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I'm sorry, i was mistaken!

21.4k pura  6 months ago

I have recently posted my so called last build on the website. This because I thought that it was finally to move on to JUNO. Sadly for me, there is still some features that I feel are missing, that exist in simpleplanes. Thus, I want to apologize for my last statement, as it might have brought more attention to my build that it might have deserved, as well as Id like to announce that, if I get the time again, I will post once again. See you soon!

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    21.4k pura

    @V exactly the same her, even down to the mobile part

    6 months ago
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    @RepublicOfCursedPlanes true

    6 months ago
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    @IceCraftGaming players are temporary, simpleplanes is eternal

    +1 6 months ago
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    I tried the same.. but I can't quite do it.
    Maybe, you don't get Simpleplanes, Simpleplanes gets you...

    6 months ago
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    35.3k V

    I tried to move to JNO, but JNO has severe building limitations that SP doesn't have.

    One example is that there is one connection per connection point per part. You cant just attach stuff to each other without regard like you can in SP. TL;DR, stuff like this isn't possible in JNO.
    Also, I primarily play on mobile and the mobile controls on JNO are horrendous. The cursor hitboxes are too small and I end up fat fingering it, causing me to create a mess of mirrored parts.
    One other thing, vizzy can't do a lot of stuff that FT can and vice versa, vizzy is powerful for programming autopilot paths and stuff involving multiple crafts, but FT excels in local things on a single craft allowing for complex movements and calculations. It is much, much harder to do stuff like this in JNO, while vizzy allows you to easily create a constellation of separately spawned drones that you can form into various patterns, which cannot be done in SP with any amount of FT.

    +1 6 months ago
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    simpleplanes is addictive, that is all
    you can't escape from sp for nothing

    +2 6 months ago
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    22.2k Graingy

    @TheCaper Only then shall you ascend to Andrew

    6 months ago
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    7,353 TheCaper

    @rexzion It will keep you here until you die

    +1 6 months ago
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    41.5k rexzion

    you cannot escape the simpleplanes

    +4 6 months ago
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    7,353 TheCaper

    It's fine! We all make mistakes

    +1 6 months ago