762 reCarn Comments

  • Announcing the New Moderators 8.0 years ago

    Grats you guys! I didn't seem to get the cut but I'll do my part to make your positions a lot less tedious. Cheers!

  • what happen to EVEngineering 8.0 years ago

    There's an age restriction for forums? Didn't know there was one, how ignorant of me.

  • Now Accepting Mod Applications 8.0 years ago

    I sent mine. I hope its adequate.

  • SO, wheels are BROKEN. 8.1 years ago

    It does this on mobile, sometimes even spinning at start or twitching.

  • A Reminder to the Community 8.1 years ago

    How do you do the link thing? Can I ask for the code? I wanna help minimodding the shared planes. @MediocrePlanes

  • on the subject of weaponry and their realism 8.1 years ago

    Agreed. We should have some sort of damage counter for plane parts to know how much it takes before breaking off, or maybe some kind of connection strength property. Although that may be too much, especially on mobile.

  • IM "A LYING PIECE OF SH!#" according to jelly... 8.1 years ago

    Just an idiot running his mouth. Can we like stop mentioning him or making anything in here that even for a second mentions him and just ignore him, pretend he doesn't exist anymore.

  • Once again... we are forgotten. DEVS READ THIS NOW 8.1 years ago

    @jpower your kindle's busted. Period. If it shows up but you can't get it, it's a local issue.

  • Once again... we are forgotten. DEVS READ THIS NOW 8.1 years ago

    Ok, this is so far just whining. IIRC, Amazon is a tad bit sloooower at reviewing apps and games. For all we know, it's actually Amazon's fault. Btw, the given date was May 14 so you still have a few days to fidget around.

  • Taking Logo Requests 8.1 years ago

    I need a diamond shape grid of black and white rhombus shapes about 5x5 with each diamond shape having sides of "0.2" please?

  • Close Support Aircraft Performance Trials: RAI-19 Water Buffalo 8.1 years ago

    I like how entertaining and believable your writing is. Can I have you evaluate an aircraft of mine once i've done something uploadable?

  • XML request for short Stirling and some other projects 8.1 years ago

    Damn, I want a list of property modifications for xml...

  • ADFX-0 2 morgan 8.1 years ago

    @Bader true, in game, the Morgan moves so fast and turns so quickly that missiles had to be fired closer in order for them to have enough fuel to catch up or else they just burn out prematurely, assuming they don't overshoot. Not to mention that laser, that nasty laser.

  • [Suggestion] Adjustable Piston Extension 8.1 years ago

    Shameless self bump. Please upvote if you agree. It will help a lot. Thanks.

  • We should have a "campaign" mode or career mode! 8.1 years ago

    Ah! You mean like an extended, progressive tutorial? Seems good to me since there are new parts that needs a bit more explaining to do. Achievements could also provide that brief satisfaction of completing something.

  • IM NEW HERE 8.1 years ago

    Welcome newman, feel at home.

  • Important please just take a couple minutes to read. 8.1 years ago

    As a human, it is common to fall in a moment of weakness. That doesn't necessarily mean it's ok, just learn from it and try not to do it again. As for stress relief, this game just feels the full force of my miniOCD. No need to knoll and stuff. #WeCare, SPcares

  • ADFX-0 2 morgan 8.1 years ago

    Lol, wasn't this Pixy's Morgan in AC5? The red trim gave it away. Nice plane btw, not OP like the one in game though.

  • [Suggestion] Adjustable Piston Extension 8.1 years ago

    @WNP78 yep, it does. Tried that too but it just doesn't come close to what I'm asking. I don't need LONGER pistons, just the ability to build it up while it's partially extended to the max value.

  • [Suggestion] Adjustable Piston Extension 8.1 years ago

    @jsaret Thanks, I'll try to get this out to as many people as I can.

  • Went on a Campout. 8.1 years ago

    SP is quite educational.

  • ¿Quién habla español? 8.1 years ago

    Sorry, I don't speak, much less understand spanish. I'll comment though.

  • Simple planes jokes 8.1 years ago

    Q: What has 13 landing gears, 27 main wings, 16 fuselage segments, 14 rudders, 15 elevators, 22 canards, 36 jet engines and 5 cockpits?

    A: An aircraft graveyard.

  • Scaled Guns 8.1 years ago

    @IStoleYourMeme @WNP78 , thanks guys, I'll give this xml thing another chance. Wish me luck!

  • Scaled Guns 8.1 years ago

    @WNP78 oh...properties then? Ok, I'll do that. I'm assuming massScale is just scaling all 3 dimensions by "n".

  • Scaled Guns 8.1 years ago

    @IStoleYourMeme ok, I tried but nothing seems to change. I've tried putting it after the /> which doesn't seem to work. No clue exactly where to put it. Can I ask for a sample code here?

  • The Newest Mobile Beta Review 8.1 years ago

    So far, just smooth sailing, a bit of graphical glitches here and there when an area's LOD tries to accomodate my phone. It's an Acer Liquid Z520, a little old model.

  • Scaled Guns 8.1 years ago

    @IStoleYourMeme how exactly? Please?

  • Scaled Guns 8.1 years ago

    What's scale? Is it a new feature?

  • Want to construct a house? 8.1 years ago

    @Luke92778 @TheLatentImage @BoxGlow , this will quickly turn into a party if we can't handle the situation. Lol, cheers.

  • Dev Notes for 1.4 update 8.1 years ago

    It says I'm in, just have to wait for the test update.


    I still haven't fully grasp the hype about upvotes but if it makes people happy I'll gladly hand em to those who deserves it.

  • How do you make a car work? 8.1 years ago

    Pee on it to show dominance. Soon it'll succumb to you and do your bidding willfully and without question. Soon.

    Although, there's the usual way. Refer to the logical ones.

  • Want to construct a house? 8.1 years ago

    @TheLatentImage Well, we could do all that plus sell all the salvageable materials for twice the pay. That's stacked up 5 times now, got a spare cup?

  • Dev Notes for 1.4 update 8.1 years ago

    I wanna join in for Google Playstore now. Here goes nothing.


    @Thefalloutplayr May14? More waiting then? Oh man.
    .wanted to help beta. Does asking for a link and redeem code warrant a ban?

  • Woo, the Senpia Devs noticed me and gave me Beta! 8.1 years ago

    Not me, never heard of a sign up for closed beta. Currently trying to find a way to grab onto it.

  • Mobile Beta v1.4 8.1 years ago

    @Typhlosion130 so, how can I join beta on mobile?

  • Mobile Beta v1.4 8.1 years ago

    @XxcreedexX aww...I wanna help, is there a place to sign up? Like on Steam?

  • Mobile Beta v1.4 8.1 years ago

    How can I join beta?

  • Should we name the auto-mod? 8.1 years ago

    "The one who shall not be named", "Nameless", "MVP".

  • Spinning thing that makes pilots bathe in their own... 8.1 years ago

    @Warbrine lol, camera views will make you change your perspective on things.

  • Cera AX-0216 8.1 years ago

    @General360 Ok, I'll remember that.

  • Cera AX-0216 8.1 years ago

    @General360 I should do better with myself. Thanks.

  • Very important news and kinda sad 8.1 years ago

    Well, everyone has their ups and downs. Try to remember what got you INTO the game and what made you build planes (loved your cars btw).
    I've been playing this game for years and only made an account just recently. Frankly, the upvotes and ranking isn't my thing. I play and make things to have fun.

  • UUUUUPDAAAAATTTTEEE!!!! 8.1 years ago

    I have one for you, please consider this airplane :
    Delta wing design
    Internal bomb bay
    Fighter/Bomber designation
    Two colors, white at the bottom, grey at the top
    Not Beta
    Please upload and tag me.
    That is all, thanks for reading and please consider making one.

  • Beta Update - v1.4.0.7 8.1 years ago

    I just wish they'd give us mobile users more options since we technically made this game happen. Curse my primitive PC...

  • Coming soon: Hwacha 8.1 years ago

    This looks terrible (in a savagely good way), I bet my phone would literally explode once I get to fire one of these...


  • [R] Mods folder 8.1 years ago

    @SeraphimVault Mods? I'm assuming it's like those on Skyrim? GTA5? Where can I find them?