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How do you make a Artificial Horizon?

3,689 Planeruletheskies  4.2 years ago


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    7,323 WarringMunky

    @FlyingHueman It's a great build either way and fun to fly, of course it came to mind. No prob.

    4.2 years ago
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    13.7k FlyingHueman

    @DickBrazen I don't think that thing I did warrants credit, unless one dowright takes the entire piece as a subassembly - it's not like it's a complex, groundbreaking or innovative idea, it's actually dead simple and I'm pretty sure lots of people have already done the same thing - both before and after me.

    That being said, I appreciate it a lot that my build was the first thing that came to your mind on this, lol.

    +1 4.2 years ago
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    It depends on what kind of artificial horizon you want to build lol.

    +1 4.2 years ago
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    7,323 WarringMunky

    @FlyingHueman Socrux S. Ca. 132 Ciclone (45-50 NAC) is a great all-around build and if you take that little ball apart that's in the cockpit console, you can find the pieces that make it. Rip the horizon apart, find the vanilla parts. After that, compare the vanilla parts with the edited parts side by side in the Overload editor and voila, you've learned something new.

    I like to give people credit when they teach me, so it wouldn't hurt if you would give FlyingHueman credit when you use his ideas for your stuff.

    4.2 years ago
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    7,323 WarringMunky

    There are two that I know of... Gimme a sec...

    4.2 years ago
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    16.4k Aarons123

    Probably something funky to do with funky trees, or gyroscopes

    4.2 years ago