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Help Explain Ohio to Dumb Aussi

12.6k JuanShot2Go  one year ago

As an older dude I never get the memes going around. It took me ages to know even what a rickroll was. Unless its rude (then I dont want to know) what the heck is the ohio meme.

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    22.4k Graingy

    @DeadlyDialga Æ!

    one year ago
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    10.1k DeadlyDialga

    It’s only a three hour drive from Cleveland to Detroit

    one year ago
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    22.4k Graingy

    @DeadlyDialga Detroit?
    Just a short drive away?

    one year ago
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    7,192 Bellcat

    @JeskoGoesVROOM, generally when something becomes overused, it becomes not funny anymore and people might complain. Contemporary meme culture means that a meme becomes overused quickly, eventually becoming boring and unused again; and then they get revived again as “ironic memes” reacting to the overused nature by being made crude and humorless, an example of exploiting “so bad, it’s good” effect, a tendency for some users to find poorly made things funny, for comedic purposes.

    +1 one year ago
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    20.9k JustAMiko

    quirked up white boy with a little bit of swag bustin it down (sexual style) is he goated with the sauce?

    one year ago
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    @Bellcat yeah, ohio memes died out so damn fast it's insane

    one year ago
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    42.1k CL125

    It was a meme that became over-used.

    +1 one year ago
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    12.6k JuanShot2Go

    @DeadlyDialga @Bellcat Thanks! As a non-US resident always thought that Newark was that place people made jokes about. Well, I consider my curiosity satisfied. Thanks all.

    +2 one year ago
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    7,192 Bellcat

    The meme likely originated from a Tumblr image of a bus stop announcing that “Ohio will be eliminated.”, with 2 comments saying “oh ok” and “it’s for the best”. Another person posted on Reddit, an already existing meme about how far away is Ohio, re-edited to become a map about the dangers presented by Ohio. People eventually began to make jokes, eventually leading to the famed “wait, it’s all Ohio” meme. It continued to the point where Ohio became synonymous with fear and chaos (akin to creepypastas). Now people are complaining that the meme is now aging, but I don’t know.

    +4 one year ago
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    10.1k DeadlyDialga

    Actual Ohio resident here… I’m gonna try my best to explain even though I don’t understand the meme fully either despite the fact I’m stuck living here.

    Ohio is boring. Like… really boring. Meanwhile places like Chicago and Detroit are only a drive of like 4 hours. In addition, the places that do have things going on have Florida energy if that makes any sense.

    Basically Ohio is so boring and un-noteworthy that it became a meme in its own right. Basically overnight transforming from being portrayed as endless corn fields to a place where eldritch lovecraftian creatures roam, where the laws of physics suddenly don’t apply, and where all reason and logic just becomes nonexistent. I don’t think the people making the memes even understand what’s going on either, they’re just going with it.

    +6 one year ago
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    3,611 Dathcha

    It’s basically just florida but more north

    +1 one year ago
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    29.4k Nerfaddict

    Ohio was portayed as a place where all conventional logic and reasoning was thrown out the window

    +2 one year ago
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    they say its where all sorts of shenanigans happen so its just memed as a meme area or smth

    one year ago
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    I dunno Ohio is a cool state

    one year ago
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    12.6k JuanShot2Go

    @HuskyDynamics01 Actually thanks! That makes some kind of weird sense.

    +1 one year ago
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    To be honest I'm not really sure anyone knows.

    +2 one year ago