6,499 XVIindustries Comments

  • Downvote implemented in the future ? 8.3 years ago

    You were not there when we had the old star based rating system, people would just go around one staring people's builds and saying they're were awful terrible and no fun, people retaliated by one staring theirs and many arguments were started, I have been in 3 major ones that ripped the community into two groups each one staring each other's planes, the star rating system was abused too much in the early days so when the fuselage block came upvote said were added instead and it FIXED this problem, you do not know how upsetting it is to receive a one star rating or downvote it was crushing for new and old players. Up votes changed this, if you do not like the plane do not upvote it and leave a comment saying why you do not like it and how the plane can be improved. Adding down votes would be a incredibly stupid idea.

  • VS Scythe VTOL Prototype 8.3 years ago

    I am sorry i haven't investigated this I just posted that after reading what others have said, believing them but now I do not after I did some looking around @AndrewGarrison

  • Gloster Javelin 8.3 years ago

    An upvote from my grandad. (He worked on javelins in the late 50's and early 60's)

  • President 8.3 years ago

    @TheColonel the problem is that our PM's promos Scotland Wales and Northern Ireland things and never actualy do them, infact if these countries were not in the uk I do not beleive they would be as well-off as they are now, all we need is a good government that actualy does what it says it will do and then no one will be annoyed, the EU makes stupid laws and because we are in the EU we have to go by them, we can't change them we cannot even close our bloody borders to stop all the migrants they suck over 50 million pounds worth from us each day just so we can stay in and we get nothing from it exept a load of poles (no offence) coming over and giving their children our money! If you walk down the street half the people you meet cannot even speak English and they do not even try, hardly any of them can drive and they all cause road accidents because they get licences in other countries and they aren't up to our standard, and they all have metric butt tons of children and they all flood the NHS draining their money, Britain is an island and they are filling it up, just because Europe is doing so badly they flock to the countries with all the jobs, and the healthcare and the best economies like England and Germany and they exploit this it is not fair, actual British people are being kicked from their Homes because these migrants are taking their jobs and our cities are doubling in size because they all need housing for their millions of children! Also, Wales Scotland and NI are still countries, we unite as one with our flag, we still have seperate flags and seperate languages, welsh and Gaelic (Irish and Scottish versions) the Isle of Man is still a country. We are a bit like the USA in that every state has a seperate flag, but we all unite under one, and if you go to Wales, they have different schooling and none of the sings are English they are all written in welsh and most speak welsh, we do not 'oppress' them they could leave if they want but they choose to stay, it's not like we are guarding their borders with soldiers, they joined the UK of their own free will in the first place, Britain has had a very violent past, but we are stronger when United.

  • Bandit Run 8.3 years ago

    It's pot luck, who knows how stupid the AI will be

  • !! Ultimate Offshore Powerboat !! large scale 8.3 years ago

    Been thinking about getting into boats again...

  • Devs and mods opinions needed 8.3 years ago

    I beleive he is 12 @Nickasaurus

  • SimplePlanes language 8.3 years ago

  • Ban this guy if he isn't already 8.3 years ago

    You realy do not know how petty you sound, please only make whiny posts when the person attacking you has made over 10 alts and has launched a hate campaign over 3 sites and has humiliated you in the process I agree that this guy is a douche but do you have to go 'apeshit' about it @MrSilverWolf @Flightsonic

  • Ban this guy if he isn't already 8.3 years ago

    I beleive all of these idiots are petty, this is nothing compared to the alt hate I've had @Bravon

  • VS Scythe VTOL Prototype 8.3 years ago

    You disgust me sir, taking a prestigious ranked users username and copycat ing people's planes and posting them as your own, clever but no cigar for you my friend... No cigar at all

  • President 8.3 years ago

    Being in the EU is bad, but because a lot of people in our country are saying we should vote in its making it very difficult for the majority to make a decision, we were better off out of the EU not as many migrants who give loads of money to their families in far away places when they don't actualy do anything. @TheColonel

  • Jelly Extermination Squad! 8.3 years ago

    You haven't played league of legends by the looks of things @GINGER01

  • Jelly Extermination Squad! 8.3 years ago


  • Jelly Extermination Squad! 8.3 years ago


  • President 8.3 years ago

    Pls no politics here, and if you are talking about politics it should be about Britain leaving the EU

  • This Plane is the Wurst 8.3 years ago

    Have Pm'd u the link m8 apparently my XVI BRITANIA 2 crashed on both runs.... Based on this have now come to a conclusion: the AI cannot fly a plane.... @A5mod3us

  • How SimplePlanes could make some improvements. 8.3 years ago

    It's an indie game -_- there are only like 6 people working at jundroo be patient sir, also, before the fuselage block update there was only one island

  • Tournament Live Stream 8.3 years ago

    I'm going to start work on my new entry ASAP

  • Tournament Live Stream 8.3 years ago

    AI is so dumb, I will have to make a complete rebuild of my BRITANIA 2 to get the AI used to thrust vectoring.... Obviously it dosnt know how violent the pitch is lol

  • Proposal of Jelly Player Deterents 8.3 years ago

    incoming message for jelly being sent from past

  • Proposal of Jelly Player Deterents 8.3 years ago

    What is a 'jelly jar'?

  • Proposal of Jelly Player Deterents 8.3 years ago

    That is factually untrue @Makcoink

  • The Jelly torture macine challenge. 8.3 years ago

    Make it like a trash compactor

  • The Jelly torture macine challenge. 8.3 years ago

    Yes please

  • Supermarine spitfire Mk.0 (prototype) 8.3 years ago

    I am sorry, I do not take requests ATM as I am busy with other projects I will come back to you comment in a later date tho @BB8droid1

  • Make SimplePlanes Great Again 8.3 years ago

    He would stay in his bunker under the streets of London making inspiring radio speeches that echo in the minds of people for years to come. @amazingperson124

  • Jelly's Mystery Shack 8.3 years ago

    @bjac0 he was thinking this

  • 3000kg Air-to-jelly bomb 8.3 years ago

    I will strap it to my Lancaster and blow them to kingdom come,

  • Make SimplePlanes Great Again 8.3 years ago

    Just think..... What would Churchill do... Hmmmmm

  • AI... How dumb are you? 8.3 years ago


  • Added realism to plane damage? 8.3 years ago

    I don't like how the planes blow up randomly when hit, it's unrealistic, I'd rather see parts flying around and mangles pieces of plane than no plane to be seen lol, same with crashes

  • Sorry guys :( 8.3 years ago

    Because you started the conversation -_- is your memory that bad? @TheColonel

  • bjac.co News! Jelly, is it a yummy treat, OR A VIRUS?! 27/2/2016 8.3 years ago

    Nothing is as bad as the JSE shîte

  • Is there a limit to how big you can make things? 8.3 years ago

    The hellbringer biggest plane in sp @SimpleName11

  • Is there a limit to how big you can make things? 8.3 years ago

    I know lol I made one big enough, @SimpleName11

  • This Plane is the Wurst 8.3 years ago

    Will PM you it on Reddit tomorrow. @A5mod3us

  • This Plane is the Wurst 8.3 years ago

    Hey can you mod an engine for me. Idk why but I think it has to be you that does it... Since you modded it before :( sad memories of making PlanesOfOld's last plane....

  • Copies... 8.3 years ago

    It depends how much detail you want, and how perfect you want the plane to be. And the parts you are building it with, I for instance love building with wing pieces as it was how I became the second platinum user (long story) and building with wings my way is extremely fiddly lol @Leonidas1210

  • Copies... 8.3 years ago

    @Skua how about instead of successor points when upvoting a successor the upvote automatically goes to the predicessor aswell so if I up voted a successor it would also use my account to upvote it's predicessor, simple and making successors less anoying when random upvote your actual creations and say how amazing they are exept... You didn't upload them

  • Travel air 6000 8.3 years ago

    @Cedy117 I've got my sp to work lol, finishing Stirling soon :) and I also have a rather interesting project finished, if you follow PlanesOfOld you will most likely see it soon, very soon :)

  • Travel air 6000 8.3 years ago

    Engine sort of reminds me of the avro tutor

  • Travel air 6000 8.3 years ago

    Oooh, fancy

  • This game deffinitely needs a new name 8.3 years ago


  • Thinking of quiting. 8.3 years ago

    This always happens, but if people like cool flashy planes why not make some? That's what I did lol

  • Copies... 8.3 years ago

    @AndrewGarrison permission is something that NEEDS to be added. I have wanted it since people started copy-cating around 11 months ago. It would change the website forever and reduce the amount of arguments (most are caused by copies) basicly if you want to take someone's plane you press the upload button and something detects if it is a successor (something allready does) but instead of uploading to the main site it uploads privately to the site, the original builder is notified and can press one of two buttons next to the download button say, one that will post it to the main site as a successor the other will delete it or keep it private the original creator will write why he/she does not want the plane on the site when pressing this button, the copy cat will be notified and the plane will be gone. Simple

  • Copies... 8.3 years ago

    The first part I agree with, the second I do not.... For instance if the second part was implemented it will basicly make making sub assemblies impossible, the first part would be a great implementation.
    I always have stated that taking one of my planes without permission will grant someone a report, only, they never do ask,

  • Copies... 8.3 years ago

    @AndrewGarrison well you for starters haven't spent weeks or months building a plane and then instantly have someone take it and vandalise it.... It's upsetting and makes you think what is the point in uploading stuff for people if all they do is make it look like a green and red gargoyle with trench foot!

  • In Honor of a Dear Friend - Assegai 8.3 years ago

    Now you have a taster of what I've been whining about for months... He is 100% nob @Rohan

  • ASF-65 prototype WIP 2 8.3 years ago

    What kind of small details? @Johawks1976