0 Panther218 Comments

  • S-313D Missile With Silo 3.7 years ago

    Yeah, I’d say it destroys stuff instantly..

  • I was making a mod... and then... 3.7 years ago

    Everybody gangster until the USS Beast goes Mach 1

  • MOST STABLE TITAN aka C-130 CARGO PLANE 3.9 years ago

    It should be most stable C-130 aka Titan and the titan is not a real nickname for it that’s just the GTA V name the real nickname for the C-130 is Herk Referring to the Hercules and it isn’t the most stable plane in the game it does pitch up quite a bit

  • Submarine Airdrop 3.9 years ago

    The propellor hits the cargo bay.. other than that it is fine