23.2k XaFearedSniperx Comments

  • AV-14 UNSC Hornet 6.2 years ago


  • Nine tail fox is a small and medium-sized fighter 6.2 years ago

    Looks neat, I'll have to try this later! Quick Tip: Next time you make a plane I would make sure that you can see the whole plane in at least one of the screenshots, I've learned it helps draw more attention to posts!

  • How to upvote the SP announcement for SR2 [Useless but fun] 6.3 years ago

    lol, was wondering how those posts had upvotes!

  • Mind-Melting Theories/Concepts, and Their Explanations 6.3 years ago

    The Butterfly Effect is a really cool concept I recommend checking out. Basically it says that small actions can turn into massive consequences through coincidence. Ex. A butterfly flapping its wings in the right place at the right time causes the perfect weather conditions down the road to create a tornado. I’m sure Wikipedia could explain it a lot better than me though!

  • No more airliner cockpit parts, and no more helpings/testings 6.3 years ago

    It’s all good dude. It’s hard to help people when you feel unappreciated.

  • What livery? Plz pick! 6.3 years ago


  • National Museum Of the USAF Highlights... 6.3 years ago

    I believe you can actually see it in the pic of the B-2, if I remember correctly that is the actual SR-71 @Botfinder

  • National Museum Of the USAF Highlights... 6.3 years ago

    Nice! I live about an hour away so I’ve been there a couple of times, it’s amazing every time!

  • Problem with this site.. 6.3 years ago

    @MrAspy What? Is this whole argument about that?

  • Problem with this site.. 6.3 years ago

    @Blue0Bull Oh, well then I guess I was wrong about what I thought was going on, sorry then.

  • Problem with this site.. 6.3 years ago

    @RailfanEthan Right, I didn't mean to sound sarcastic lol

  • Problem with this site.. 6.3 years ago

    @RailfanEthan Exactly. The games is called SimplePlanes, yet people build cars everyday.

  • Problem with this site.. 6.3 years ago

    @Blue0Bull If you want to be like that then whatever. All I'm saying is you guys are attacking him over this post and its not right.

  • Problem with this site.. 6.3 years ago

    @Homemadeforthepros I don't mean to argue, but there is no rule stating that certain creations aren't allowed on the website (unless they involve profanity, obviously).

  • Problem with this site.. 6.3 years ago

    @MrAspy No problem man, but at the same time I would stop trying to draw people to this post. It seems like its pretty controversial!

  • Problem with this site.. 6.3 years ago

    Quit it with the name calling guys, this dude is just voicing his opinion. No need to start an argument. @Awsomur @Blue0Bull @Tully2001

  • my cat passed away. 6.3 years ago

    @BACconcordepilot His “certainty” might be because sometimes people decide a date to euthanize their pets, that way they can spend as much time as possible with them and don’t have to worry about something bad happening at a random time. Our family did it because my parents were afraid of our dog passing away and my brothers and sisters (they were younger at the time) finding him, which happened to our neighbors family. We only did it because he could barely even walk and couldn’t really open his eyes anymore. He had at the very best maybe a month or two left.

  • my cat passed away. 6.3 years ago

    Hope you’re alright man. To this day I still tear up when I think about my dogs, both were actually older than me and passed away a couple of years ago. I took it pretty hard considering they’d been around since before I was born. Just know that your cat is at peace and no longer in pain. It’s ok to feel sad, pets aren’t “just” animals.

  • Can someone show me the Kraken? 6.3 years ago

    Why the late reply lol @MechWARRIOR57

  • Goodbye 6.3 years ago

    Take care man, you’ve been here for a while and I’ve always thought you were petty cool

  • SimplePlanes is in the top 14 airplane simulator games! 6.3 years ago

    Thank you! I’d be perfectly fine with you using my crafts if that’s what you mean, just give credit. However I’m not interested in role playing if that’s part of it, it’s just not my thing. @Strikefighter04

  • SimplePlanes is in the top 14 airplane simulator games! 6.3 years ago

    @Strikefighter04 Yeah I try to stay active on the site but don't post that much!

  • The game is not working for me 6.3 years ago

    Idk why it crashed but ALWAYS save after changing something in any game, it will make your life a lot easier. I learned the hard way when I lost weeks worth of progress on Skyrim after deleting what I thought were old saves, forgetting to make a new one, and dying.

  • My 1.8 ideas 6.3 years ago

    I think explosive rounds or at least AOE on bullets would be cool, it would make it a lot easier to do strafing runs with ground attack planes, as well as be more realistic (at least the AOE would be more realistic).

  • When is 1.8 6.3 years ago

    I would hope sometime during the summer, however the Devs are very busy with SimpleRockets 2

  • Lockheed SR-71 Blackbird 6.3 years ago

    @lllKenlll I've never built one for this site, I figured I'll make it as my platinum build or something since I want to make it really good.

  • Lockheed SR-71 Blackbird 6.3 years ago

    It’s fine I have the same problems with my builds! I get almost finished and notice something is off, but I would have to take apart half the plane to fix it. @lllKenlll

  • Lockheed SR-71 Blackbird 6.3 years ago

    Love this plane! Wings are a little wide in my opinion, other than that it’s perfect. This is my favorite aircraft IRL!

  • A quick question 6.3 years ago

    Seems like it could be cool, you should see what you can do with it.

  • A-4 Skyhawk V3.0 6.3 years ago

    @phanps Thank you!

  • XML Setting For Control Surface Speed? 6.3 years ago

    @Mod @Feanor maxDeflectionDegree ended up helping a bit, but I figured out the real problem was wing loading! I've never paid attention to it until now and apparently it was too high. Anyways, I uploaded the plane if you guys want to check it out. Thanks so much!

  • A-4 Skyhawk V3.0 6.3 years ago

    @Warbrine Thanks man!

  • XML Setting For Control Surface Speed? 6.3 years ago

    Oh ok, I’ll try that out then. Thank you! @Feanor

  • Which colour? 6.3 years ago


  • Engine Exhaust XML Question 6.3 years ago

    I can’t right now sorry, I’m sure if you make a forum post someone will be glad to help! @Opise227

  • Engine Exhaust XML Question 6.3 years ago

    I meant the flame that comes out of the engine, back when I wrote this. @Opise227

  • Dear Haters. 6.3 years ago

    I see that you refuse to understand basic logic (which by the way partially agreed with you) and will no longer continue this pointless argument. I will leave you with some final questions: Is talking in a British accent racist? Is talking in an American accent racist? If not then why is talking in a Ugandan accent racist? @Axartar

  • Dear Haters. 6.4 years ago

    The act of removing German WW2 era replicas of planes is racist or the planes themselves are racist? What I meant by WW2 German planes is that a lot of them have swastikas on them and are controversial to SOME people. I personally don’t care if these planes are on the site as long as they are built for historical accuracy. However some people have made these extremely controversial planes AND are complaining about this meme being racist, which is hypocritical and plain wrong. Also, the arguing point isn’t if the meme is bad, it’s if the meme is racist. @Axartar

  • Dear Haters. 6.4 years ago

    If the Ugandan knuckles meme is “racist” then I expect everyone to stop building WW2 Era replicas of German planes

  • I got Kerbal Space Program! 6.4 years ago

    I had the older verision as well for Xbox one and the new one is quite a step up from the previous version! @Liquidfox

  • I got Kerbal Space Program! 6.4 years ago

    If you can’t deporbit try going EVA and pushing your vehicle out of orbit with the RCS pack, saved me many times! Note: The monopropellant for your RCS pack will comeback every time you get back in your module and get back out.

  • Pigpen could you reassemble it 6.4 years ago

    This is actually a pretty neat idea!

  • “Y’all must be mistaken.” 6.4 years ago

    Sorenova is truly one of the greatest YouTuber’s of all time

  • What video recording software do you use 6.4 years ago

    The recorder that comes with the Xbox app on Windows is great, Open Broadcast Software is also a good option too as well but you need a stronger PC to use it with higher quality recording. Both are free, but the one that comes with the Xbox app runs in full 1080p 60fps easily on my laptop, while I can barely get a good looking 720p 30fps video with OBS. OBS can be downloaded off of the web, just make sure you download it from the companies website and nowhere else!

  • Goodbye 6.4 years ago

    I think for about 2 years with random visits to the site in that time span. Here’s a forum post explaining that he has to leave since his country requires him to serve in the military @FlyingHonda27

  • Goodbye 6.4 years ago

    Hope everything goes smoothly, good luck!
