705 Vectorgraphics

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joined 5.8 years ago

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The first time I played a simple airplane was a few years ago, probably in 2016. It was ignorant that I could only fly an airplane, not build an airplane at all. But later, I tried to build a frame. For me at that time, I could fly as long as I could.
At that time, I didn't know that there was a official website. As time goes on, my technology is becoming more and more exquisite, and I will slowly get off the plane from the official website. I remember my first airplane was phantom 2000, so I made a good effort to build a plane.
Of course, I encountered many setbacks on the way of playing simple airplanes. I remember one time, I just wanted to brag, and then sent pictures of other people's works to others that they did it, was misunderstood, said I stole the work. Although I felt very sad, I did not lose heart and continued to work hard.
Now I can wrap the wings and use the action group to make the magazine, although I am not the best, but I will work hard forward, thank you for your help and support.