41.4k MrVaultech Comments

  • [SLRP] In regards to the current war 4.8 years ago

    I don't recall you being in the SLRP server?

  • New discord server 4.8 years ago

    Here's you a link
    You make them by putting whatever ya want to be a link in [brackets], then immediately follow up by putting the link in (parentheses) without any spaces.

  • What's your favorite battle ship 4.9 years ago

    I'd probably have to say the KMS Gneisenau because of it's inability to be sunk during it's one engagement, with the KMS Scharnhorst being a close 2nd just from the sheer story of how it was sunk.

  • Well... Another teaser I guess... (Teaser Time Part 2) 4.9 years ago

    The two jets I've made were on the smaller scale, and didn't exactly have the room in them for fuel tanks.
    Though, the next time I have a reason to build a third, I'll see about getting it bigger for internal tanks.

  • Ilyushin Il-52 No mod 4.9 years ago

    Np m8

  • Well... Another teaser I guess... (Teaser Time Part 2) 4.9 years ago

    Quite a fan of being able to see from nose to tail in jets. Especially so in SP, cause peeps just go normal fuselage with inlets most the times.

  • Ju 88 or Ju 388 4.9 years ago

    A Ju 388 would be neats

  • SLRP: D-Day 2.0 4.9 years ago

    Because people keep declaring on Halcyon, from what I can tell, for no reason while claiming Halcyon invaded their buddies, who declared war on Halcyon first.

  • Lavochkin La-7 V1.0 4.9 years ago

    Np m8

  • Anyone *not* on the SLRP map 4.9 years ago

    Um, I'm not sure how the Soviet Union would fit on the map since all its former land is owned by at least 3 different countries...

  • SLRP: Rising tensions with Halcyon and state of the Warburg situation 4.9 years ago

    claims peacekeeping in the Pacific, has your close ally invade an sovereign island nation and threatens to wipe another nation off the map

  • "MV Wright Island" Ro-Ro Ferry 4.9 years ago

    Np m8

  • The Treaty of Halifax [SPRP] 4.9 years ago

    I dunno, that sounds pretty threatening when you were talking about peace before.

  • Where is the "official" map of SP's RP and how can I put my RP nation on it ? 4.9 years ago

    Right now the map is being remade after some other joker erased it.
    and a note, GeneralOliver lost about 95% of the territory he occupied from a coup recently

  • Where is the "official" map of SP's RP and how can I put my RP nation on it ? 4.9 years ago

    that's why he got couped by his second-in-command?

  • [SLRP] Who the crap are you? 4.9 years ago

    Alright. I haven't seen anyone make claims on that region, so I'll be sure your territory is marked clearly.

  • MY REGIME RISES AGAIN 5.0 years ago


  • QnA with Awsomur????!?!?!?!!!??!!???!!!??????????? 5.0 years ago

    Do you think cats are actually French spies?

  • Companies in Roleplay [SLRP] 5.0 years ago

    I've taken note of how people run their countries an militaries (with an iron fist, no attrition, and capable of moving across continents in seconds...), I made sure to keep my military small, use existing companies that I'm decently sure isn't used (Rheinmetall) to produce my weapons and equipment, and myself is more of a representative of the country instead of being a major leader or political officer in the country/military.
    also, mild surprise I got that mention with the sliiiiight misspell

  • XDB29 5.0 years ago

    No probs mate.

  • SimpleLandia Roleplay Rules and Guidelines 5.0 years ago

    And @DeidaraEnterprises, dude, stop antagonizing leaders. You're an RP mod, not a North Korean News headline.

  • SimpleLandia Roleplay Rules and Guidelines 5.0 years ago

    Aye aye, chill the Elon Musk out.
    No space forces will be had, no threatening other sovereign countries with WMDs, and definitely no breaking people's knees over some money that you'll probably recoup in half a second.

  • What things like SLRP can do for the community. 5.0 years ago


  • What things like SLRP can do for the community. 5.0 years ago

    Or RC turrets, but that does mean someone still has to gun/operate the turrets, and coordinate them.
    That is one of the reasons that killed the concept; coordination.
    It was difficult for a single commander to coordinate multiple turrets when he could only be in one at a time, and as soon as you get crazy like the T-35...
    and the sheer size needed of the chassis to carry the turrets was the other reason that killed the concept. That should be obvious to explain

  • Can anyone help me? 5.0 years ago

    I wasn't quite able to find a definitive fix, but switching the wings from flat bottom to symmetric helped, as well as reducing the engine's power to 1.5 or less.

  • SimpleLandia Roleplay Rules and Guidelines 5.0 years ago

    I'm ruling against any sort of space/orbital weapons.
    Not to mention, Königsberg Convention will outlaw the type of weapon.

  • A Serious Case of B-52 Syndrome 5.0 years ago

    Yeah, I'll be sure to meddle a bit with engine configs later on.

  • I am selling my company 5.0 years ago

    Depends on the price offered, otherwise I'm curious.

  • [SLRP] International plea for peacekeeping 5.0 years ago

    With mention that that, I feel an addition to the active army limitation amendment needs a clause limiting peacetime/wartime active soldiers to more reasonable amounts, but having no limit on near-military trained reserve personnel and paramilitary units.

  • -Falkan Islands- {Hopefully Simplelandia worthy} 5.1 years ago

    No problem. I'll make sure they get sent with respectable provisions to maintain the cars for many months, and are in pristine and combat-ready conditions as a whole.
    A Panamax freighter should load up and set sail via next Monday, and expected to arrive Friday next week.

  • -Falkan Islands- {Hopefully Simplelandia worthy} 5.1 years ago

    No need to worry about compensation for this generous donation, just seeing the precarious situation you arrived in just starting seemed too detrimental to the safety of your country, and thus in need of a greater ally to keep such a new country safe.

  • [SPRP] Philos space agency has launch 50 rockets in space. 5.1 years ago

    Wonderful contribution to the Kessler Syndrome, just wonderful.

  • -Falkan Islands- {Hopefully Simplelandia worthy} 5.1 years ago

    While I might not quite yet be officially be an active nation in the RP, I'd be more than welcome to offer a number of armored cars to help supplement your military, if you're alright with such a offer.

  • [RP]Who would Win? 5.1 years ago

    I'm gonna guess you have the required infrastructure and material/supply income to be able to build such a fleet, let alone maintain them, alongside the required alliances/ownership of countries with large enough quantities of these strategic materials to import them?
    Because honestly, how would anyone be able to survive in this RP without the ability to spawn super massive factories and mines and workers in impossible amounts of time to just afford their massive fleet of super advanced warships and the such?

  • [RP]Who would Win? 5.1 years ago

    And what adds to the impressive design is it looks like it was designed in SP, so definitely an excellent amount of skill was put into it.

  • Focke-Wulf Fw 534 B-1b (P.1301) 5.1 years ago


  • Focke-Wulf Fw 534 B-1b (P.1301) 5.1 years ago


  • The one problem with following 1400+ people 5.1 years ago

    I say I feel special seeing my username there, but then I remember you're following 14k people.

  • Just testing this thing 5.1 years ago

    Tis be some bad gear placement, I know, but it's like a 2 year old plane.

  • What’s your feelings on this Mr. Garrison? 5.1 years ago

    (Heres what was cut from character limit)
    Later, I tried setting up a system for nuclear weapons that would provide a game-changer; airfields could only be used for nuclear bombers if 20 miles from or within the target zone, and was not near a current frontline. Very shortly after, somebody tried to claim they dropped a nuclear bomb on Berlin, despite there being no useable runways for probably a hundred miles...? I really need to recheck those old maps at some point...

    The point I'm making is, nobody wants to use these quality-of-life improvements, and I hope not out of sheer ignorance to them. They'd significantly help out users in coordinating with each other on both sides, figuring out battles and supplies.

    Just reading this post lets me figure that this RP is well past the point of saving, qity RP players actively going and calling moderators corrupt for fricks sakes. Seriously? How are any of the Mods here corrupt? They have a job, and when some 12 year old starts spewing eavy vulgar and profane word he can think of, is it suddenly the work of a corrupt moderator to delete that comment and issue a warning?!

    At this point, the only way of saving this RP would be to end it on a good note, and let everyone walk away before Moderators and, Göring forbid, Devs get involved with this childisn nonsense.

  • What’s your feelings on this Mr. Garrison? 5.1 years ago

    I feel I need to take a stance on this "debate", considering my experience with RP.

    From my probably warped point of view, I'm starting to feel the Simplelandia RP should probably end.
    Yes, yes, I know, it sounds like terribly extreme stance from someone who isn't part of the RP, but I have over a year of experience in running a pretty large RP way back. Some ancient Alt WW2 RP that burned real fast after the 1 year mark.
    At this point in the Simplelandia RP, it has hit its peak, and is only gonna go more downhill from this point.
    As in that old WW2 RP of mine, theres always going to be a extremely vocal minority who will screw things up.
    For WW2, one guy was all it took. He started an argument with an very active member of the RP, causing the guy to quit and cause a massive rift in players.

    I had to cancel the RP then, with that incident being the major reason. Other things/reasons that led up to this were users magically pulling insanely advanced weapons and vehicles into the RP at absurd levels, somehow knowing of secrets from countries that even citizens of the actual countries didn't know about, and the absolute child-like nature of a small number of users when things didn't go their way! I even had one guy demand I restart the RP because his faction was losing (and the reason they were losing to begin with was because nobody did anything)!

    A final similarity I've noticed between the two RP's is a (probably not well) observed number of users ignoring others attempts to help improve the RP.
    Weeks back, I saw a post made by Squirrel (I believe) where he went and made a whole Discord server for the Simplelandia RP, but considering how many major RP posts continued to be made on-site, I have a feeling it was ignored.
    Another was a decently active Simplelandia user bringing up the idea of inputting [Roleplay] or something along those lines in titles of Simplelandia RP posts, so other non-RP users wouldn't get confused on obviously vague or click-baity titles for the RP. Buuuuuuut obviously next to nobody did such a thing.
    Things like this happened in my Alt WW2 RP. Early on, I had made seperate Kik chats for the major factions, Axis and Allies. While I didn't oversee the Allied chat personally, I had a strong feeling nobody used it all too much when compared to the Axis chat.
    (Crap, character limit)

  • Any WarThunder tips?? 5.1 years ago

    Stuka's pretty fun, but the 410 B-2 has it beat. It's a wonderful feeling pilot sniping a Spitfire with an Air target 50mm.

  • Any WarThunder tips?? 5.1 years ago

    I've had some absurd games in the Tiger 2 (H) that'd probably make you think bias, but the P-47 and AD-4 spam says otherwise

  • Alternate WWII: Slightly Depressing Post 5.1 years ago

    Ah, makes sense, makes sense.

  • Wheel help! (Hollow Fuselage Part) 5.2 years ago

    The issue is the hollow fuselage (much like the normal fuselage) is modeled as a rectangle, but textured to look round, or something like that.

  • Join the Troop Transport Challenge! 5.4 years ago

    Um, the link just lets me edit the forum post?

  • What's your favorite U.S. state? 5.4 years ago

    The US is weird.
    I know there's a Paris Texas for sure, and a Nome Texas, and about a dozen Deadwoods across the states.

  • Any sp New Years resolutions 5.4 years ago

    get at least an upvote in the first hour of uploading something
    Mmm, I guess make some unique armored car that hasen't been seen before.
