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internet humans

2,723 GeneralPatrick2  2.4 years ago

don't you love when people on the internet get irritated because you want to have a discussion about their opinion, then they call you ignorant, stupid, or a random assortment of swear words, before blocking you?

i sure do.

remember kids, have actual discussions instead of being little babies. on that note, i'll be stalking the website for a little while to comment on stuff, so if you see me feel free to point and laugh and tell your kids 'hah, son, daughter, see this loser? don't grow up to be like him'

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    13.9k Griffon1

    Disclaimer: (I use the word "you" here as in a general sense not anyone in particular)
    Ah yes. It happens way too often on the Internet. The only way to validate your own opinion is to discuss it, and there are one of two outcomes: You either validate your opinion further through further discussion, or have the flaws of your argument identified and maybe have a learning experience from it. On the other hand, if you are arrogant (I mean this with its actual definition) and shut out your adversary, you just make yourself and your argument seem weak and frail, and only reinforces the opinion of said adversary.
    This is perhaps the scourge of modern society; people who resort to throwing insults rather than provide any sort of justification or reason for their actions or thoughts.
    So yes, I absolutely hate when people do stuff like that, and it happens all the time. I've had many individuals try to blackmail other members of this community (Yeah it's happened, maybe because they want me to intervene in drama for some reason.), and when I would point it out or say "I have never met this person therefore I cannot pass judgement," it is followed shortly by name calling and accusations and finally a blocked status.

    +2 2.4 years ago
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    @X99STRIKER it's a true fact thankfully

    +1 2.4 years ago
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    11.9k X99STRIKER

    Just saying you profile pic made me happy.

    +1 2.4 years ago
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    11.9k X99STRIKER


    +1 2.4 years ago