18.9k plane634 Comments

  • V-750VK 1.7 years ago

    @JustWingIt ayy man thanks for the kind words back then, I wish you the best of luck for SP and whatever you're trying to achieve in life 💯💯

  • V-750VK 1.7 years ago

    @AcePlayer yeah they're meant to be like that lmao, it's only effective against far out targets and even then it's only accurate on large targets (as the S-75 is designed to intercept)

  • SNR-75M Fan Song B 1.7 years ago

    I accidentally built this a little too big so I've downsized it a little using overload, if there's anything strange regarding the physics of this build that's probably why.

  • V-750VK 1.7 years ago


  • S-75 Desna (SA-2B) Surface-To-Air Missile Site 1.7 years ago

    Just a quick notice, due to life stuff I would be less active than during June-August, this goes for both playing and posting, I will still post from time to time just less frequently (as if it was to begin with), but no worries I will stay here for the foreseeable future.

  • Leopard 2A4 (Unmodded) 1.8 years ago

    @KangBaksoSoeharto ok noted

  • Morb 1.8 years ago

    @5647367267 Sorry for the late reply but here it is

  • M2020 Unmodded Version 1.8 years ago

    @SELWYN101 I believe that's caused by the wheels sinking into the ground causing the game to try to forcibly push it out causing that bouncing effect, perhaps you can try to increase the wheel's mass via XML as it worked for me when I built this tank and encountered the same problem

  • (100 Followers Special) M2020 Main Battle Tank 1.8 years ago

    Freck I just realized I wrote KPAF (Korean People's Air Force) instead of KPA (Korean People's Army) 💀💀💀

  • Morb 1.8 years ago

    @OrionIndustries I used Filmora9 to edit the video, and ingame I used the FreeCam mod to take shots

  • Morb 1.8 years ago

    Update : The tank is out

  • Morb 1.8 years ago

    This is a trailer for my 100 followers special post so yeah

    Oh and the Hard-kill APS scene is staged (but the APS still works tho just only against AI missiles)

  • T-28 Mod 1938 1.8 years ago

    @xNotDumb it's Aeroclub2

  • Question:/ 1.8 years ago

    Well... Since because SP is an offline game that doesn't offer a service of any kind (like say transactions, server hosting, etc, it wouldn't be SP at that point) it itself wouldn't get blocked because it's not in the category, so it pretty much depends on the certification of the platform that had SimplePlanes (like Steam for example, and you know how that went), as for the website itself, well all websites falls under Google and since they have signed the PSE thing it's safe

    Edit : idk much about law (Indonesian law to be exact) so sorry if this is wrong or unclear

  • T-28 Mod 1938 1.8 years ago

    Have you discovered all the hidden M2020 teasers yet?

  • MiG-29A Fulcrum - Iraqi Air Force 1.8 years ago

    @Rocketguy2079 Sure!, here you go mate

  • Why there is a intentionally left blank space at airplanes section 1.8 years ago

    Ah I believe that space is reserved for advertisements, that usually shows up when no ads are loaded or when the amount of ads is less than the available blanks spaces

  • 9K52 Luna-M 1.8 years ago

    @SELWYN101 I'll think about it

  • 9K52 Luna-M 1.8 years ago

    @UmbrellaCorporation No I am from Indonesia

  • Tank Stabilization Method 1.8 years ago

    @SpartanBallistics cool! thanks

  • Tank Stabilization Method 1.8 years ago

    @ProfessionalLander just add the input just after the main code, and don't forget to put said code in a bracket first

    It should look somewhat like (Stab2/{elevation}) + {whatever input you'd like}

  • How 1.8 years ago

    floor(smooth(input,1/x)), x is the delay in seconds, to invert this code replace floor with ceil

  • Tank Stabilization Method 1.8 years ago

    Found this method out while messing around and I decided to make a video about it with absolutely nothing unusual happening in it especially at the end yeah nothing happens it's all normal ok guys

    Edit : Found a flaw

  • 9K52 Luna-M 1.8 years ago

    Lmao the word scale is cut off 💀

  • how do i download planes on laptop? 1.9 years ago

    Copy the URL of the plane's page and in the editor press Ctrl+L

  • What makes your device lag? 1.9 years ago

    Personally, being on an older device (Snapdragon 660, 3gb ram 32gb storage) SP can be heavy to run after 460+ parts, and completely unplayable at 615 or more, other things that lagged the device out are long FT codes, image labels, and XML upscaled parts

  • Mil Mi-14 'Haze-A' 1.9 years ago

    @JakeTheAviationTeen yee, also I've added your name in the description as you've requested this build, sorry I forgot earlier

  • MiG-29A Fulcrum - Iraqi Air Force 1.9 years ago

    @CallsignSkywalker Sure!, here you go, no credit required

  • MiG-29A Fulcrum - Iraqi Air Force 1.9 years ago

    @CallsignSkywalker Well... perhaps there's a way to turn an image into a code that is compatible with the coding language used by the label part and then just simply copy-pasting instead of going through the converter, however I have no idea how to do that and neither do I know if it'll work or not, other than that unfortunately there isn't a way to make a label image on mobile unfortunately

  • MiG-29A Fulcrum - Iraqi Air Force 1.9 years ago

    @CallsignSkywalker I used the IA Image Importer app for it, I simply saved the image of the flag and roundel from google, make their backgrounds transparent, and run them through the app. Also if you're using this method make sure the resolution isn't too high as it can freeze the editor every minute or so

  • Downloading aircraft takes tooooooo long to load 1.9 years ago

    Ah these usually have something to do with your internet connection, try switching from WiFi to cellular data or vice versa and see if the download speed changes

  • JAS-39 Gripen Variants 1.9 years ago

    1. There's 7 variants so far, A, B, C, D, NG, E, F
    2. Unsure but I think the NG is a technology demonstrator while the E is a more finalized version of the NG
    3. Yes, it only needed 500 meters of runway to takeoff and 600 meters to land, 400 and 500 with the older A and B models

  • Community questions! 1.9 years ago

    1. Scrambled or fried
    2. I think 7 years?, here's is what I believe is the first plane I have downloaded ever
    3. Anything MiG-23 related
    4. White bread but sometimes wheat
    5. I use my phone to build stuff but use my PC to record, idk it's just easier that way
    6. 👍

  • Danger Zone but you're an F-16 pilot engaging MiGs above Iraq but in SimplePlanes 2.0 years ago

    @realSavageMan Thanks, video production itself took about 11 days (though in reality it can be done in about a week but i was lazy lol), including filming the scenes and editing, though with planning the cinematics and making the planes themselves it took about a month

  • Danger Zone but you're an F-16 pilot engaging MiGs above Iraq but in SimplePlanes 2.0 years ago

    @Defalt1 basically I just connected the F-16s together using detachers and gyros and then have them disconnect in a sequence, here's one of them

  • MiG-29A Fulcrum - Iraqi Air Force 2.0 years ago

    @JakeTheAviationTeen That's cool, thanks!

  • Danger Zone but you're an F-16 pilot engaging MiGs above Iraq but in SimplePlanes 2.0 years ago

    @UmbrellaCorporation Thank you, the editing software I used is Wondershare Filmora9

  • Your average SP cinematic teaser 2.0 years ago

    @GildedCroissant ok 👌

  • Danger Zone but you're an F-16 pilot engaging MiGs above Iraq but in SimplePlanes 2.0 years ago

    Also I've achieved 5k points and almost 60 followers recently so thank y'all for that

  • Your average SP cinematic teaser 2.0 years ago

    @MrCOPTY I'm from Southeast Asia

  • Your average SP cinematic teaser 2.0 years ago

    @SELWYN101 I basically just connected them together to a single F-16 using a bunch of detachers and gyros and detach them in a sequence

  • Just listening to music already gives me ideas... 2.0 years ago

    Yea same, sometimes I make them into actual videos if I got enough will to do it

  • 2K12 Kub-M1 Mobile SAM Complex 2.1 years ago

    @ppp00000yugdu Sorry for the late reply, but there are 2 versions that doesn't require mods, this one and this one, the second one is more simpler than the first

  • 2P25 TEL 2.2 years ago

    @Battleofmidway665 there's this simplified variant, it uses wheels

  • How to put a picture on the label? 2.2 years ago

    There's this and this solution for creating an image through labels, hope this helps.

  • Antonov AN225 2.3 years ago

    @plane634 It appears that unfortunately, the Mriya is indeed no longer with us, or at the very least severely damaged, hopefully she can still be restored or if not, some of her remains can be preserved to honor her service all these years.

    Here is the supposed satellite image of the 225 burning in her hangar, I know it's just a plane but viewer discretion is advised.

    If this makes it any better, the An-225 will be rebuild (if it was indeed destroyed), it'll take a couple of years, but hopefully the aviation legend will take to the skies again.

  • Antonov AN225 2.3 years ago

    The real life counterpart of this bird may have, unfortunately, ceased to exist.

  • Custom Missile Movable Parts 2.5 years ago

    idk how to explain it but this paveway might be your answer, it automatically deploys the rear fins when fired, it doesn't used FunkyTrees though

  • Does anyone know a funky script for auto aim on targets? (Horizontal and Vertical?) 2.6 years ago

    This might help, it is a comment containing basic code for auto-aim and a pastebin for more advanced auto-aim codes, there's also this one which are a bunch of codes with two of them having to do with auto aim, then there's this build that contains a link in the description to a guide of sorts to make more advanced auto-aim code as well as a link to a program that generates auto-aim codes for you.