25.3k Kendog84 Comments

  • AI flak gun - 52-K 85mm v1 8 months ago

    Tag redo (this is the last one), AA gun for endmy AI!

  • AI flak gun - 52-K 85mm v1 8 months ago

    AA flak cannon for enemy AI, tagging again

  • AI flak gun - 52-K 85mm v1 8 months ago


  • AI flak gun - 52-K 85mm v1 8 months ago

    Figured you may be interested in this:)

  • [Target Airbase] BSAF 'Camp Poostein' v1 (700 parts) 8 months ago


  • [Target Airbase] BSAF 'Camp Poostein' v1 (700 parts) 8 months ago

    Totally, hehe

  • ACP-8 8 months ago

    Love the design of the vehicle!

  • [Target Airbase] BSAF 'Camp Poostein' v1 (700 parts) 8 months ago

    Right, sure, it's
    X/long 5721,
    Y/alt 71,
    Z/lat -5331

  • Need help for custom tank track and some teaser 8 months ago

    No prob, and here's an example:) Thanks for asking me by the way. I could use something like this myself, and this just pushed me to make it.

    I have a detailed explanation in the aircraft instruction.

  • (Probably not) The First Ever Recorded Naval Battle (against a player built AI ship) 8 months ago

    Use as in, use it in/as a basis for your build (& upload)? If you have the link to it, you can use it:)
    Just give me the credit for the part I made.
    If you don't have the link I'll upload the thing later (not sure if I can immediately)

  • Refuel station proof of concept 9 months ago

    Nah, I haven't done anything with the idea. I still think it or a working refuel station would be a cool thing to have, though. Got any new idea for it?

    Also, have you checked DarDragon's KC-10 by the way?
    It's a bit tricky to work with, but it works. Really cool proof of concept.
    I think with some modifications, you can make it maintain a certain altitude, follow you, and circle over you when you are landed. This way you don't have to spawn the thing everywhere you go. I have my hands full to do anything with either of these at the moment, but I think these are both worth pursuing as player-build techs.

  • [AI interceptor] Mig-17 (air) - Swarm AI Fighter! 11 months ago

    Haha, thanks. I still barely know anything about FT or coding in general. Most of the stuff on this plane were borrowed from other people's creations. (Credit in the desc!) But even when you can't write codes yourself, you can still make new things if you can combine them in a new different way, so there's that:)

  • Swarming AI fighters! - "Interception" (tech demo/music video for AI interceptor build) 11 months ago

    That might be too high of a praise, but thanks! lol

  • [AI interceptor] Mig-17 (land) v1 - AI fighter that works as a team 11 months ago

    I'm not sure, but I suspect it won't. Check out SimpleCheats II for more info.
    If the part has the XML parameter, you can add the parameter and change the value. If it doesn't, game just won't save the texts.

  • [AI interceptor] Mig-17 (land) v1 - AI fighter that works as a team 11 months ago

    I have a couple other mobile-friendly-like things in my WIP limbo, hopefully I can get them out by the.. end of this year. lol

  • [AI interceptor] Mig-17 (land) v1 - AI fighter that works as a team 11 months ago

    I'm not familiar with ship building let alone carriers in SP (at all), but I think you might be able to improve on-deck handling by changing the traction values of the aircraft's wheels (you may have to use resizable wheels). I think I might have some info on that on my M103 page, have a look there.

    Here's a note I took before. It may not be 100% accurate, so I recommend you do some research yourself. There were some discussions on this site.

    SimplePlanes resizable wheel
    extermum - lower the value, less slippy
    asymptote - high the value, more grip
    Damper (shock) - lower the value, bouncier it is. Higher the value, less bouncier (looks stiffer)
    Spring -
    If the value is too low, wheel will have harder time going over obstacles, even if the wheel looks large enough to cross it.

  • [AI interceptor] Mig-17 (air) - Swarm AI Fighter! 11 months ago

    Thank you, glad you're having fun with it!
    Target marker thing was a necessary compromise I had to make to make them not shoot each other, but it did inspire me to be creative with it (like the aggro/neutral-mode light thing & contrail to make them easier to find)

  • Some Random (But Probably Useful) Findings one year ago

    Yeah, the visual effect of the explosion isn't very napalm like. I was working on a modified version of potato's Napalm which uses no AGs and can instead be dropped like any other bombs, but canned the project because of that + immense lag caused by a few hundred rockets n detachers.

    The racks are the Vietnam-post Vietnam era MER/TER type (multiple/triple ejector racks) that can carry up to 6 or 3 bombs. But this one is reusable in that, it's not "built in" to an aircraft. It's also fairly light, and won't flop under low physics. I just gotta finish the description text.

  • Some Random (But Probably Useful) Findings one year ago


    And so are missiles
    Huh... Ohhh, I see now. I thought missiles never ignite if disconnected, but they had to be active/activated. Just tested this. (Rockets will ignite whether they are active or inactive--I'm talking about the activationGroup input)
    And yeah they tend to be floppy.

    Yes on both accounts
    Makes sense

  • Some Random (But Probably Useful) Findings one year ago

    Oh--I was mistaken in that case. When does it dispawn?

  • Some Random (But Probably Useful) Findings one year ago

    I'll be publishing a low-physics proof bomb ejector racks (with some bombs) later btw, would you mind if I tag you on the post? I think you might like it

  • Some Random (But Probably Useful) Findings one year ago

    Unfortunately there isn't at the moment. It's either the ExplosionScale of rockets can't be changed, or maybe game doesn't even have the parameter for the parts.
    You can make a custom missile that flies straight and doesn't need a target (maybe this is what you mean by the cannon trick?), but it will be less reliable (it will explode upon contact with a plane, but can go through terrain sometimes).

  • CBU-2/A and CBU-14/A (cluster bomb (munition) dispensers) - custom weapons one year ago

    Go into cannon's xml (with Overload or something), and you'll find an attribute called "launchVolume." You just need to edit the number and make it 0.

  • Tactical Washing Machine (piston alarm sound demonstrator) one year ago

    Yeah, I took a little break from the game, and now I'm taking it slow to avoid burnout. That, and also due to life stuff in general.
    I've been working on each of my SP projects bit by bit though, so the MiG-17, airbase target and some other stuff haven't been abandoned.

  • FT Guided Bomb KGB 3000 MK.1 one year ago

    Just incredible! Love it!!!

  • CBU-2/A and CBU-14/A (cluster bomb (munition) dispensers) - custom weapons one year ago

    Thanks for the reminder
    I plan to release it eventually, I gotta the finish the build

  • Instant custom mission / No MODs (AI bomber demo 2) one year ago

    Hopefully this year
    Been taking breaks to avoid complete burnout, but I've made some progress with some parts of the project. Keep your hopes and expectations low though (both with quality and release date), you don't wanna get disappointed, lol

  • Sinkable ship damage model (buoyancy) - Description Redone! one year ago

    It can, though you must use cannons for it to work. Cant use minigun or wing gun.
    I was experimenting with it a while ago actually, though I kinda forgot how well it worked. You should experiment with the idea :)

  • Douglas XB-19 (BEFORE A MODEL) 1.2 years ago

    Thanks for adding the credit, and archiving their plane!:)

  • Douglas XB-19 (BEFORE A MODEL) 1.2 years ago

    Hey, you forgot to mention this is a model by Spark1645.
    You should (need to) credit the original creator in the description or title.

  • A7M Reppu (AI) 1.2 years ago

    Very nice! Turn rate feels realistic and is fun to fly, and parts usage feels very efficient. Looks beautiful too. I'd have preferred it if the first person camera was located in the general cockpit position, but that's a minor issue. (Oh and flap would be a nice addition as well)
    Edited bullet scale is also a nice touch.

  • Air Defense 1.2 years ago

    Thx:) But it's gotten even better! I'll (hopefully) film a vid to showcase the new stuff sometime soon.

  • EggPlane: F4 Phantom 1.2 years ago

    No problem. F-4 is gone, but they still have An-225 up. I reported it a few days ago, so it may get removed soon, but just in case.

  • Working air raid siren 1.2 years ago

    This is cool!!

  • Police Patrol Boat 1.2 years ago

    lol, got you there! Glass block does hide some parts, but not the water.

  • Police Patrol Boat 1.2 years ago

    Haha, sorry that was a reference to GTASA (maybe in VC too) where water disappears when you look through boats' window

  • Police Patrol Boat 1.2 years ago

    Nice recreation of the police boat!
    I think there's a bug with the windows though, water disappears when I look through them. It's really weird.

  • Police Patrol Boat 1.2 years ago

    Uh-oh, the suspect has boarded our boat! What should we do... aha! We should abandon the boat! All hands abandon ship! touches water and dies

  • Instant custom mission / No MODs (AI bomber demo 2) 1.2 years ago

    No, it's all done in singleplayer. And no mods. Just using FT.
    You can already play with the AI AAA, just spawn it as an aggressive AI. (You can find 25 parts version in my profile)

    I'm currently working on things like the AI bomber, AI interceptor (that can take off and attack you or other bombers), AI SAM site, ground target, etc. I can, maybe, upload the interceptor soon. (But no promises!)

  • Instant custom mission / No MODs (AI bomber demo 2) 1.2 years ago

    Sorry, I don't have an account on bilibili :(
    Let me try sending you the link one more time

    But I'll describe the video in case you can't watch that.
    I'm flying an F-105 approaching Wright Airport from North, and I see two other F-105s. One next to me, and one behind me.
    Anti air artillery on Wright Airport starts firing at us. We drop bombs, and blow up some parked aircrafts. My wingman gets shot down by the AAA. Plane crashes on the south end of the island. I circle back to fire rockets at the AAA, but I get hit and my plane gets damaged. My pilot ejects, and parachute opens right before he hits the ground--and my F-105 crashes into the ground, and explodes into pieces. My pilot was almost blown up. But he lands safely on the ground. End of the video.

    This sounds cooler in text honestly.. lol

  • CBU-2/A and CBU-14/A (cluster bomb (munition) dispensers) - custom weapons 1.2 years ago

    No prob, thanks for adding the link!

  • CBU-2/A and CBU-14/A (cluster bomb (munition) dispensers) - custom weapons 1.2 years ago

    Oh well.. that's something alright, lol
    Hey, could you link this page in the description of your build? Credit would be very much appreciated:)

  • Cannon damage tester B Mk1 (block mass 900000) 1.2 years ago

    Hey, sorry I got the notif but couldn't see your comment. I think the guy removed our comments.

  • Instant custom mission / No MODs (AI bomber demo 2) 1.2 years ago

    They spawn as blue when spawned at Final Approach spawns that are in the game by default. Planes in the video are controlled by FT autopilot, and flying on predetermined course/"on rail". I will upload the plane when it's ready.

  • CBU-2/A and CBU-14/A (cluster bomb (munition) dispensers) - custom weapons 1.2 years ago

    Sorry, I don't have any plane of my own ready for upload. You should be able to download the Skyraider linked in the description, though, it's a 170-part build.

    You can first save the weapon as a sub-assembly. Just grab them by the red block. You'll see a blue box at the top right corner of the screen, so drag & drop it there, and give it a name. Like, "CBU2." Now it's saved as a sub-assembly, and you can get it from the parts menu (sub-assembly section is at the bottom of the menu).

    Now, once you've downloaded the plane (or any other), you can attach it to your plane of choice. Let me know if you aren't sure about the instructions.

    Correction, sub assembly save box is at the top left corner

  • [Target] 7x Mig-17s (camo) v.MC1-1 1.2 years ago

    Here it is, it's a modified & repainted version of this A-1.

  • Never look him in the eye (MiG monster) 1.2 years ago

    Yessir, and thanks!:)

  • Never look him in the eye (MiG monster) 1.2 years ago

    You are inspecting your squadron, and feel something is off... is it just me, or do we have one too many plane today? Eh, who cares, a mig is a mig.

  • Never look him in the eye (MiG monster) 1.2 years ago

    Nah, sorry, only got the top loader. But hey, you can always put them sideways and make it a front loader... right? (Innocent smile)

  • EggPlane: F4 Phantom 1.3 years ago

