22.5k MoterKade Comments

  • 80s hot econobox knock-off 8.0 years ago

    Just took this puppy for a road test. Not bad at all.Just and fyi the front wheels are not assigned to the engine in this download. Easy to do so no biggie. Handling is not to bad being a work in progress. Im super stoked to see what else you do to the body in the way of cosmetics. So far it looks pretty convincing. I did find the the suspension a little stiff for my liking with such a light design but that too is easy to adjust to the drivers liking. All in all a pretty nice build. Looking forward to the finish design. i'll follow you for a while to monitor progress on this :)

    Cheers MoterKade

  • plz download or upvote my plane 8.0 years ago

    Hey glad to see you here on the forums!! Did you take a second and check out the forum rules. Self promotion is frowned upon as well as fishing for upvotes. It would be a great idea to look at them and be familiar with them as it keeps the community in good working order. Just helpful pointer. Take care and have fun!!

    Cheers Moterkade

  • Can someone please explain to me... 8.0 years ago

    Interesting. I would have googled it but then thought nah.... if people here use it they gotta know what it means. Though on the other hand I kinda wish I hadn't asked lol

  • Can someone please explain to me... 8.0 years ago

    @iiRazor ha auto correct got you too lol. Thanks for the answer to my inquiry. I was a little confused as I have seen it used a but around here. Now I understand. Thanks

  • Little bulldozer 8.0 years ago

    Nice! Looks well constructed. Though I will have to down load it and try when I get home. I also looked at some of your other builds. Think I'm going to have to follow you for awhile!!

  • My birthday is today... 8.0 years ago

    Happy birthday! Hope been a good;)

  • Okay... This is getting bad... 8.0 years ago

    I think it would be best everyone walk away form this for a bit and return when cooler head prevail. There is alot of anger and hostility at the moment and nothing good will come of it if we continue on this route.

  • Okay... This is getting bad... 8.0 years ago

    @AnarchistAerospaceIndustries quitting would solve your problem you but not the others you are trying to get recognized. Thought taking a little time off and re evaluating the concern might be a good idea. I too had to do so and looking at it with a fresh perspective was a good thing. Just my thought on it. What ever you choose I'm sure you will be still welcome here.

  • off-road truck 8.0 years ago

    @TimothyWong yeah it is but that's cool. It's wrapped up in a really neat chassis so I'll let it slide. Plus it's there for people to use. It's nice tho to get a little mention though;)

  • 1969 camaro (mod) 8.0 years ago

    @JDM lol nice!

  • Progress on the '68 Chevy Camaro RS for @TheLatentImage 8.0 years ago

    Very cool! Going to be following this one.

  • 1969 camaro (mod) 8.0 years ago

    A model that has been put in using unity. Looks great but IMHO it defeats the purpose and point of building it. Again it does look awesome.

  • Mercedes-Benz CLK-GTR 8.0 years ago

    Nice LeMans Mercedes!! Not at the PC right now but I have put it into my faves to give it a run when I am. I must say though you have captured the essence of this car very well!! Looks great!

  • Calling all car builders 8.0 years ago

    @TheLatentImage I will give it a go!

  • The importance of... 8.0 years ago

    Well put. I 100% whole hearted agree with this statement. Comments from the community is truly the only way any of us will get better or improve on our skills and designs. I appreciate comments more then anything as the show that the commenter actually cared enuff. Now granted I have upvoted and quick commented before but I really do try to express at the very least my favourite part of the build or give encouragement to continue building upon their skills. I will try harder in the future to address my quick comments and add more to them. ;)

    Cheers MoterKade

  • Off road Truck 8.0 years ago


  • Semi-Truck 8.0 years ago

    Very neat concept!

  • 4x4 Solid Axle Fully Articulated Chassis 8.0 years ago

    Very cool. The hydraulic steering is a nice touch!

  • What Is Your Favorite Aspect On Simple Planes? 8.0 years ago

    The ability to be creative and innovative with ideas. Testing them and crashing them. !)

  • IM BACK!!!!!!!! 8.0 years ago

    Welcome back!

  • Car chassis 8.0 years ago

    Looking good! You can also play with suspension tuning as well. If too stiff weight won't transfer properly and you will not get grip proper either. Oh and also... most of your weight is in the rear so the front wheels won't catch the ground well enuff and will under steer.

  • Car Challenge + Tank Biathlon Challenge! 8.0 years ago

    @SkrillEclipse I would love to but I prefer use my own chassis as they are integral to my builds. So I will not be able to participate. :(

  • Leeroy Landrush 8.0 years ago

    @Othawne Awesomeness look forward to it good luck!!

  • Leeroy Landrush 8.0 years ago

    @Othawne Oooo a rider would be cool!

  • Leeroy Landrush 8.0 years ago

    Dude turned out awesome! Like the colour choice! But how is it a successor of mine. The original was yours. I just put an engine together. Anyway it's great looking build.!

  • Foxbody Mustang 233 Custom MF By MKI 8.0 years ago

    @TimothyWong it depends on what I'm building. My tow truck was framework and engine first. My 5.0 was body then frame and interior with engine last and my Cobra was body/ frame then engine with interior last. I study the vehicle first and try to figure out which way would be the easiest to obtain the best results. Doesn't always work lol I have a build that I thought was going to be easy but it has been more difficult then the Cobra was.

  • Do I have to say credit to original creator when using their build 8.0 years ago

    It's not required no but it's best practice too. Especially if it's something they spent a lot of time on. Even if you mod it, dropping them some credit is just a respect thing I would think. If you liked it enough to use it and not build one of your own it's only fair to at the very least mention them.

  • 427 Cobra Custom By MKI 8.0 years ago

    Lol you would not believe what happened....I just had to download my own build because I just realized that I did not save the final version before I posted it so my version was missing most of the interior lmao!

  • 1967 Pontiac GTO 8.0 years ago

    Cool! Nicely done!

  • Looking through the xml and... 8.0 years ago

    @Cedy117 sorry Cedy117 you were tagged in this because there was some fowl language used and I was trying to get a mod. It was already taken care thanks tho! I did how ever get an Answer to my equiry on the topic.

    Cheers MoterKade

  • 427 Cobra Custom By MKI 8.0 years ago

    @TopSecret2 Thanks glad you like it. Yeah the suspension is maxed out. I was going for control for own personal build, but I encourageyou to play with the suspension settings to find something you like and handles how you would want. the shocks are fairly easy to get to and the grip of the tires can be reduced to get the disired effect! Hope it works out for you! Enjoy!

  • Peterbilt 379 Super Truck 8.0 years ago

    @FasterThanLight looking forward to it :)

  • Peterbilt 379 Super Truck 8.0 years ago

    @FasterThanLight into faves goes!! Really like the brake light feature! The paint looks great too. The screenshot does no justice;) well done! Oh and triaxle is Avery nice touch!!

  • Wyvernderp 8.0 years ago

    Whoa! Looks menacing!!! Very cool!

  • TIE/IN Interceptor 8.0 years ago

    Looks awesome! Will have to try it when get home!!

  • Some one take a second look at. 8.0 years ago

    @General360 thank you! I know I'm not known as a promotional kind of guy, but I really do see some potential here. Sorta like me when I first started. My first build was not so good. But here I see with a bit of time they could really build something truly awesome! That's just my opinion. It in the end don't matter if they truly build for themselves and are enjoying the game. But I would hate to see less from them in the future;)

  • Carcroft z1 8.0 years ago


  • Engine 8.0 years ago

    Clean and simple! Nice

  • Simple Planes Fuel Transporter Truck (Detailed Version) 8.0 years ago

    I Digg it!! Well done!

  • Some one take a second look at. 8.0 years ago

    Of course not lol I never get them to work. Plus I'm on my phone and it does nothing right 90% of the time lol yeah I have tried to get the dang link to work....and now I want to crush my phone lol

  • Attack Ship 8.0 years ago

    It's a pretty decent design! I like it. Just needs some colour😉

  • Marelli Favoria T-520 8.0 years ago

    @Othawne can give it the old college try! Post an unlisted version of what you have and tag me with what you want done in particular. I will try to take look at it this afternoon after work. I have a could things in the works for a couple of others here so I will try to get it back to you a quick as possible. Oh and let me know what my limits are on design.

  • Auto Wrecker (Tow Truck) SD By MKI 8.0 years ago

    @BlueCobraplanes thanks Alot! Definitely my most ambitious build! It's still my personal favorite build I have done;)

  • Auto Wrecker (Tow Truck) SD By MKI 8.0 years ago

    @BlueCobraplanes good to hear!!

  • Tips for newbie 8.0 years ago

    Time and patience! Well built and functional craft should be what you strive for! Check other peoples designs to get ideas on how to make things work. Remember that the higher the parts count does Alway mean a better build. Try to determine what you overall goal of your craft will be. Be it hi-tech, cosmetically pleasing, mobile friendly or all of the above.

    Secondly build for yourself! If you are pleased with your builds and believe it's the best you can do at that time, then share it! It is possible that others will find it great as well and comment on your builds. Be that good or bad doesn't matter as all comments can help you refine your designs and help you improve on them. It also helps to remember that at least in this community there are lots of people who look out for new members and help guide them in obtaining the goals here on building super fun and interesting builds. And lastly and in my book, the most important thing is to enjoy the game regardless of what you do with it. So many possibilities and so little time! So get out and build something!!

    Cheers MoterKade

  • Marelli Favoria T-520 8.0 years ago

    @Othawne thanks!! Much appreciated!!

  • Looking through the xml and... 8.0 years ago

    @ Skua

  • How Many Hours Do YOU Take To Build a Plane? 8.0 years ago

    Depends on the build but I average about 20 hours a build for detail build I have next to no xml experience. All time spent with Fine Tuner Mod.

    Oh I should ad that's spread out over a 1 to 2 week period

  • School is out! 8.0 years ago

    Ah school! And summer holidays! The days you sleep in! Dang I miss those days! Enjoy them!!

  • Foxbody Mustang 233 Custom MF By MKI 8.0 years ago

    @nicjames depends on what my goal for the build is. On average though I would say around 20 hours if I went straight at it none stop. Some take longer some less. Remember though this is also spread out over 1 to 2 weeks as I work and in real life my wife runs the show lol so getting quality time to work on builds are spread out and thin lol