6,499 XVIindustries Comments

  • Copies... 8.3 years ago

    The first part I agree with, the second I do not.... For instance if the second part was implemented it will basicly make making sub assemblies impossible, the first part would be a great implementation.
    I always have stated that taking one of my planes without permission will grant someone a report, only, they never do ask,

  • Copies... 8.3 years ago

    @AndrewGarrison well you for starters haven't spent weeks or months building a plane and then instantly have someone take it and vandalise it.... It's upsetting and makes you think what is the point in uploading stuff for people if all they do is make it look like a green and red gargoyle with trench foot!

  • In Honor of a Dear Friend - Assegai 8.3 years ago

    Now you have a taster of what I've been whining about for months... He is 100% nob @Rohan

  • ASF-65 prototype WIP 2 8.3 years ago

    What kind of small details? @Johawks1976

  • Need insperation for new XVI series 8.3 years ago

    MAKE IT YOURSELF!@CarlosDanger13

  • Need insperation for new XVI series 8.3 years ago

    You will all be happy to know that you will be notified with a surprise upload from PlanesOfOld in a few days time

  • Need insperation for new XVI series 8.3 years ago

    Have not made many recently..... Might build one or two possibly an XVI plane to beat the seaplane speed record, @AeroEngineering

  • Need insperation for new XVI series 8.3 years ago

    @CarlosDanger13 For the seventh time I do not take replica requests! Replicas I build, are planes and things that interest me, this post is to ask if people want any fictional (XVI) planes or boats

  • Need insperation for new XVI series 8.3 years ago

    @AeroEngineering @DeezDucks hmm I fear my boat building days are over, I reckon I could build a small boat but.. Only the old fashioned way with wings and floating blocks. That dreadnought project sucked all of my boat building skills from me lol... I suppose I could well... Actualy build the long list of boat requests I have lol, any types of planes you want to see? In any particular styles?

  • ASF-65 prototype WIP 2 8.3 years ago

    It's huge! Lol, I think it would be a ground attack/troop lander, I can imagine it VTOLing down and troops being dropped and loads of supplies being dropped off, and then it taking off and wreaking havoc With tons of missiles guns and bombs lol, I think it would have lots of turrets to shoot fighters, if it ends up being slow lol ;) gj with this beauty BTW! @Johawks1976

  • In Honor of a Dear Friend - Assegai 8.3 years ago

    RIP friend :,( PlanesOfOld & XVI will miss you, :'(

  • Tornado!!!! 8.3 years ago

    Well if you aren't stupid and don't leave shelter you should be A-OK

  • ASF-65 prototype WIP 2 8.3 years ago

    What type of plane is it? Bomber?

  • Bandit Run 8.3 years ago

    Will other users be able to create tournaments in the future? Instead of posting them in forums or in the planes section? @AndrewGarrison

  • Bomber project WIP 8.3 years ago

    I do not take requests sorry, and I have given up building tanks untill proper wheels and engines are added, it would be a fun challenge though, I've been thinking about building the Kv-1 - 6 tanks someday, so I might see what I can do, unfortunately my SP is slightly broken at the moment so I may not be able to, :) quick tip, never stop improving your designs, untill you feel they are perfect, I have been working on this bomber for over a month now and it's still not finished :) @Mcllulen

  • Sorry guys :( 8.3 years ago

    @TheColonel I do go outside FYI I only build on weekends,

  • Sorry guys :( 8.3 years ago

    If anyone needs me I will be in my sad corner V

  • Cedco B-42 Sturgeon MKIII 8.3 years ago

    Looks awesome! Btw would you like to see my bombers with no guns or guns... Cause well... I think they are kinda useless... Sigh... I wish I could get planes out as quick as you these days...

  • Cursing must stop. 8.3 years ago

    Well bugger me with a fishfork right up my jolly well please!

  • New YouTuber tag. 8.3 years ago

    My friend MeetThyDoom has also started featuring the game on his YT channel

  • Crashing on iOS 8.3 years ago

    iPad mini 1 with latest IOS crashes when saving (once every two saves) and when I press play so even if I can actualy get into the builder I can't actualy play the game, it also crashes when the menu flies in and causes horrendous FPS drops, also if you do any of the AI things it will either lag you down to 5 FPS or crash, also it lags with anything over 10 parts for me also when bombs explode the bridge collapses or when you crash your plane the game crashes I do not think that older IOS devices can handle the game, and I run on all low settings disabling video replay helps a bit but not much, so yeah.... I have reflections on but they are SP classic and that ran fine before so possibly something to do with the update? @AndrewGarrison

  • Blue Dragonfly Racer 8.3 years ago

    Is the shark tooth race an air start? If So i can use my new hydrangum lol just need to get its turning circle down to less than the size of the island XD
    I love this design btw realy does look like a dragonfly!

  • Sky Cup Results 8.3 years ago

    Glider tournament would be good

  • Crashing on iOS 8.3 years ago

    Yep still crashes every 5 mins

  • Shark Tooth 8.3 years ago

    Hmmmm sounds like a job for XVI

  • Ability to type values 8.3 years ago


  • 1910 Bristol boxkite 8.3 years ago

    @WeaselZone thank you for featuring this! The weird floppy things at the end of the wings are slightly bugged modded wing pieces Lol, they usualy do that but it's only the model taht moves so they shouldn't cause harm to the areoplane, also my name is prenounced as letters ExVeeEyeIndustries lol but I see why you called me 16industries XD it stands for Xiphias Volanti Inventum ;) enjoying your series very much sir! Keep at it!

  • FA-37 Talon Fighter from movie "Stealth" 8.3 years ago

    @DeezDucks that is because you rush your builds I've been working on my Stirling for 2 weeks and it's nowhere near done

  • Quick Question: Where do you live and do you live in the UK 8.3 years ago

    @Aviation if you do I suggest you visit Dorset, or the Lake District very beautiful places

  • 1905 Xiphias Biplane 8.3 years ago


  • XVI 00.5 Britania II 8.3 years ago

    @MeetThyDoom if you need any insperation friend, just take this for a spin

  • Sky Cup Tournaments 8.3 years ago

    Might be able to enter..... Mabe not

  • ...Serious Message 8.3 years ago

    @Cadillace #

  • Annoying Crashes on IOS 8.3 years ago

    It always crashes when I press play on any of the levels exept the sandbox ones so I can't play them and it crashes when saving A LOT and also when uploading and when crashing the hellbringer lol

  • Moderator Suggestions 8.3 years ago

    Would love to be a mod tho

  • Moderator Suggestions 8.3 years ago

    Ok... I have moderator experience but I'm not sure I have a good enough rep to be a mod here

  • Moderator Suggestions 8.3 years ago


  • I APOLOGIZE. 8.3 years ago

    Seriously dude, that is nothing compared to TheOldColonel, he has more alt accounts than you have teeth and he has not been banned EVER and he has done FAR WORSE things, infact I have done some pretty bad things here and did not get banned for any of them, exept the time when I had a mental breakdown.... Even this account is technically an 'alt' but it was my escape from hate it's ok, to make a new account but only if you don't plan on using your main, don't upvote the same planes as your main ( that's against the rules ) and don't upvote your own stuff oh and ask the mods and get their permission then it's ok, but not if you use it to get to prestigious ranks
    Silver, gold and platinum are earned not given how do you think PlanesOfOld got platinum in 4 months? I WORKED HARD FOR IT

  • ...Serious Message 8.3 years ago

    Yes, am, and if you put a hashtag infront of text it makes it huge but that can only be on the first letter of the post (probably wrong but that's my experience) @Cadillace

  • Coming Soon By Cedy117 8.3 years ago

    No it is a British stereotype used in many memes meant to make fun of the British isles, it also uses the word 'smashing' commonly associated with the British, the person also has a rediculous moustache at least he did not post it with a British flag on the back because then I would blow my top, now scamper off you Yankee scallywag ;) and btw my hair is blond. @DarkLithium

  • Dear teenagers: listen to this isnt 8.3 years ago

    Neva gonna let you down.... @DarkLithium

  • Dear teenagers: listen to this isnt 8.3 years ago

    Lol, well there's a big beiber fang roil in my class lol, holding strong and proud, I really don't see what for, some twatt who get famous and ruined it by acting like a nob @TheMasterSoldier


    Pack up your troubles in your old kit bag and smile smile smile, while you a lucifer to light your fag, smile boys that's the style, what's the use of worrying it never was worthwhile so pack up your troubles in your old kit bag and SMILE SMILE SMILLLLLLLEEEEEEEEEE!

  • ...Serious Message 8.3 years ago


  • Coming Soon By Cedy117 8.3 years ago

    I find that somewhat offensive @DeezDucks

  • Dear teenagers: listen to this isnt 8.3 years ago

    What song lol this is two songs lol, and for you want to hear the version a World War One soldier would be listening to its by John McCormack an Irish singer @Meawk

  • Dear teenagers: listen to this isnt 8.3 years ago

    @NewAir I like Nordic languages, and Gaelic, and have studied them to some extent, but I would only really learn Gaelic if given the opportunity as it is the traditional language of the celts.

    I would ramble on and tell you how the English language came to be but... I don't want to bore people to death

    Here is some Gaelic music

  • Dear teenagers: listen to this isnt 8.3 years ago

    Wow, that song is beautiful, is it Icelandic? @NewAir