0 Plasmacritter Comments

  • Knight-class Destroyer 3.2 years ago

    If you want some tips on how to make it more realistic or improve it a bit here are my takes on it.
    The large spinel railgun is great. The overall design of the ship is fantastic. Add more machine guns on the bottom and have them cover everything around the ship. And last but not least, add a ton of missles all over the ship that can be fired in a volley as if it where realistic and designed for space warfare, all weapons have virtually infinite range. The only difference between a short range and long range weapon is the ability to accurately hit a target at that distance, which is why missles are great because you can make them guided and thus always hit at long range. Because of the threat of missles all ships should have a advanced flack system that covers everything around the ship to destroy missles before they are a problem. And then railguns are used to punch holes right through ships and cause hull breaches, which is a bit of a problem in space.

    Add more flack, and add missles. Otherwise great work

  • Funky Trees help 3.3 years ago

    It’s more or less simple as The output value is going to be between what you set the clamp to @mLk17

  • bruh.. 3.3 years ago

    @Shmupsquad47 impact force is how much force the bullet has when it hits something. This force allows you to push things. And impact force is a variable in xml called impactForce

  • bruh.. 3.3 years ago

    I don’t think that is possible, you can try amping up the impactForce variable to something like 1000000000000 but I’m not sure if that would work

  • Funky Trees help 3.3 years ago

    Yeah what do you need / want made

  • Realistic Space Warship 3.3 years ago

    @MIAW26PERSIAN I took a fuselage I had downloaded over 3 years ago and heavily modified it. The only thing that I ended up keeping was the fuselage and I don’t even know who made it