15.8k ian8811946 Comments

  • ISC_Budget Trail Beater-Stage 3_V1.0 _W Lights 7.6 years ago

    @humangrenade here ya go

  • Jeep Wrangler Ultra LasR Edit 7.6 years ago

    Further notice since the predecessor status has been removed:
    The original jeep body was made by Mod who deleted his account and is now Ctracerx2

  • ISC_Testing Grounds 1 7.6 years ago

    @Testin123 That would take a lot of coding which is unfortunately not part of my skill set.... perhaps @WNP78 or someone would be able to figure something out.

  • ISC_Spotlight part 7.6 years ago

    @MemeKingIndustriesAndMegaCorporation @Ctracerx2

    I don't think you can even place a standard beacon on another standard beacon. Pretty sure there is only the one attachment point on them. You need o place the light on a fuselage or somewhere close, then use the fine tuner to move it inside of the beacon. As I said in the release notes...

  • ISC_BFM 1 7.6 years ago

    @jamesPLANESii once I get the full size map working ingame there will be a lot more diversity. I could do some small airstrips too.

  • Area 51 Test 7.6 years ago

    @Cadin Hey I just tried out another terrain tool that Mod showed me. It has a whole map smoothing option that is very useful when you get this stair step look.


  • M/V Pegasus 7.6 years ago

    @Rcb1235 Very nice build. Looks great and moves along real nice too. I do agree with Nate about the yellow decking material. Fun to cruise around on Tropics with.

  • ISC_Testing Grounds 1 7.6 years ago

    @Cadin I modeled and textured the rock and log myself. Pretty simple. The rock is basically just a subdivided cube that I shaped and added some noise then adjusted. It is just the one atm that I scale in unity for variation. I think I am going to make another one that is a little more rounded to help with the collisions. The log is just a cylinder with a few offset sections. Textured in Photoshop then made the normal map with CrazyBump from the texture. There is a really bad seam down the middle of the rock because I just used CB. I may be able to make it better if I rotate the UVs so they are vertical on the texture like the logs are. They aren't as noticeable. I need to learn how to do the sculpting in blender so I can do up a high detail model then bake a real normal map.

  • ISC_BFM 1 7.6 years ago

    @fordzilla Dont see how it could. There is nothing different on this map from any others of mine except the size.

  • ISC_Testing Grounds 1 7.6 years ago

    @jamesPLANESii Perhaps a little. Everything is scaled up a bit over real life (steepness of hills, etc) due to how overly capable vehicles tend to be in SP. I designed the trail using stage 3 of my Budget Beater build. So a similarly capable vehicle is recommended. Plus I like a bit of a challenge. There will be some easier and maybe harder trails to come. Just a couple on this test map. Then I will move on to larger maps. Although I am concerned about FPS limits with the trees....already hitting a performance wall with the last pass of trees I added.

  • ISC_Testing Grounds 1 7.6 years ago


    lol too narrow?? Use a scale vehicle. Im not going to make roads for 15-30 ft vehicles. The road is quite wider than real roads are so they can be driven at speed with the fairly low traction of SP.

    The road is also not a main part of this release...its just there. It is a Test map.

  • ISC_Testing Grounds 1 7.6 years ago

    Just made it through the trail with stage 2 of my build. So fun and challenging. I did have to kind of slingshot around one climb...but I made it. :D Love how this map brings out the little differences in vehicles. Stage 1 just has pretty much no chance. Stage 2 you can just barely scrape along. Stage 4 just walks it.

    I designed the trail with stage 3.

    It would be so cool to have working winches and recovery gear.

  • ISC_Spotlight part 7.6 years ago

    @lujox @RedstoneAeroAviation

    Like any other part they will turn green when they attach to a spot. It does ignore grid placement. Also like I said in the notes I suggest using fine tuner to place them precisely.

  • ISC_Testing Grounds 1 7.6 years ago

    - I am not sure if the scripts for the wheel would have the physics model built in or if it just references hard game code. Even if it does I do not know how to access the script for the standard wheels since when you go in unity and copy a standard object it only seems to reference the main script and lets you changed some variables that have been pre-determined in the toolkit. Granted my knowledge of scripting is very, very limited. It could be possible.

    • The cliff texture is just the standard "cliffalbedo" But I used crazybump to make a normal map.

    • I think the tile effect is somewhat less visible because the trail island is so small (only 1km including underwater areas). The normal map may also help to distort the tile effect slightly.

    • No I have not tried out Distingo. Although I am seriously considering it for use on larger maps.

    Weird formatting on this chat system...

    @Cadin @WNP78 @JMicah4
    Here is the post I talked about the wheel model.
    Contact points would be ray-cast all the way around the wheel.

    @BirdOfSteel @JMicah4
    - Yes, Easy Roads 3D Pro. Works great, but there are some problems on export I need to figure out. Think the game may not like the shaders or something. Think I may just need to export the road as a mesh and make a material for it. However I moved on to other things so it went on the backburner for now.

    @lujox @RedHawk
    - Yes that is Stage three of my Budget Beater (a 4 stage build).

  • ISC_Testing Grounds 1 7.6 years ago

    @Cadin yeah im sure there are some hacky ways we could get it done. If you look back, before the wheel system was actually implemented there were already people making their own wheels.

  • ISC_Spotlight part 7.6 years ago

    @Testin123 hmm I don't use android at all. Maybe one of the android users know whats going on.

  • ISC_Spotlight part 7.6 years ago

    @Testin123 Strange...don't know why. I assume the mod has been enabled ingame. Should work fine. Your on Windows PC right?

  • ISC_Budget Trail Beater-Stage 4_V1.0 baja suv v3 7.6 years ago

    @Kobedog44 I like that topper :)

  • ISC_Spotlight part 7.6 years ago

    @Ctracerx2 @Testin123 The lights are in "other" actually.
    @Cadin Very strange indeed. Glad you got it fixed.
    @WNP78 Yeah that would be nice. Maybe this weekend or something.

  • Archaeon 7.6 years ago

    @Cadin Ah glad to see you got it working.

  • Archaeon 7.6 years ago

    @Cadin Lots of great crawling to be had here. Love it. Strange you are still having problems with objects. After moving to 5.3.6f1 I had no more issues. You are using f1 right? Some feedback on the map: I think you could probably scale down some of the textures a bit. Mostly the fern looking one; I would scale to about half the size myself. Also I think the second light is unnecessary or the intensity could be at least scaled back a bit.

  • More dogfight options: ground and water. 7.6 years ago

    @Kerbango I would love to make some boat races...and land vehicle races too. Sadly I don't know what is needed for the script. Would really like to do some races along the lines of King of the hammers or Top truck challenge type stuff.

  • WIP - Rocks, Logs, etc. 7.6 years ago

    @Cadin Yeah I think using a mesh terrain could possibly help the issue. I would like to play with it anyway....then I could try some overhangs and caves n such. Haven't done one of those yet.

  • WIP - Rocks, Logs, etc. 7.6 years ago

    @AndrewGarrison Oh alright. Sad to hear such core systems will not be implemented. But it is understandable since SP was really intended for planes.

    You guys have done a great job giving people an easy way to bring their creations to life. Looking forward to future projects.

  • ISC_BFM 1 7.6 years ago

    Do other people get the black artifacts poping up on the terrain texture? Anyone know what causes it/how to fix it?

  • ISC_BFM 1 7.6 years ago

    @Mod V0.11 update has lots more difference in vertical range. Mostly in the SW corner. Some trails too.

  • ISC_BFM 1 7.6 years ago

    @Cadin Using L3DT for the most part. Editing in Unity. Noise bush plugin will allow using a larger brush btw.

  • Mod Request - Simple Cable, Possible? 7.6 years ago

    @Cadin lol not too far off for me either. Did some visual basic in high school but its long forgotten for the most part.

  • Mod Request - Simple Cable, Possible? 7.6 years ago

    @Cadin Naw, old game...early 2000s

  • Mod Request - Simple Cable, Possible? 7.6 years ago

    @Cadin Yeah like how 4x4 evo 2 used to work. Exactly.

  • Mod Request - Simple Cable, Possible? 7.6 years ago

    @Cadin Perhaps...I was hoping to see something like that made when I saw the gear mod released.

  • Mod Request - Simple Cable, Possible? 7.6 years ago

    In theory it could be done...I think there's at least one helicopter that has some simple rope on it already. Have not looked closely but I would assume it is a series of joints to make a chain.

    However I don't see a point in making one at the moment since there would be no way to manipulate the end of the winch and attach it to a tree..or whatever. It would take a lot of coding to implement anything worth while imo. Beyond my skillet. Personally I would live to see a fully working winch system implemented tho.

    Here's a vid of one in unity. pretty sure this could be recreated in SP fairly easily.

    ps. I'm talking more about a vehicle mounted winch here. There could indeed be some use to doing this for bridges and things of that nature.

  • ISC_BFM 1 7.6 years ago

    @GT3TobyRS ISC is just a tag I use for my creations....and the map names are just acronyms because they are just quick randomly generated content that I do a lot of. I see no need for a new, unique name every time. Keeps the content fresh for me as well as others. When I make maps with hand drawn trails all over I know every inch of them....not the case when I can generate them and get nice results. I can still explore.

  • ISC_BFM 1 7.6 years ago

    @Tully2001 the only time the saving process was overly long or would freeze was when I had the automatic light enabled (it is by default). In unity, go to windows - lighting then make sure the "auto" box next to build (at bottom) is unchecked.

  • ISC_BFM 1 7.6 years ago

    @Mod yeah I need to find an addon for a larger terrain brush on unity. I was going to break it up a bit but with such a small brush it would distort the terrain more than I liked. Unless I spent a ton of time on it.

  • Mitsubishi Pajero 7.6 years ago

    @LatteCoffee55 Yeah I might look into doing something with it if I get some free time.

  • ISC_FR-3 7.6 years ago


    I don't know that it would be specifically mad max themed but Im sure I will be doing some large desert maps with roads/trails to drive. I just recently upgraded some software that will allow me to more easily make larger maps. However I still need to streamline the workflow to make it a little more feasible. Currently when I make the largest size possible from one render there are 1024 heightmap files I need to convert to .RAW manually. This size map is 32x32 HMs at 4097 resolution as opposed to my usual 2049. So if I scale them at 4km each (same and detail as FR-3) it would work out to be 128km x 128km of nice detailed terrain. Or I could even scale them to 8KM each and have the detail of FR-2 and be 256KM x 256KM. I already made a map that uses this method on a smaller scale. Its only 2x2 HMs @8KM scale. So 16KM x 16KM. The vertical scale also increases. This new map has 1800 meters of vertical height. I think the highest of the maps I have released is like 200-300 or something. This (16KM) map should be out soon.

    As noted in the details, The headlights are another unreleased mod I am working on. They use an actual spotlight to cast real light instead of just the flares the beacons give off. I however have not been able to get activation groups to work because I don't know anything about all the scripting that it requires.

  • Trophy Truck 7.6 years ago

    Amazing build quality. Especially for IOS.

  • Untitled 7.6 years ago

    @LatteCoffee55 Those are more for development purposes. They really don't need to be in the map for a public release. Each block is scaled to exactly the size of one face/quad of the terrain. So I place them down to see exactly how things are scaled ingame. Some maps I make are scaled differently. So this way I see for instance how many faces wide a vehicle is so I can make trail widths accordingly.

    BTW, good looking rig!

  • WIP - Rocks, Logs, etc. 7.6 years ago

    @AndrewGarrison @NathanMikeska

    I am familiar with the bug you are thinking of. Unfortunately that is not the problem here. The internal wheel suspension is disabled on this vehicle. It does have the shock object in use but I don't think it would cause this. Also the rock is a separate object from the terrain.

    I just looked closer and this does also occur (visually) with uneven terrain. However I think because it is all the same object the single point is able to skip up the hill and it retains contact/forward movement.

    If I lower the rocks into the ground so there is a very small ledge/ramp for the point to transfer easily to there are no problems at all. The wheel will walk right up it.

    It seems to me that the front edge of the wheels have no collision at all. So I figured the game uses a single point for wheel collision as many older games have (or even current road-central games like forza).
    The strange thing is that large tires do in fact seem to help slightly. So maybe I'm completely wrong here.

    Games like Rigs of rods and BeamNG use a multi-point wheel system that enable vehicles to crawl up even vertical faces as they would in real life. I do understand that those games use Softbody physics engine so things are very different from the SP/Unity Rigidbody system so perhaps it is not possible or at least easily changed.

    I do know of a game called "RC Simulation 2.0" (on Steam) That I believe uses a Rigidbody system and recently fixed a similar issue. However I have not played it yet.
    Here is a link that talks a little on what they did to solve it. There is a very good picture (and video) of exactly the difference in tire models I am talking about.


    Harmless little plug while I have your attention... :) Any chance of seeing proper transmissions/gears and power delivery coming to the game?

    ps.....sorry formatting is not cooperating.

  • Simple Continent 7.6 years ago

    @JMicah4 Impressive map size for sure. Any idea of the actual size in KM?

  • WIP - Rocks, Logs, etc. 7.6 years ago

    @drdoom222 That is stage 3 of the 4 stage (Budget trail beater) build I did recently. Available on my profile page.

  • ISC_FR-3 7.6 years ago

    @MaximusTheMinimus just the one island in this mod. Same for all others in the FR series. Tropics has multiple islands tho and I will be expanding on it in the future.

  • ISC_FR-3 7.6 years ago

    @Fishbowl1121 I don't run on android, so im not sure. But perhaps you need to remove the "-android" from the filename so it reads as just .spmod? Just a guess.

    Maybe one of the Android users could help you out.

  • How do I get mods from this website into the steam version of simple planes? 7.6 years ago

    You just download them here and put the .spmod file into the mods folder.


    Make sure you have "hidden items" enabled in windows explorer so you can see the Appdata folder.


  • Baja VW 181 "Thing" 7.6 years ago

    Really nice build. Just wish it was to proper scale.

  • New Cameras (chase/orbit combo) ++ 7.6 years ago

    @WNP78 hmmm cool it is. Wish you could use it in free roam too. I hardly ever play on the standard maps/races. Could stand to have a little more movement/play too. The effects are indeed very subtle.

  • ISC_FR-3 7.6 years ago

    @t8erh8er Strange, are you running on low physics or something?

  • ISC_FR-3 7.6 years ago

    @Aeriast NP, great rig. Very happy that you took the time to build it to proper scale with such good detail.

    @Thomas243 Not out yet...as stated in the notes.
    @t8erh8er No it is not on steam. Just toss it in the mods folder. Make sure you have hidden items checked in the windows browser so you can see the AppData folder.

  • ISC_FR-3 7.6 years ago

    @Cadin Yeah, me too. Been modding on and off for 14-16 years now...Started with 1nsane. Dabbled with 4x4 Evo2 and some others....RoR for a long time. Always keep coming back to it any time I find a new game to play with.