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The Democratic Empire of Kinora

16.4k Aarons123  4.6 years ago

An introduction to my country, it’s lore and other info.

The empire of Kinora was founded on the 22nd of June, 148CE after it seperated from the Finletic Empire due to inequality of how the Kinoran people wore treated. Shortly after Kinora adopted a national anthem and a flag and claimed a large piece of land in North Finletica. From 151CE to 155CE Finletica attempted to take back the land it lost prior though due to bad logistical decisions the attack failed and the conflict ended up with Kinora winning and claiming all Finletic land.

Kinoran Grand duchy
From 1062 to 1598, Kinoras royal family was not actively controlling the country as the Military had taken over. The new military government had changed the flag and renamed the country to the Kinoran Grand Duchy. The Government ruled the country with an iron fist and waged many wars with smaller neighbouring countries. In the winter of 1598 a Rebellion was formed and allied with the Novo union to the north of Kinora, they worked together to take down the military and seize control of the government. Due to much of the military refusing to work for the new government and fleeing out of the country, Kinora was lacking in military power and was pounced apon by the newly formed Sesqetchian Empire. The following war crippled both countries with no clear winner and no land gained, after this Kinora started building a new powerful Military.

The Sesqetchian Wars
Due to political tensions and failed trade attempts, Sesqetchia declared war on Kinora on the 28th of November, 1921. The first act of aggression was the battle of Sorrent on the 12th of December 1921 in which Sesqetchian bombers relentlessly bombed the city making way for landing ships to bring troops. Sesqetchia advanced far into Kinora but didn’t manage to severely cripple the Kinoran military and they wore pushed back and eventually retreated to their mainland. The war ended on the 3rd of October 1926 and was eventually named the First Sesqetchian War.

The second Sesqetchian War was more of a world war with multiple countries engaging each other with utter devastation following. Ever since the economic crash in 2176 Kinora had been struggling to stabilise its economy and a recent massive drought did not help. In the Summer of 2188 Sesqetchia Started amassing an army and prepared to invade their southern neighbour Ossetia in an attempt to capture a large area filled with oil fields, if captured the money gained from the oil could help Sesqetchia gain more influence in the region. In just under 2 months Sesqetchian forces had taken the oil fields and in desperation Ossetia called apon Kinora for help, Kinora declared war on Sesqetchia as with many other countries. Later in the war most countries dropped out of the war leaving only Kinora, Sesqetchia and Ossetia. The following conflict massacred over half of Kinoras population and ruined the economies of all participating countries. The War ended On the 18th of November, 2198 when Kinora successful captured the Sesqetchian capital Emsing and forced Sesqetchia to surrender.

planetary colonies
So far Kinora has multiple self sufficient cities on the moon that supply resources and weaponry to the mainland. Out of the 6 Kinoran colonies on the moon, 4 are owned by Kinoran Drive Yards (KDY) and construct most of the Kinoran Star ships. Unlike the primarily industry focused moon colonies, the Martian colonies have severed almost all ties with there mainland countries and are attempting to unite together. Currently there are two main Countries on Mars, Usinkia and Martia, it is unlikely they will merge as their relations aren’t good. Both countries appear to be hostile to countries on earth but this is just due to their closed of nature and them preferring to stay out of politics on earth. Only 1 colony exists on Venus as of 2199, it is a 2 Kilometer by 2 Kilometer floating city that skims across Venus’s relatively cool and non acid upper atmosphere. The city uses many gigantic Balloons filled with air which float in the dense carbon dioxide of Venus’s atmosphere, resources are supplied by Kinora in exchange for minerals mined from the surface by drones. There are plans to set up a colony on Europa but these have not been put into action.

General Information
Population: 983.25 million
Government type: Democratic Empire (As in there is both a president and an emperor with equal power)
Capital city: Natter
Languages: Kinoran (Similar to Icelandic) Sesqetchian (similar to Russian) Ossetian (Norwegian Polish mix)
Land area: a lot (do you think I can calculate that?)
Number of military troops: 25 million, 5 million reserve
Number of Military aircraft: 40 million
Number of military Space craft: 30 million
Number of Armoured Vehicles: 15 million
Number of Warships: 5000
Map of Kinora with major cities and states (2199)

Map of the world, Countries that are named are important

National Flag

National anthem

Feedback would be welcome as it took me a bit to write all this down and put my ideas into words, K bye

Also yeah there’s probably a ton of spelling mistakes I missed, the majority of this was written at like 2 am

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    37.9k Typhoon03


    4.6 years ago
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    16.4k Aarons123

    @TheFantasticTyphoon oh your the person who owns the Saltwater carrier nation

    +1 4.6 years ago
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    37.9k Typhoon03


    4.6 years ago
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    16.4k Aarons123

    @TheFantasticTyphoon it’s my own Rp I created recently, Kinora isn’t in any other Roleplays at the moment

    4.6 years ago
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    37.9k Typhoon03

    Hold up! Which RP is this?

    4.6 years ago
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    16.4k Aarons123

    @nameisalreadytaken it’s essentially just America but bigger and stronger

    4.6 years ago
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    16.4k Aarons123

    @toxicgamer88 @Stormfur ok I just realized I said 'president along with a monarch' and then preceded to say 'like England', I assure you I know England has a Prime minister not a president, I ment Kinora has a president. now I feel stupid

    4.6 years ago
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    16.4k Aarons123

    @Stormfur yeah, forgot what it was called

    4.6 years ago
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    15.7k Stormfur

    So this is basically a constitutional monarchy?

    4.6 years ago
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    Pretty epic

    4.6 years ago
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    16.4k Aarons123

    @toxicgamer88 shhhhh
    By democratic Empire I mean an empire that has a President along with a monarch like England, I should probably put that in the post

    4.6 years ago
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    12.3k goxictamer88

    Democracy and empire are two things that don't go together

    4.6 years ago