540 NinjaRaptor Comments

  • Oversimplified F-4J PhantomII one year ago

    Great job mate! It's one of the best Phantoms I've ever seen on this platform. Detailed cockpit, awesome look, just all over very satisfying.
    Glad that I could help you out a little bit :3

  • Slightly more accurate F-4J PhantomII 11 months ago

    Wow, this looks much better now. Great job, mate!

  • F/A-39D Super Hellhound one year ago

    Here are every version this aircraft if you wanna check them out:


  • F/A-39D Super Hellhound one year ago

    @ChopShop Exactly. Fighters usually aren't stable. That's what makes them maneuverable. A good example is the EF-2000 Typhoon.
    But yes, I noticed it, I'm sorry for that. I built this aircraft to experiment around and get to know the mechanics of SP. But I put much work into it and wanted to share it with the world.
    And I promise, you won't notice the wag while maneuvering/dogfighting :)

  • F/A-39D Super Hellhound one year ago

    @ChopShop Thanks!
    And sorry to hear that. I've Just notices that the rudder is too big. I might have forgor💀 about fixing that. I personally never really used the rudder, so I didn't really focus on that lol.
    You could try to engage nice and slowly and it should be better. Or you could try and make it smaller. Maybe that'll help

  • V-69E Ghost one year ago

    The description is just fire🔥🔥
    Fu- Screw all the complicated technical data, this is much better

    Love you brotha <3

  • St. George F/A-39C Hellhound 1.7 years ago


    I Just realised that the ejection handle doesn't work for Vr, so I fixed it here