13.8k vonhubert Comments

  • Convair CV-990 (no mods Version) 1.3 years ago

    @teddyone02 @ApplePies84 @AliceShimada - i've made a version without mods

  • Speed Build Challenge 1.3 years ago

    Can i enter with anti-speed challange? I've just finished a plane i've started 5 year and 10 month ago))))))))

  • AN-22SH Never Built Challenge 1.3 years ago

    @LimesLusania only on the one i plan to release soon. Current version of controls was not yet released.
    I'll post you when its done

  • AN-22SH Never Built Challenge 1.3 years ago

    @LimesLusania will do in some weeks, i think

  • Convair CV-990 (without Simple Wings, with updated SP_Extra (no missing parts error) 1.3 years ago

    @teddyone02 @ApplePies84 @AliceShimada i wil release no mod version soon, in a couple of days.

  • AN-22SH Never Built Challenge 1.3 years ago

    Hi! i've made qute complex NK-12 engines with funky trees control system and slow realistic startup procedure, they are prop pitch controleld with custom throttle governor code, sinchronisation of prop speeds, reverse and auto prop feathering. Do you need it? May share if you want. Can also provide an autopilot and cockpit intruments for it)

  • Convair CV-990 (without Simple Wings, with updated SP_Extra (no missing parts error) 1.3 years ago

    @Bryan5 oh, thanks a lot! Didn't know

  • Convair CV-990 (without Simple Wings, with updated SP_Extra (no missing parts error) 1.3 years ago

    @KerlonceauxIndustries @ApplePies84 @AlbertanPlaneMaker @asteroidbook345 @VittonVitor @asteroidbook345 @CR929thenewSPplayer @SARACONIKaviationIndustry @BaconAircraft @Suubk27 @JCHmanufacturing @MrSilverWolf @SemedianIndustries @KerlonceauxIndustries @ThomasRoderick

    Hi Guys!

    I've made a version without simplewings for those of you for whom the mod is still not working. I've done my best to tune it to fly correctly, but still do not like it. Flaps make not too much difference whether they are extended or not, top speed is supersonic (simplewings allowed to increase drag with speed) and so on....

    Though it appeared that SimpleWings still works not only for me, PlaneFlightX was also able to reinstall the mod and load the plane correctly. I suggest you try also, the plane is much nicer with a mod

  • Im BACK! With new program heavy autoland capable CV-990 1.3 years ago

    @asteroidbook345 i think 2-3 weeks and it will be ready. Though i've currently styled it as Tu-126 AWACS to avoid making a livery and passenger cabin interior and windows)

  • Convair CV-990 (for Simple Wings!) 1.3 years ago

    @PlaneFlightX Wow, i knew i'm not the only one for whom it works)

    Weird about SP Extra, may be i use an older version... Though these are only Landing and Nab lights (i prefer them from the mode as they are really illuminating the invironment, unlike stock ones).

    I'll take a look and probably load an update, i have corrected some minor mistakes anyway

  • Convair CV-990 (for Simple Wings!) 1.3 years ago

    @ApplePies84 Potentially yes, i'm trying to fine tune it to fly nice without simplewings now, and other mods are purely cosmetic, but will it ran smooth? 1,7 K parts) My old but somewhat formerly powerful laptop kinda strugles already) and i'm not sure i'd be able to delete more parts. I will try

  • Convair CV-990 (for Simple Wings!) 1.4 years ago

    @MobileGamer21 it doesnt crash due to simple wings? For most users the mod make a game crash after update 1.11

  • Convair CV-990 (for Simple Wings!) 1.4 years ago

    @AlbertanPlaneMaker nope,
    I would have no cockpit parts on older version
    And it also works on experimental build in steam

  • Im BACK! With new program heavy autoland capable CV-990 1.4 years ago

    @Sonicandknuckles @F104Deathtrap @BaconEggs, @MOPCKOEDNISHE, @PlaneFlightX, @ShootsPlanes, @asteroidbook345, @MaxB17, @Franticmatty

    Hi guys! I suggest you try downloading a current version with simplewings, who knows, may be if you reinstall a mod and do not try adding a simple wings part, but just load a plane, it will work? Please let me know.


  • Im BACK! With new program heavy autoland capable CV-990 1.4 years ago

    @PlaneFlightX Well, that get even more weird, i've looked up a mod version, and it is the latest one:
    Mod version: V.1.4
    Update submod: Variable wing to V.1.1

    Don't really understand what may be different

    Will try to remake a plane with standard wings for community

    p.s. the only last idea is that it may be affected by some other mod?
    Here is a current list

  • Im BACK! With new program heavy autoland capable CV-990 1.4 years ago

    @PlaneFlightX i wonder what may be different... I definitely had dragged simple wings part from a list recently, it's not the case that all of them were added on the plane before 1.11 update. my game is actually (and i also used experimental build on steam, which also worked fine for simplewings). I only suspect that i may use the other mod version, may be older? i've looked through my mod folder , unfortunately it weirdly show a 14.12.2022 date, which is definitely not true, i've downloaded it earlier. How about an experiment? i've uploaded the version i supposedly reinstalled after 1.11 update to google drive + an even older version i've found in downloads. may be you try deleting a mod and installing one of these? a bigger one seems to be the one i use now.

  • Mil A-24 Thunderhind II 1.4 years ago

    Looks weirdly natural))))

  • SimpleWings 1.4 years ago

    @Maosulli i will soon. Somehow a mod works fine for me on the physics side. Visual effects, though, are only visible at night. In day time light they are barely visible. Like they had became too transparent. Anyway, for me this mode is more useful to adjust flight model, than for visuals (though they were really good). And as far as i remember mod has disappeared after the update, but i was able to install the mod again.

  • Im BACK! With new program heavy autoland capable CV-990 1.4 years ago

    @PlaneFlightX may be you should try installing it again as i did? I'm using latest release on steam and even used experimental. After installing again the mod got visible in mods menu and it us completely functional except for visual effects - they became very transparent and are only visible at night. But regarding physics, mod works torally fine. And its just not possible to adjust specs for stock wings as much(

  • SimpleWings 1.5 years ago

    BTW, mod is still working almost fine on 1.11 for me... all the physics works OK, the only issue is that visual effects became much less visible and can only be seen clear in night time)
    Are you still developing FlyOut? really curious to see the game...

  • SimpleWings 1.9 years ago

    @MOPCKOEDNISHE Wow. Thats promising. Like so many features that SP still lacks, i.e. engine modelling, nice sound. Is it possible to test the game already? Will it include smth like funky trees, i hope?

  • SimpleWings 1.9 years ago

    @MOPCKOEDNISHE we really need a new version at least of simple jet and simple wings separately...
    I've got like half a dosen of unfinished airplanes that are only good because of these mods...
    Please, fix it... i almost beg you))))

    p.s. i dont know what has changed, but it suddenly started to work for me again... I did not reinstall the game, but i had reinstalled the mod...

  • Debug logging? Is it possible in console? 2.1 years ago

    @Brayden1981 Yup) im here, listening

  • Flight Park Kirama 2.4 years ago

    @hpgbproductions it is not damaged, but its big an complex. It seems like when it spawns it bounces on the landing gear and that exceeds some kind of a shake or acceleration limit.

    in a console there are a number of identical errors like: NullReferenceException - object reference is not set to an instance of an object

    p.s. tested with stock airplanes - the same.
    May be some kind of a mod may mess with it?

    p.p.s. the idea of such missions is totally great - thats what SP is lacking right now

    p.p.p.s. found out that it actually gives like thousands of negative points on each maneuver, like relatively mild pitch up by autopilot to get from level flight to 15 m/s stable ascent or like - 300 points for even touching the pitch up button. And thats on real scale and weight airliner - it is nowhere near as touchy and nimble as stock aircrafts

  • Flight Park Kirama 2.4 years ago

    @hpgbproductions i cannot start any challenge(( it says either the passengers are unhappy or eggs are broken right at the start(

  • Fully Functional Autopilot! 2.6 years ago

    @PlaneFlightX Sure

  • Fully Functional Autopilot! 2.6 years ago

    @PlaneFlightX i've made a code for altitude autopilot based on your video and it works flawlessly. And i just enjoyed both the way you have written and organised the code and your videos. I gonna use it in some of my planes, as said below, giving you a credit of course.

  • Fully Functional Autopilot! 2.6 years ago

    @PlaneFlightX it works! It bloody woorks extremely good! Lets conscider a deal on autopilot vertical channel signed between you and OKB Tupolev (currently reworking my tu-104, its unbuilt trijet variant and finishing tu-114 + tu-95). My heading code is OK and hopefully i will be able to finish radiobeacons code by myself though)

    Please receive a note of my fascination. Your code is simple, efficient, well structured and bloody well thought through!

    Its so great that it starts decreasing vertical speed near target altitude and it holds altitude great in gusty wind.

  • Fully Functional Autopilot! 2.6 years ago

    shure, of course i will (would not tell you otherwise ))))). Given i'd be able to understand and adapt it.

  • Fully Functional Autopilot! 2.6 years ago

    @PlaneFlightX sorry, but i thing i gonna steel your code if i'd be able to understand how it works) Watching your tutorial now.

    BTW, your ILS is even cooler concept. Just started to think whether it is possible and found your post.

  • Fully Functional Autopilot! 2.6 years ago

    i bloody cant make a plane hold altitude that steady... it always overshoots target altitude like by 200m and oscillates a lot after... nice job!

  • New Beta - Version 1.11.104 2.7 years ago

    Can i also add some wiches?
    1) Please add smoke effects with FT input (there is a good mod, but it only takes AG)
    2) Can you please port wonderful turbojet engines from SimpleRockets? They are more needed here))
    3) Can you please add lights that actually illuminate the terrain? Again, there are 2 good mods, but they only take AG inputs, and FT is better for switch control (so there is no limit on AGs, and i can bind them to a master power switch)

    P.S. and as correctly said one message above - we need FT input for guns) I've wrote a code to fire guns when the target is more or less aimed at, just to understand that there is nowhere to put it)))

  • New Beta - Version 1.11.103 2.7 years ago

    Guys, another request for help... Does anybody know how to make a variable that changes and holds value with each button click? For example, lets say we have a + and - button and a variable =0 at the start. And each + click should add 0.1 to the variable, each - click should decrease it by 0.1...

  • 1.11 Beta is now available 2.7 years ago

    @AndrewGarrison My problem with engine turning on but not turning off with a switch was simple as hell, and your link explained it completeley - its just that a parameter "interactionType" was not added to the switch and by default it equals "once" when i needed "toggle". Please add this parameter to GUI

    Thanks a lot again. The game has really became exactly what i was waiting for! Now i basically can do almost anything i wished

  • 1.11 Beta is now available 2.7 years ago

    @MiGEater its not because a tilt. Ita a glitch that usually happens when you mirror a part once, than delete a mirrored one and try again. Try disconnecting and reconnecting a part. If not working - copy a part manually and copy coordinates from the first one but with - sign (if your plane and cockpit is centered)

  • 1.11 Beta is now available 2.7 years ago

    @WolfHunter9111 russian may be working. It do not show when you type it in a label window, but it is displayed ingame when i accidentally typed a switch label in a wrong language. I'll try it again today and let you know

  • 1.11 Beta is now available 2.7 years ago

    @AndrewGarrison thanks a lot, ill take a look. It still seems the way i did it doesnt look right, even working. I'll try to find out whether it is me or some kind of a glitch that a variable sticks at 1 and i had to use second variable, a button and an ft code to reset it

  • 1.11 Beta is now available 2.7 years ago

    @AndrewGarrison i did, obviously. Its amazing and i've transferred most of FT code there for easy access and control. But i still can not make, for example, separate engine on-off on 4 engined CV 990 as i can not define a variable with no FT code that only takes an input from a cockpit switch and all AGs are used for flaps, airbrakes, roll and ascend/descend autopilot FT code, thrust reversers, lights etc, so i've left with only AG6 to 7 for 4 engines) Any idea how to surpass this with variables system would be very appreciated)
    i've tried assigning a new variable through the variables system - it is not allowed without an FT expression
    I've hoped it may be created if i wright a new variable name ("Eng1On") as an input to the switch in XML - it simply sayd a plane is broken when i've closed XML editor (overload mod ) and the same when trying to load. And the funniest - after that it loaded each new plane with a previous model overlaid on the one just loaded, but not selectable and possible to delete until i had reset whole PC))))
    Last thing - i've named an Activate10 in a variable list with simple "1" in an FT code line and assigned it to the switch as an experiment - it did not crash, even the label on the switch got to correct Activate 10 (with a space, like it understood its an activation group and exactly like it displays Activate 6 on other switches) - but it does not hold input, the switch turns back off instantly and obviously the variable stays always 1 in debug
    I than deleted it Activate10 from a variables list, and it didnt glitch, but the switch kept turning OFF and in debug variable was still = 1

    Or do i miss smth? And the idea to just assign a new variable name to the switch input was OK, but i'm doing smt wrong?

    p.s. some progress - i've changed the name from Activate10 to E1 and it kinda partially works (dont know why it did not work first time with Eng1On) - clicking the switch changes it from 0 to 1, but the switch still instantly turns OFF and E1 stays = 1 for ever... This is already smth and seems more like a glitch. I'll try other new cockpit devices for input now and let you know

    p.p.s- the same with a button part. It changes the variable from 0 to 1 with no way to put it back. And seems like switch and button are the only mouse clickable

    p.p.p.s. i think i found a walkaround))) i've made a second button with E1off variable and defined E1 as "(E1off>0)?0:E1". So i can turn it OFF with a second button. It's not too elegant, but it works!!!!
    It even woks somewhat realistic with a separate start button + "fuel shut off switch" ))))

    I'll post a link for a plane here soon so others may use this walkaround.

    p.p.p.p.s spoke too soon... it only works once... you can turn the engine on, and than you can turn it off.... for ever)) it wont restart. Strangely, E1 in debugger stays =1 even after the engine turns OFF with the second button


    I did it!

    see the code for two buttons:
    E1 is defined as (E1off>0)?0:E1
    E1off is defined as (E1=0)?0:E1off

  • 1.11 Beta is now available 2.7 years ago

    @ThomasRoderick to me it actually got much less laggy. There is one my plane that for some reasons was always lagging - now it almost literaly flies)))

  • 1.11 Beta is now available 2.7 years ago

    @poenix yep. But even 10 more on-off variables like activate1-8, even without GUI (if they work only from switches is good enough) at first would suffice for individual engines on-off, lights, opening doors, etc

  • 1.11 Beta is now available 2.7 years ago

    @AndrewGarrison the update is totally glorious but we definitely need more Activate groups, or at least Activate9-Activate20 and so on variables that can be assigned to switches and levers. Also - it would be very nice if guns start accept FT input

  • SPVR - Fuselage Slice 2.8 years ago

    @HimalayaCorporation you too ;)

  • SPVR - Fuselage Slice 2.8 years ago

    @WNP78 hi! That feature is exactly what we need for fuselage. I will only ask for one thing - when you release - please make it double sided (from above and from below, with separate sliders) - that is really needed when the front nose gear niche is right below the cockpit, b29 for example.
    Thanks! Waiting eagerly for an update.

  • SPVR Update - Gauges 2.8 years ago

    That is just what needed. Could not be done better.

  • Tu-95 sudden flying wing)) 3.0 years ago

    @ShootsPlanes a new related plane is upcoming, it's been reworked. But it requires a new amasing fuselage mod
    Textured Fuselage Block

  • Textured Fuselage Block 3.1 years ago

    It is somewhat difficult to use, but it is very powerful.
    Can i make some wishes?
    1) button to fix points on crossection editor in place, so they do not move when moving other points
    2) numerical inputs... (i now it is possible in XML editor, but usually it loads too long for this type of a part)


  • Can a Rotator/piston return to 0 when AG is deactivated? 3.1 years ago

    @ConnorB same block as input, right after it. like in example below

  • Tu-95 sudden flying wing)) 3.2 years ago

    @ArabicboiYT well, the link is right above the comments section...

  • Tu-95 sudden flying wing)) 3.2 years ago

    @ArabicboiYT sorry, so late... what mod is missing?