be downloaded

    +1 27 days ago
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    1,215 Airgaurdian

    @HuskyDynamics01 ok that is so helpful

    28 days ago
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    An unlisted post is essentially a post that can be viewed by anyone who has a direct link to it (via a link in a comment or post, auto-credit on a build, tagging them in the comments on the post, etc.), but does not show up in searches or public browsing. If you make an unlisted post and tag someone on it, they will be able to see it, comment, download, etc. just like a regular post, but people without the link will have no idea the post exists (except for probably moderators). It won't show up on your profile when not logged in, and it won't appear in any of the browsing sections (Hottest/Newest/Highest Rated/Search/front page) of the website.

    +2 28 days ago