0 Saron Comments

  • FAD-90S Galleon 1.7 years ago

    oh umm ok I am not that good at building umm if you get time I was hoping that you could work on It BCS like I know that you could make something heart and amazing so I hope you can find the time I will try to work on one my self but probably won't be as good as yours but like why not. but I think you should also BCS it would be amazing if you're a great creator. @DwiAngkasaAeronautics

  • FAD-90S Galleon 1.7 years ago

    dude what going on with the fighter is taking a wile do you need help because I have some tips for the plane

  • FAD-90S Galleon 1.8 years ago

    Make sure to put air breaks on it lol

  • FAD-90S Galleon 1.8 years ago

    Sorry I meant air power

  • FAD-90S Galleon 1.8 years ago

    Also the trailers you make are so good I am watching airport right now

  • FAD-90S Galleon 1.8 years ago

    Thank you so much take as long as you need there is no rush Patients is key to making the perfect plane

  • FAD-90S Galleon 1.8 years ago

    Hi I am a big fan of yours and I was wondering if you could make a cross between the Gallon Hipster and tomboy I hope have a wonderful day

  • FAL-40S Hipster 1.8 years ago

    Hi I am a big fan of yours and I was wondering if you could make a cross between the Gallon Hipster and tomboy I hope have a wonderful day

  • FAD-38 Tomboy 1.8 years ago

    Hi I am a big fan of yours and I was wondering if you could make a cross between the Gallon Hipster and tomboy I hope have a wonderful day@DwiAngkasaAeronautics

  • B-28T Jingo 1.8 years ago

    Hi I am a big fan of yours and I was wondering if you could make a cross between the Gallon Hipster and tomboy I hope have a wonderful day@DwiAngkasaAeronautics