5,540 Korzalerke2147483647 Comments

  • Pretend there's something really offensive written here. 5 months ago

    @TheFlightGuySP Interesting, what's the code for that?

  • Bi-Turbo 5 months ago

    @HOPKINS234 É 20 reais por km

  • Lexus IS300 (2003) 5 months ago

    This thing is UNBELIEVABLY smooth, how did you make it look this close to the real car?

    Looking at it in the designer it's made of a bunch of tiny horizontal stripes, did you build it from bottom to top? And how did you get the curvature right?

    I tried making a car but it came out really blocky since I have no clue how to get the shape right.

  • Pretend there's something really offensive written here. 5 months ago

    @TheFlightGuySP Relatively well I think, how 'bout you? I see you're now platinum, and a bunch of other people also.

    Still mess around with the dev console?

  • Oh no…. 5 months ago

    Hmm... does that message appear on every page you visit?

  • Bi-Turbo 5 months ago

    @32 silver is prettier

  • AE86 Ai Racer 5 months ago


  • SimpleDoom Low Graphics 5 months ago

    Hell yeah!

    Too bad my PC's a goddamn potato lol

  • Bi-Turbo 5 months ago

    @Transair56 just saw your account date, by the time you joined I was no longer using that account

    took like 5 minutes to check if you were in the list, my browser does not like loading all those profile pictures.

  • I want to recreate your old planes (part 3 it's for Christmas) 5 months ago

    @Hahahahaahahshs btw you can only tag up to 3 people, Graingy and everyone after him didn't get a notification.

  • Bi-Turbo 5 months ago

    @NathanJoga yes, inside joke

  • FT With ChatGPT? 5 months ago

    @CaptainNoble Yeah, it checks if a AND b are true, if so it returns a 0. If not, it checks if either a OR b are true, if so it returns a 1 (true), if not a -1 (false).

  • FT With ChatGPT? 5 months ago

    @CaptainNoble | also returns true when both conditions are true. For it to check when either is active but not both, you'd need something like this I think:

    (a & b) ? 0 : (a| b)

  • FT With ChatGPT? 5 months ago

    Okay, messing around with this some more, it doesn't understand the syntax too well, but the answers seem pretty good actually.

    I asked this and it gave me this response. Not in funky trees, but the math appears to do exactly what I wanted.

  • FT With ChatGPT? 5 months ago

    I... hm... doubt anything it generates will be usable but I'm curious to test it.

    Edit: it gave me pitch + vtol for "move with pitch and vtol inputs", but it got a little confused with "one or the other"

  • Realistic glass. How? 5 months ago

    On the paint job menu select the color you used for the glass and set the metallic and smoothness sliders to max.

  • Mhm 5 months ago

    @0k some people just don't like leaving without an explanation, just leave 'em be it's not that big a deal

  • I found a bug from AI plane 5 months ago

    ai crafts have been wonky since the last update I think

    kinda lame, they release a final update and it fixes nothing and creates new bugs

  • Vityaz V-78u with 37-mm shooting guns 5 months ago

    @Pig how come

  • What's Next? 10 months ago


    Man I leave for a few days and the skies fall...

  • i just landed on the tanker mid air 10 months ago

    @NavalMan96 Oh sorry I didn't notice, you know that number next to your username?

    It needs to be at least 101 for this to work, I think it's a measure to prevent spam.

  • “Order for Korzalerke“ 10 months ago

    @32 "#122 — MNTGMRY"

    Fun fact: The removal of all vowels from a word is called "disemvowelment".

  • i just landed on the tanker mid air 10 months ago

    Try with this link instead:


    It's the direct link to your image.

  • Why is making replicas so easy? 10 months ago

    I find it easier to make custom planes because replicas still require some creativity anyways (since the blueprints aren't always perfect and often don't show some things like the bottom of the plane), the only difference is that on custom planes I don't have to match up perfectly with an image, and if something is annoying to make I can just build something else in its place.

    It often leads to the finalized plane looking nothing like the initial idea, but that makes it more fun imo.

  • Why is making replicas so easy? 10 months ago

    @RepublicOfCursedPlanes This is true if you imagine:

    1. Lego is made of magic clay that becomes harder to hold the more pieces you add and each part needs to be shaped by hand with a paperclip.

    2. The "instructions" are just a drunk guy next to you trying to describe the death star, occasionally glancing over details you'll have to learn about from elsewhere.

  • “Order for Korzalerke“ 10 months ago

    I wonder, how does this work? Is it an online form?

  • Be Not Afraid My Child 11 months ago

    Estuans interius
    Ira vehementi
    Estuans interius
    Ira vehementi


  • Ohio Challenge RESULTS 11 months ago

    Btw you can only tag 3 people per comment, any more don't get a notification.

  • resolution bug 11 months ago

    So there are others...

    You're the first other person I've seen have this problem, I think I finally found a solution a while ago.

    First, download the version 7 of this program, then open it, select the game's exe and the desired resolution, click "create shortcut", select your desktop and save.

    After that you can boot up the game from that shortcut without having to deal with this problem, but make sure not to delete "reso7.exe" since the program is required for the shortcut to work.

    Hopefully it helps.

  • Countermeasures difference 11 months ago

    I always thought chaff prevented planes from locking onto you, and flares had a chance to make missiles miss you after they're fired. Is that not the case?

  • Anyway to remove sound 11 months ago

    Lower maxImput to 0.1, then increase the powerMultiplier to 10x it's value.

  • Hi 11 months ago

    @rexzion Can confirm, I gave up after the 4th attempt.

  • Need Help with modding 11 months ago

    @MTindustries @XxRxX IIRC the modding package requires Unity version 2020.3.26f1 specifically, other versions will just show you an error.

    Maybe that's the problem?

  • What's the first thing uploaded in simpleplanes web? 11 months ago

    @LM0418 The error is probably due to the post being made by an anonymous account, though I'm not sure why that would break comments.

    The HTML gibberish you see when trying to comment is actually the code for this page. For some reason, if the error is triggered when trying to comment, the website will alert it instead of redirecting you to the page.

    I wonder if there are more of those anonymous posts, I have yet to see any other than the Corsair.

  • Nother bastrd that ruins my plan again 11 months ago

    Ah the great artist, Robdisco the Beggar, who once blessed these lands with his breathtaking poetry.

    I thank you for reminding me of the greatest event I was lucky enough to witness.

  • More suggestions! 11 months ago

    Don't worry about posting on the website much, one of the top users disappeared for years and when he came back people still liked the stuff he made the same way. Prioritise real life over videogames and the internet.

    Anyways if you want a suggestion, how about a SR-71? It's a cool looking recon plane and I wonder how it could be made to fly well in this game even at speeds that high.

  • TEST DELETE LATER 11 months ago

    @RepublicOfCursedPlanes Later can be any time between the post's creation and when the stars die, so technically the title isn't lying.

    On a partially-related note, I've found that this website doesn't like it when you chain too much formatting, aren't tests fun?

    Edit: Seems the error is caused by some combination of URL tags, more than signs and backticks, can't seem to figure out which though.

    Edit 2: Apparently what causes the error is typing 8 backticks in sequence, sounds dumb but that seems to be the cause.

  • how do you limit the pitch of the roll elevators using funky trees code ? 11 months ago

    @aeaeaeaeae Huh.

    Maybe I should look a bit more into how the airspeed types in this game work, it's a bit confusing.

  • how do you limit the pitch of the roll elevators using funky trees code ? 11 months ago

    @aeaeaeaeae Worth noting that for screens or gauges you should still use IAS, since (at least from my undestanding) that's more accurate to how real planes display your airspeed.

  • how do you limit the pitch of the roll elevators using funky trees code ? 11 months ago

    @XxRxX IAS doesn't count your higher airspeed at higher altitudes and counts wind speed, GS is the exact same as TAS, except TAS counts the wind speed, meaning it counts the simulated air from the wind speed settings (which nobody ever uses tbh but I usually use GS to avoid problems with code that requires you to be moving above or below a certain speed to activate).

    Also less airspeed? Wdym? I've only seen planes go faster as you rise up, unless you try to fly into space.

  • how do you limit the pitch of the roll elevators using funky trees code ? 11 months ago

    Use Roll*lerp(1,0.2,GS/178), this will make the elevator move less as the plane approaches 178 meters per second (about 400mph), but never below 1/5 its normal angle so you can still roll.

    Also when coding it's usually better to use GS instead of IAS, because it accounts for speed differences at higher altitudes and isn't affected by the wind settings.

  • Evidence i got 11 months ago

    Somehow you managed to kill a secret enemy, probably with some super strong bomb since it's a really fast (like supersonic) boat that's hard to find

  • What my plans are next? 11 months ago

    What would that fix be? It is quite annoying to have random gaps on your plane as you save and reload it.

  • Click the link 11 months ago

    @TheCommentaryGuy Click the link

    <a href="https://www.simpleplanes.com/Users/Bio/1390180">link</a>