18.8k Thelegitpilot13 Comments

  • Was the site down for anyone else? 4.7 years ago

    Yep, I think it was for maintenance. I thought it was an issue with my phone, but apparently not.

  • A Hero Emerges from the Area 51 Raid 4.7 years ago


  • you can't smell freedom in space 4.7 years ago

    Freedom doesn’t have a smell, but oil sure does.

  • C-65 Odyssey 4.8 years ago

    @Armyguy1534 I like my cargo planes like I like my meat.

  • This is america 4.8 years ago

    Must. Go. FASTER.

  • Simple F-15 C Eagle 4.8 years ago

    @Sinacraft <<This twisted game needs to be reset.>>

  • Man's Best Friend 4.8 years ago

    @BlackhattAircraft Maybe not, but certainly pretty close to that level. Especially after a long trip after drinking lots of water.

  • Criticism that makes a "Military Enthusiast" and a Top Gun fan mad 1.5 years ago

    @TheCommentaryGuy I’m sorry, your credibility has been lost here. DCS is arguably the most realistic combat simulator to date, and a far better analog for real combat as compared to SP. Real combat pilots say it’s about 90% accurate to real world combat, with the last 10% actually being the feeling of G forces on your body (see when this same YouTuber fought a Rafale pilot). And if you still disagree, find a better analog we can use that isn’t in your mind. You’ll find it’s more challenging than finding a B-21 on radar.

  • normal bandit run gameplay 1.7 years ago

    Inhuman reactions! Those dang bots get smarter every day.

  • I've come to make an announcement! (Build ideas) 2.1 years ago

    @TurtlesThatFly I could definitely see about adding missiles, though I'd have to see which version would be best without using too many parts!

  • Duo Discus XL 2.5 years ago

    As a glider pilot, I approve of this build.

  • The Queen Flies Again [TEASER] 2.9 years ago

    @TheSolarFlare Indeed she is! Some of the upgraded parts not mentioned are a fully functional cockpit, better handling, g-limitation so you don’t pull insane g-forces, and PSM capable. It’s gonna be quite the fun ride.

  • UI-4053 Sphyrna 3.0 years ago

    We're going into the electrosphere now boys

  • **Updated Rules** The Great SimplePlanes Dogfight Tournament 3.1 years ago

    @11qazxc Guns only work on your screen, they don’t actually damage people on other devices. Hence why you can set fire to them but they won’t go down

  • International Space Elevator 3.6 years ago

    To SALVATION Unknown!

  • Attack Submarine Demonstration 2: Nuclear Boogaloo. 3.9 years ago

    @ThomasRoderick One ping only

  • Alfa Class Submarine 4.2 years ago

    This is one hell of a sub, and everything you did on here is fantastic! I can tell you gave it your all, and put a lot of love into this strange yet iconic submarine. Great work, Comrade MintLynx!

  • Patrice 4.3 years ago


  • MiG-1.44 WIP 4.3 years ago

    So far so good! However, I recommend posting these types of things in teaser forums, to rally up some interest in the final product.

  • Alicorn 4.3 years ago

    *Hehehe! * The death of a million is a necessity!

  • New Meme Template 4.3 years ago

    SP collisions be like:

  • Please Pray for Ryan Knewman 4.3 years ago

    It's Newman, but it's okay. Jeez, I hope he's gonna be okay.

  • What I do on Valentines Day? 4.3 years ago

    @typeZERO The terror of the seas!
    The Alicorn and those damn UAVs!

  • This community 4.4 years ago

    Hello, my fellow Midwesterner.
    And no, my machines of war will spread salvation!

  • Su-34 Fullback + SFFS 4.4 years ago

    ....................................Belkan Technician (ALLY).................................
    <<Hans, we told you NOT to call them "War-crime dispensers"!>>

  • Bek Air Fokker 100 Crashes in Almaty, 15 confirmed deaths 4.5 years ago

    May those who lost their lives find peace in wherever they are now.

  • In game iOS screenshots 4.5 years ago

    I wish there was a button you could press in the pause menu to take a screenshot

  • New Beta - Version 1.9.100 (Steam today - Mobile soon) 4.5 years ago

    Not a bug find, but a request: would it be possible to have a button to “lock” your view? Take for instance I want to modify something strictly from the front view, and wish to move the camera around to modify other things on a build. In the old beta, that was, but didn’t have the same movement as this beta, since now moving it rotates the view, rather than translates. Making a button to lock the view would make it easier for people building, say, fuselage art, or roundels for aircraft.

  • Yo this overload UI is so tiny :p 4.5 years ago

    Try doing it on a phone. Takes up your whole screen.

  • !PASS IT! 5-10 parts 4.5 years ago

    That is quite the jump in parts!

  • Pirate Ship, Pirate Ship... 4.6 years ago

    That’s gotta be the best pirate we’ve ever seen!

  • Trying out my old Su-30SM 4.7 years ago

    Nice use of Open Fire, Mage.

  • Plane Flew Above Me, Then Got Struck By Lightning Close To My House 4.7 years ago

    Pilot: eh, it’s just a small storm, I’ll be fine
    *lightning strike *
    Pilot: oh boi here we go

  • Tu 10 Grach 4.7 years ago

    Might not wanna have “sexual intercourse” in it. Just say “love child” lol. Remember, gotta keep it PG-13 for the kiddos.

  • Ac-130H Gunship 4.7 years ago

    For when you really wanna kill that spider

  • For CruzerBlade 4.7 years ago

    “Because I was inverted.”

  • For all those funny guys out there 4.7 years ago

    Who were the first Tour de France winners?
    The 6th Panzer Division.

  • What I make when I’m bored (it actually works) 4.7 years ago

    Don’t we all?

  • RIP my ipad... 4.7 years ago

    RIP iPad, 2008-2019

  • Simple rockets still is not better than simpleplanes 4.7 years ago

    I feel like it’s a great game, but I still am much more used to SimplePlanes’ UI than SimpleRockets 2. While making rockets in that game is great, planes is a lot harder to make in that game.

  • Su 35 Akula 4.8 years ago


  • 2019 Lykins Highway General Semi Truck 4.8 years ago

    It’s always a positive when your phone doesn’t melt when something like this is built. The amount of detail on these builds is really quite astounding, and it functions absolutely great! Keep up the great work, Strike!

  • What's with the Lego builds 4.8 years ago

    You ask the question “why”, but I say “why not?”

  • Supermaneuverability? 4.8 years ago

    Lots of hidden engines, thrust vectoring (recommended for control after maneuvers), and a COM close to the COL.
    Check out my Su-67 to learn a bit more about how I did it, if you learn best that way.


    @Strikefighter04 @randomusername I understand where you’re coming from. I’ll just add my own little chip of information onto it.
    From what I got from this video, he’s a Viet-Nam veteran (which, as we all know, was not a war that was looked upon lightly when they came back, which could have caused his anti-social tendencies). While collecting weapons I see no issue with, something I do see an issue with is the explosives that were brought out. While as a weapons collector, that would make sense, but him having a bomb that very clearly could cause a crater in the ground is something that is very unsafe, unless if it was disarmed. From what I could tell, it looked like a Mk-118 or similar type of bomb, which has a warhead weight of 1,975 American pounds. 1975 pounds of pure explosives! That could blow up his house, his neighbors’ houses, and the one across the gosh-darn street!
    On a trip I went to Europe, I went to Ponte du Huoc, which used to be a point on the Atlantic Wall where the Germans had put a ton of forces to defend. I have seen personally the damage done by relatively simple 500-1000 pound bombs. The place was littered with craters, some tens of feet deep! While I’m sure he wouldn’t intentionally detonate that, imagine if it did, anyways. There are plenty of stories of people dying to old WWI and II munitions in areas affected by them (I.e. France, Germany, and a lot of Pacific Islands, like Palau) so having a bomb go off for no reason is by no means not a possibility!
    The mortars also fall under a little worry of me, but not nearly as much as the bombs. While they can certainly cause damage, the explosion would likely only cause severe damage to his house, considering only one of those went off.
    The guns I have no issue with, as the damage they cause is mainly penetration damage.
    TL;DR, this is a fairly dangerous scenario, but not the most dangerous scenario that could happen. At least, from what I can presume, is that he complied with police forces.
    Okay, I’m done. That’s my chip of info. Continue on with your day/night.

  • Yeti Scramble 4.8 years ago

    @RAF1 true. Good luck, fellow builder. I hope we get to face each other some time! o7

  • Apparently I’m a vsco boy? 4.8 years ago

    This is why I’m confused at our hyper-social society. And I’m only 17!!

  • MQ-94 Mosquito 4.8 years ago

    The Mosquito: Sucking the blood out of the enemy’s military!

  • Kirov Teaser! (incomplete version available here) 4.8 years ago

    *Kirov Reporting Intensifies Even Further Beyond *


  • Cessna 192 Skyfalcon changed for flight 4.8 years ago

    Seems the wing symmetry got messed up a bit
