68.3k ZerkkOtakuGuy

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joined 1.3 years ago

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Player Biography  

>Alt Account<


Heya! Fiq here, or maybe you can call me Zerkk as well, since my RL friends call me by that name. I'm your weirdo weeb person (real) that literally exist in the site for no reason.
My hobbies are Badminton, Riding with motorcycle, gaming, and drawing.
I mostly interested in Aviation (most of them are civilian), car (yea both military and civilian), japan related stuff, MEMES.
Most of my build are relatively mobile friendly, semi interior, semi detail (not so detail), will also make some VR friendly (probably stop making VR build, since me bad with interior). You can use my build and repost it, I don't care about that.
In irl, I was 19 years old and born in Kelantan, Malaysia.

Char in PFP = Rin Shima

No request

Some cool people that I oun in 1 milsec
Ur mom

Link inv Discord (die)
@fiq_thegmr My dc username.

Some link

Build list
Mod for Android Archived. give credit when you put in your bio.
Juno acc (Dead)
YouTube chan (Dead)
Forgotten link 1
Forgotten link 2
Forgotten link 3
Performance tutorial
VTOL tutorial
Tank tutorial

Reached platinum in Oct 2023.
Reached 66.6k in 07.00 a.m, 30 May 2024

Previously known as ZxeAviWeebzz, ZxeOtakuAviation, ZerkkZxeSP, ImZerkkZxe, ZerkkTheSimper, ZerkkZxe, ZerkkFujimi, ZerkkZxe, ZerkkOtakuGuy, TypicalFictionalZ