2,429 xGeneralFischx Comments

  • SIMPLANDIA RP: The German-Massachusetts War 5.1 years ago


  • SimplePlanes in Real Life 5.1 years ago

    Congrats. I just got accepted into a High School in my area that’s pretty prestigious so I can relate

  • Yak 15 done 5.1 years ago


  • SIMPLANDIA RP: The German-Massachusetts War 5.1 years ago

    Once Bismarck confirms this, we must attack his American colonies @Bman01

  • SIMPLANDIA RP: The German-Massachusetts War 5.1 years ago

    Bismarck regrets it and then wants to come back. Don’t worry this time, Germany will go down. Once and for all. @Bman01

  • SIMPLANDIA RP: The German-Massachusetts War 5.1 years ago

    Ok @Nerfenthusiast

  • Short Stories 5.1 years ago

    I’m that big rock above the truck in the second picture @CrashFighter05

  • Short Stories 5.1 years ago

    (I’m being sarcastic) @CrashFighter05

  • Short Stories 5.1 years ago

    iTs Rp ReMoVe It



  • SIMPLANDIA RP: The German-Massachusetts War 5.1 years ago

    No u@Brields95

  • What’s your feelings on this Mr. Garrison? 5.1 years ago

    Not gonna lie I have no idea. This should have been dropped a while ago. @exosuit

  • What’s your feelings on this Mr. Garrison? 5.1 years ago


  • What’s your feelings on this Mr. Garrison? 5.1 years ago

    Ja. On the 19XX, 20XX, and Squirrel’s server, we use dice to decide what the outcome of a battle, which is influenced by resources, numbers, allies. Etc. @Lahoski107

  • What’s your feelings on this Mr. Garrison? 5.1 years ago

    Ja @Lahoski107

  • What’s your feelings on this Mr. Garrison? 5.1 years ago

    I agree. I have asked you know who if I could help proofread, but he has either denied or ignored @Lahoski107

  • What’s your feelings on this Mr. Garrison? 5.1 years ago

    I’m pointing out that majority is always good. @Brields95

  • What’s your feelings on this Mr. Garrison? 5.1 years ago

    Most of the current RP servers work well, but the problem is A. A majority of RP users don’t have discord or Reddit. In my opinion, OP kids should be delt with. Multiple mods have stated that RP is fine @MrVaultech

  • What’s your feelings on this Mr. Garrison? 5.1 years ago

    I agree that it sometimes get wak, but This is over. @Awsomur

  • What’s your feelings on this Mr. Garrison? 5.1 years ago

    Mhm. Would be a shame if it was a joke @BlackhattAircraft

  • What’s your feelings on this Mr. Garrison? 5.1 years ago

    You know what a Grammar Nazi is right @BlackhattAircraft

  • What’s your feelings on this Mr. Garrison? 5.1 years ago

    It’s not like I’m referring to Grammar Nazis or anything 🤔@BlackhattAircraft

  • What’s your feelings on this Mr. Garrison? 5.1 years ago

    Thank You @BlackhattAircraft

  • What’s your feelings on this Mr. Garrison? 5.1 years ago

    Oh ok. It’s feinck @Chancey21

  • What’s your feelings on this Mr. Garrison? 5.1 years ago

    If This is low quality, your standards are higher than your point count@Chancey21

  • What’s your feelings on this Mr. Garrison? 5.1 years ago

    Lol. You should call this the RPocolypse @exosuit

  • What’s your feelings on this Mr. Garrison? 5.1 years ago

    What do you mean roasted @Awsomur

  • What’s your feelings on this Mr. Garrison? 5.1 years ago

    Lol @Minecraftpoweer

  • Proof-of-concept:bomb crutch 5.1 years ago

    Your free to use the bomb crutch if you want @Strikefighter04

  • What’s your feelings on this Mr. Garrison? 5.1 years ago

    I can agree to that part. When I do RP news I say “Snowstonian News:...” There is a difference between getting angry at people for misdirecting you into thinking it’s real news, which is understandable, and getting angry at RP in general. @Chancey21

  • What’s your feelings on this Mr. Garrison? 5.1 years ago

    I’m pointing out the majority is not always right, as shown by history @ThePilotDude

  • What’s your feelings on this Mr. Garrison? 5.1 years ago

    No post gets removed... unless there is a corrupt mod or it gets report-bombed @EternalDarkness

  • What’s your feelings on this Mr. Garrison? 5.1 years ago

    By god that’s genius. I can’t believe Chancey21 hasn’t thought of that@Awsomur

  • What’s your feelings on this Mr. Garrison? 5.1 years ago

    I don’t like tha bickering, as I said. I’m talking about the posts that spoke out about how RP is good that got removed for no reason @EternalDarkness

  • What’s your feelings on this Mr. Garrison? 5.1 years ago


  • What’s your feelings on this Mr. Garrison? 5.1 years ago

    That’s right. Do you know what’s wrong with the text @Stormfur

  • Our games are now free for education 5.1 years ago


  • What’s your feelings on this Mr. Garrison? 5.1 years ago

    Hey why is the text all weird

  • Our games are now free for education 5.1 years ago

    Ja. Removing the RP tag, as Is aid, will only make the ro “problem” worse, causing these spammy posts to not be contained to a single section @Lahoski107

  • Our games are now free for education 5.1 years ago

    Precisely @Lahoski107

  • Our games are now free for education 5.1 years ago

    Not precisely. There could be triple the amount of RP users we are awareness of, they just don’t most much or just comment for their RO stuff @Shippy456

  • Our games are now free for education 5.1 years ago

    (Continuing of the previous comment.)
    Some users believe that the RP tag should be removed, but this will only worsen the problem. It will only remove that barriers that keep RP(for the most part) In the RP section. So what is your stance Andrew Garrison? Should RP roam free, or be groomed and moderated for low quality posts? Or should RP be removed altogether? Your decision could influence how this goes, and after presenting the information before you, I trust you’ll make the right choice.


  • Our games are now free for education 5.1 years ago

    Dear @Andrew Garrison,
    This is rather pressing issue, so it would be very much great for you to read the whole thing. I bet this is going to be drowned in the comments, but I must ask you a question. A few users on the RP community sometimes post cheap, undeveloped posts. A very small minority often bicker because they think that they have 99999999999 bombs and can kill the other and then the other says “well I have superior anti air system” HAHAHAHA, then the original guy says “Well my bombers can evade your anti-air system.” And so on. I agree with the problem that “OP Kids” is a growing problem, but it’s just that: Their just kids.

    As a result of these select users of the RP community, they think that RP should go down, or go somewhere else. Some RP users or even non-RP users often speak out advocating for keeping RP on the site. The anti-RP either abuse the report button to remove these posts, or a corrupt mod who is in support of taking down RP removes the posts.(Based on what I heard, the most or one of the most recently appointed mods was one of the lead users of the anti-RP movement ) Aeromen just posted a new pro-RP post, which is his third, after the two others were taken down. It will most likely be taken down in a couple hours.

    The anti-RP users often bully and harass RP users. LancasterAce is a bit of an OP kid, I admit, but he has a writing impediment, Dyslexia, which causes him to make many spelling and grammar mistakes, in addition to being a kid. The anti-RP users often harass him for tha . The anti-RP users complain about how “RP is a waste of my time” But it takes longer to write several anti-RP and harassing comments than to just move on. I’m not being directly being harassed by the anti-RP users, but I am highly defensive of my friend and comrades.

    Tully even made a post that RP is a healthy part of the community, but that toxic and low quality spammy posts can get annoying. Do you think they listened? No. They’re now like “Well well majority rules.” But guess what? Majority isn’t always the just or better side. Germany, when the Nazis were the majority. Russia, when the Bolsheviks were almost everyone. Look how that turned out? In Aeromen’s home country of Brazil, two shooters shot up a school. They said they trained by playing or at least liked Free Fire, which is essentially a PUBG ripoff. The government wanted to ban violent video games, and they were the majority. But you know what happened? The minority of pro-game people won with praise. My point is the majority is not always best.

  • Question for the entire Roleplay community. 5.1 years ago

    Maybe they don’t want to? Maybe they don’t have the storage? I agree with discord and reddit bit on a smaller scale. Or else there wouldn’t be roleplay tag.@DeezDucks

  • Question for the entire Roleplay community. 5.1 years ago

    Yes but the majority is not always right. @Cardboard

  • Question for the entire Roleplay community. 5.1 years ago

    The problem is that not everyone on SPRP have Reddit or Discord , in fact a majority don’t. If you don’t like seeing role play, don’t click on the role play tag. If it’s a “Waste of time for me” why do you take the time to spend minutes commenting “dOwN wItH rP” and stuff like that. If you don’t like it, shut up and move on with your life. It’s not the end of the world. The world doesn’t revolve around what you care about. Good day(Other then the first sentence, this wasn’t directed at you Lahoski)

  • BFB 109 5.1 years ago


  • ROLEPLAY PRESS RELEASE 5.1 years ago

    The majority is not always right or just @Chancey21