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  • AIDC F-CK-1 V 1.4 years ago

    Is it the physic settings? Becoz the wheels move like it having a seizure. It blows up the plane on take off. My phone can only run low physic.

  • Focke Wulf FW-190 A-8 (v1.3) 1.4 years ago

    @ThomasHeuisler had trouble starting it up too. It's easy now. First, turn the oxygen valve. Then go to the buttons next to the oxygen valve, find the buttons generator, ignition, battery, and instrument power and turn them on. Get to ur left and turn on the Power Governor Automation switch. Next on the throttle, press the bottom part of Drezhl 2 times. Not the top. Then go to ur right and you will see the buttons for the tanks. Turn all of them on except the C1. After that, bring up the fuel valve and turn on magnetos. Then go all the way to ur left and you will see a big yellow button. Thats the fuel prime. Click it 7 to 10 times. After that click the throttle, theres something on the bottom of the throttle that makes it go idle once u press it. Then bring up the inertia starter for 15 seconds then release. It's complicated lmao.
