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Bush plane help! (Part 2) Kit fox flaperons

3,436 TailessAce  2.7 years ago

This might be a rant but oh well.

What am I doing wrong???
You expect the rolls to be really snappy and still controlable well over stall speed, but it does the exact opposite. This is my first time, so it could be that the seperation from the wings is to far or short, or it's SP's physics mechanic doing it. Also rolling causes a yawing motion like speed brakes.
Flaps, for the first time ever, deacreases the stall speed rather than increase it. I've done the best that I've could with COM and COL close together, stacked wings, made things light, nothing. Also, if anyone can, can someon make a spring load mechanism, its like joystick, but on a VTOL slider. Once you let go, it goes to 0, rather than staying to 1.

Can anyone help?

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    Here is a link to the Kitfox I made a couple of years ago. The are links to more mobile friendly versions in the description, though the lowest part count version still has over 500 parts.

    2.7 years ago
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    In real life, the flaperons still have an aerodynamic effect on the main wing section, which SimplePlanes doesn't simulate. This means the small flaperon wing section which is trying to roll the plane is fighting against the main wing section trying to fly straight, which basically just makes a heap of drag and not much roll action.

    On my Kitfox I still had a bit if wing in the flaperon, but most of what does the roll and flaps is done with control surfaces I added on the main wing.
    You might wanna take those extra wings out and make it real life mass again because if you keep that stuff the plane is gonna fly like it's on rails (very bad) and it's gonna float for days.

    2.7 years ago
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    3,436 TailessAce

    link to first

    2.7 years ago