26.2k Skua Comments

  • [PINNED] Markdown Formatting 8.3 years ago

    @Noman0rumeral alt text

  • [PINNED] Markdown Formatting 8.3 years ago

    @Noman0rumeral I'm experimenting just now, it should be a little easier to understand once I actually know what does and doesn't work haha

  • Overlapping objects? 8.4 years ago

    What to do is ctrl+f (or whatever equivalent search function you have) for:


    Swapping the 1 out for whatever number you need. If a part is the only thing that colour, it will be the only part with "materials="1" ", so it should show up

  • where my Planes are saved? 8.4 years ago


  • Mod PSA for everyone here 8.1 years ago

    @Solarisaircraft using alt accounts to break the rules

  • Mod PSA for everyone here 8.1 years ago

    @AndrewForester you were the guy that had made the tank tracks successor. Just checked it out, you're all clear! Thank you

  • neon Thunder 8.1 years ago

    @nahirni don't worry, reporting only sends us mods a notification about it. Nothing will happen if the report is obviously nonsense.

  • Mod PSA for everyone here 8.1 years ago

    @RoyalTiger2 don't worry, I didn't say anything about you. Feel free to check through my comment history if you want. Navi is just angry with me because I temp banned him/her for copying planes, and even went so far as to make a new account called Suka to post about how awful I am

  • BAe Hawk - Red Arrows colours 8.1 years ago

    @RhysBrown go for it!

  • Mod PSA for everyone here 8.1 years ago

    @RoyalTiger2 what did I say about you?

  • Mod PSA for everyone here 8.1 years ago

    @BroPlanes Flowinet is Glaceon/Shatterfox, a different banned user.

  • i would like a steam key redeem 8.1 years ago

    Don't worry, that's just because you've arrived in the middle of a big update. The extra content has been trialled on Steam first, and is now steadily coming to mobile platforms.

  • Mod PSA for everyone here 8.1 years ago

    @iFalco I suppose there's no reason they couldn't, although the devs are the ones that do the IP bans, so if there's more to it then I wouldn't know.

  • Mod PSA for everyone here 8.1 years ago

    @SwagAircrafts I know you're just answering questions, but try to stop using swear words in your answers.

    @Flightsonic huge amounts of racist spam, basically. That account you mentioned was the third and shortest one.

  • Mod PSA for everyone here 8.1 years ago

    @thenumbertwo it's fine, it's over now, you can make a new post. Try doing a coleopter

  • Mod PSA for everyone here 8.1 years ago

    @thenumbertwo well I am supposed to stop things like that...

  • Mod PSA for everyone here 8.1 years ago

    @thenumbertwo yeah don't do that, I have enough stuff to remove already

  • Mod PSA for everyone here 8.1 years ago

    @Jetspeed1001 that was someone else, depressingly

  • Mod PSA for everyone here 8.1 years ago

    @thenumbertwo no, I meant PSA from the mods (well, just me, but still)

  • Mod PSA for everyone here 8.1 years ago

    @CommunistDoodlebob 322, to be precise

  • Mod PSA for everyone here 8.1 years ago

    @Umbreon that's what we have IP bans for

  • Mod PSA for everyone here 8.1 years ago

    @ChunderDownUndeR huh... must have been a dev action then, because I certainly didn't get through them all that quickly

  • Mod PSA for everyone here 8.1 years ago

    @ChunderDownUndeR cheers. Are you seeing it all clear now?

  • Wheels, beta, polls, XML and drifting 8.1 years ago

    Those refer to Unity's wheel friction curve. So far as I know, the extremum is the point at which traction is broken, and the asymptote is the amount of grip you have after said traction is broken.

  • how do resizable wheels work? 8.1 years ago

    Increasing the damper strength and reducing forward traction should help a bit.

  • How to make a plane agile... 8.2 years ago

    The other responses here have a lot of good suggestions - CoL/CoM positioning and low wing loading being the most important ones - but there's one other thing that's worth adding. A lot of the time when people want to move the CoM, they add thousands of pounds of dead weight to one end of the plane. Besides making it heavier overall, this also concentrates a huge amount of weight a long way from the CoM, meaning that it has a very large moment of inertia when the plane tries to turn. Basically, find any way to move the CoM/CoL except dead weight, if you can

  • de Havilland Sea Vixen 8.2 years ago

    @jamer57108 I know this response is super late, but it's called the Sea Vixen because it's a carrier-based fighter. Tradition in British military aviation is that the carrier version of a plane gets "Sea" on the front - Sea Harrier, Sea Hurricane, Seafire etc

  • flair mod python test code 8.2 years ago

    import random
    def missile_release():
    print('missile released')
    return 'true'
    def flair_release(flair_count):
    flair=input('release flair')
    if flair =='yes':
    return 'true'
    if flair != true:
    return 'false'
    def flair_system(flair_vector,miss_vector,plane_vector,flair_count,missile):
    while missile=='true':

    if flair_release!='true':
    print('missile hit plane flase')

    if flair_release=='true':
    if chance ==2:
    print('missile hit plane')
    print('missile hit flair')
    def weapon_cycle(flair_count):
    a=input('release missile')
    if a == 'yes':
    print (missile)

    weapon_cycle(flair_count)#starts script

  • How far SimplePlanes has gone. 8.3 years ago

    @HellFireKoder don't forget that it needs to be green

  • Transformer 8.3 years ago

    @jaidenawesome please do not steal the work of other users. Uploading edited versions is fine, but simply reuploading the same design is not.

  • V-Tail 8.3 years ago

    @Anselm a v-tail would typically be for pitch and yaw, rather than pitch and roll. However, you can make it work either way by attaching the tailplane to rotators. Have the rotators deal with one axis, and the control surfaces on the tail deal with the other

  • red 5 red arrow 8.3 years ago

    Have you actually changed anything on this, or just reuploaded my plane?

  • Aviown-114/TJF "MY TALON" 8.3 years ago

    @AviownCorp I shall try this as soon as I can!

  • N-1 8.3 years ago

    I love those intakes

  • How to add downloaded planes to the game in windows? 8.3 years ago

    Either download them through the Steam browser, or copy the URL and press ctrl+L in the editor

  • BAe Hawk (modded) 8.4 years ago

    @TilliDie a mod indeed! It's available on PC here, I'm hopefully going to get an Android version working soon

  • where my Planes are saved? 8.4 years ago

    @Nilsmuc for some reason my comments are failing to submit when I try to tell you where they're located, this is weird... I'll try to sort it

  • I'm bad at building, help? 8.5 years ago

    @PizzaCowDragon alright well in terms of performance, following a few basic rules normally solves most problems.

    • Make sure your Centre of Lift (CoL, the blue sphere) is behind the Centre of Mass (CoM, the red sphere), but not by too much. If it's too far behind, the plane won't turn very easily, and if it's too close the plane will be very unstable. If it's ahead of the CoM, the plane will be completely unstable in forward flight, and will try to turn itself around.

    • Keep control surfaces as far away from the CoM as possible, that's where they are most effective. Pitch surfaces go at the front or back of the plane, roll surfaces on the outside edges of the wings.

    • Control surfaces need to be the right size. If the plane is slow to manouevre, they are probably too small. If the plane jerks about and wobbles when you turn, they're too big.

    • Don't make your plane too short, I see quite a lot of people doing this for some reason. A bit of length gives you more control over the CoL and CoM, and also lets you position control surfaces further away from the CoM.

    As for appearance and ideas... that's a little tougher, since it's less objective. However, if you need inspiration, try things like replicas of really unusual planes (experiments, one-offs, prototypes and the like) or imagine what your replacement for an existing aircraft might look like. My very first plane was based on the Su-47, with a bunch of my own ideas added. With regards to appearance, that only really comes with patience. Don't be afraid of fuselage sections, though, they're really useful and definitely worth learning to use, especially the manual corners setting. They can also clip in to wings to make nacelles, which is pretty handy, and carry your fuel without looking like the old fuel tanks. You can add all sorts of details elsewhere too, like wings made of multiple sections to create more interesting shapes, dihedrals on wings (although this does affect your roll stability in various ways) and so on. My last bit of advice: use custom colour schemes! The standard one is fine, but it gets boring pretty fast. Experiment and see what works for you, you'll pick it up soon enough.

  • Roll Problem 8.6 years ago

    @DeezDucks ah, well if it's a replica I'm afraid I don't have a solution for you, sorry. If you do find something, let me know, I'd quite like to sort it on mine too. The only thing I can think of is that the landing gear may be clipping weirdly with something. Does it still do it with the gear lowered?

  • Any good weapon packs? (Modded/not modded) 8.6 years ago

    Can't help with the weapons, can help with the text. SimplePlanes.com uses a simplified version of Markdown formatting, which means that certain strings of text produce various formatting effects - as opposed to having dedicated formatting controls like MS Word does, for example. Your horizontal lines are produced by typing three or more asterisks, hyphens, or underscores in a row. So, this:


    Does this:

  • How do you submit a plane to a challenge? 8.6 years ago

    You need to download the challenge and build from that. Replacing or removing literally every part, including the cockpit, is totally fine so long as you work from that starting point. However, because that's a bit of a pain, what I usually do is:

    • Build my entry just like I would build any other plane, without downloading the challenge

    • Save the whole thing, except for the cockpit, as a subassembly

    • Download the challenge

    • Strip away everything except the cockpit

    • Drop the subassembly in

    And now it can be uploaded as a successor.

  • Boat making ? 8.6 years ago

    I've not got much experience with boats, but a rudder that sits under the surface of the water at the back - just like the vertical surfaces you usually use on aircraft, but upside-down - usually helps with that issue

  • S.H.I.E.L.D helicarrier 8.1 years ago

    Please don't post things that you didn't make, nobody likes having their work stolen.

  • neon Thunder 8.1 years ago

    @VTOLCO the apology is appreciated

  • SAAB 42 Åskfågeln 8.1 years ago

    @kikasshes they look great! The little black outlines are a nice touch

  • Amazon kindle update problem 8.1 years ago

    @drdoom222 hey I would totally play on a Kindle... IF I HAD ONE :(

  • Giant thing 8.1 years ago

    @Mox ahh okay

  • Amazon kindle update problem 8.1 years ago

    I'm afraid the mods can't really help here, I don't think any of us play on Kindle

  • YOURE A MEAN ONE MR TRUMP 8.1 years ago

    Political posts are usually a bad idea as it is, but I certainly don't want to see one that is literally asking for hate. This applies no matter who the candidate is.