1,215 pla05 Comments

  • PLAAF J-9VI 2.6 years ago

    @QWERTYKX 没办法呀,当年咱们国内的军工能力注定做不出来

  • PLAAF J-9VI 2.6 years ago

    Historical background: This fighter is a model of the J-9 fighter program that the Chinese Air Force was forced to develop in the last century in the face of strong pressure from the Soviet Air Force. The planned J-9 fighter was complex and varied, and because the Chinese military industry was unable to support the development of these complex and advanced fighters, no J-9 fighter was ever built. However, j-9VI's performance at Mach 2.5 at an altitude of 25,000 meters impressed many Chinese military enthusiasts who were curious about this history. Although the J-9 project was completely discontinued, But we still can be in the Chinese people's liberation army air force of the J - 10 and J - 20 see strong J - 9 fighter plan's shadow, which is why a lot of Chinese military enthusiasts will certainly J - 9 projects has accumulated in the wind tunnel experiment technical reserves in later Chinese independent research and development played a crucial role in fighter

  • ZC-12 3.9 years ago

    @50CalChicken thanks

  • Paris-class heavy frigate 4.0 years ago

    @SimplyPlain That's what he set the aft end of the hull to look like,in the halo XD

  • Paris-class heavy frigate 4.0 years ago

    @Insmallsky thanks XD

  • Judgement class battle ship 4.2 years ago

    @TheKraken3 It's in the 40K style, but I designed the ship myself and it doesn't exist in the book XD

  • Judgement class battle ship 4.2 years ago

    @yoshicraze thanks:D

  • HQ-3 anti air missile 4.3 years ago

    VTOL pushes up to lift the missile launcher,
    Trim controls the rotation of the missile launcher
    push the throttle to make the radar rotate, and press the fire button after locking the aircraft

  • Kirov air ship 5.4 years ago


  • Kirov air ship 5.4 years ago

    @CYBERBEAST I recreated the old Kirov because it was so ugly, LOL

  • Kirov air ship 5.4 years ago

    Yes, I did. I made a very similar Kirov, but I didn't think it looked good so I deleted it and made it again@ChallengerHellcat

  • BV238 5.4 years ago

    So, how do I use it?

  • Black Phoenix 5.5 years ago


  • Underwater Camera 5.6 years ago

    a very good MOD