384 FltLtFox Comments

  • Aircraft B-17G 6.6 years ago

    Looks good, although the colors are quite... psychedelic...

  • Rheinstahl Rh 111 6.6 years ago

    @FlyingThings There is XML modding involved. The cockpit block is TINY compared to the actual size of the original.

  • Rheinstahl Rh 111 6.6 years ago

    @FlyingThings So the thing hasn't been XML edited to make the blue part the cockpit?

  • Rheinstahl Rh 111 6.6 years ago

    @FlyingThings I think I shall. I've been wanting to make better cockpits. Can you see out of it?

  • Rheinstahl Rh 111 6.6 years ago

    @FlyingThings is it a bunch of tiny white bars on a blue pointed nose cone?

  • P101 Warbird 6.6 years ago

    Where are the guns? Oh. For a more complete wing look, use the customizable fuselage parts, make it .25 on height and width, then put it in between both wings segments. Then you can have circular fuselage parts between both main wings, which will make it look more realistic than vertical wings. Take a look at some of my planes for examples. :D

  • Rheinstahl Rh 111 6.6 years ago

    How did you get the cockpit like that?

  • Ge Si' E'len (DaggerAxe 4-Class HB) 6.6 years ago

    Sorry about the spelling errors. They need to fix the text box so text doesn't get impossible to read after the 30th word. >>

  • the golden swan 6.6 years ago

    How the hell does that thing stay in the air?

  • Biplane w/ attempted struts 6.6 years ago

    Pretty heavy for a biplane. If you want to see some WWI style biplanes, I've got a few. Go steal whatever bits and pieces you want. XD I'd advise using the customizable fuselage parts and shrinking them down to as thin as possible. That gives you some open space inside, lightening the craft. Dunno if iOS allows for tapping and direct editing the number of the width or height. If it does, make the walls .05 thick, even more space. Does result in boxy aircraft though.

  • P6R16B9 ''Silver Boat'' 6.6 years ago

    I love the exhausts! I may steal that.

  • Meant to be a Bi-plane but cant get it to fly 6.6 years ago

    You need to use wing parts. Those are fuselage parts. They don't actually work as wings without XML modding, something that can only be done on a computer.

  • Bomber suggestion 6.6 years ago

    Build a Handley-Page 0/400 and make it fly on 400 hp engines as well.


  • No ideas 6.6 years ago

    Build the italian 'flying tank'. 102 mm cannon mounted on a four engine bomber.

  • Ge Se'n E'Len [Dagger Axe-Class 3] HB 6.6 years ago

    @ACMECo1940 Thank you! I've almost finished an even bigger bomber. >:D Might add a flying boat modification to that one too.

  • Flaps + Trim design 6.6 years ago

    Why is there a second rotator at the end of the flaps?

  • Is 'Ground Effect' modeled in the game? 6.6 years ago

    @F4f879 That is probably the right answer. XD and now I know it won't be hard to turn it into a flying boat. :D

  • HELP!!!!!!!!!! 6.6 years ago

    @kgv23 you're welcome! Won't look right going up, but it'll look close on the ground.

  • HELP!!!!!!!!!! 6.6 years ago

    You can cheese it by putting long landing gear facing opposite directions.

  • Dogfight tournament 6.6 years ago

    @fishheads88 It's fun trying to make something fly on the lowest HP possible. Although the AI can't really handle the bombers or the Airco DH2 style aircraft. :/ Those tend to fall into a flat spin if pulled up too hard and fast. And the bombers just don't like tight turns.

  • Dogfight tournament 6.6 years ago

    @fishheads88 We could, but WWI isn't something I see much of here.

  • Dogfight tournament 6.6 years ago

    @fishheads88 I've looked at it, but that's the wrong engine type. Too powerful. There's going to be hp limits of 250-300. Maybe a bit higher to the absolute bare minimum of hp required for the plane to take off, since my Eindecker "replica" can't fly on less than 500 hp, but can BARELY achieve 110 mph in level flight once it's in the air.

  • Dogfight tournament 6.6 years ago

    @fishheads88 Sometimes, yeah. But I've gotten different results. Although it does take FOREVER for anything to happen as they circle each other over and over and the AI is stupid and doesn't turn fight properly and yaddyadda. But hey, it's funny to watch.

  • Dogfight tournament 6.6 years ago

    Well, anyone care if I do a WWI dogfight tourney for the lulz of it? Would that be placed in the announcements section? And how should I write up the posts?

  • Dogfight tournament 6.6 years ago

    @QuantausAviation The smallest jet is WWII ish. I'm pretty certain I use it for my rough replica of the Me-262. Not a proper replica though. XD

  • Dogfight tournament 6.6 years ago

    @fishheads88 We could do classes. I think horse power limitations on prop planes and whether it's got auto-pitch or not would determine if a prop plane is WWI or WWII, because several biplane types fought in WWII, but they had more powerful engines and prop-pitch adjusting. Usually. Swordfish didn't but swordfish didn't need prop-pitch. It's BA enough.

  • B. B. 1 (Bomber Bottom [wing] 1) 6.6 years ago

    @Stellarlabs Ahh. Yes. I love giant bombers. :D I'm gonna probably be posting a few I made soonish.

  • B. B. 1 (Bomber Bottom [wing] 1) 6.6 years ago

    @Stellarlabs What's B.A.B.s?

  • Dogfight tournament 6.6 years ago

    Just ban missiles and make it guns only. :D I'd love to do a WWI era dogfight. 250-300 hp engines, fixed prop-pitch props, no retractable landing gear, clipped guns are allowed if the guns aren't firing through the propeller. Two clipped guns per 'gun' there. Maximum of two non-clipped guns firing through the propeller.

    Should that be limited to single-engine designs, or should twin engine 'heavy fighters' be allowed? (Hell, could allow bombers too, for the lulzies.)

  • B. B. 1 (Bomber Bottom [wing] 1) 6.6 years ago

    @TexJohnston It's not my design. XD I built it as close to the picture I found as I could.

  • The funniest/cringiest/most noob thing you have done in simpleplanes... V. II 6.6 years ago

    I got my first successful float plane working today. Had the rear turret shoot the propeller a few times. I've actually done the latter quite a bit, as well as shooting part of the tail off.

    Another thing is that I found a picture of this really, really derpy looking bomber designed like it was from WWI and got that sucker to fly. Took some liberties with the tail because it was hidden for the most part, but still looks good. Might post it here at some point.

  • Experimental aircraft 6.6 years ago

    If you can figure out how the hell to make a piston engine that's just moved by the Pistons themselves, that'd be nice to see. Might need XML modding though...

    Anyone think that I could make a rotary engine by just having the pistons oush against the wall of a customizable intake?

  • Where is the WWII fleet? 6.6 years ago

    Thank you. I found them. How the hell they didn't show up the first time, I'll never know.

  • Ice Base Question. 6.6 years ago

    Gotta love flying out of that place though. Feels like you're a superhero or something. XD

  • Ice Base Question. 6.6 years ago

    @jamesPLANESii like fly up as steeply up the mountain as possible below the angle it can shoot you?

    I had to DL a boat to get to the docking bay. XD

  • [COMMUNITY BASED PROJECT] Mapping the Archipelago: A high-detail map of the SimplePlanes World 6.6 years ago

    Holy crap. I didn't know where the WWII fleet was, or that there was even another island! Thanks!

  • AI Turrets? 6.6 years ago

    @Sauce I saw turret mod. Who is it? :D

  • I still have the question.... what should they add to simple planes? 6.6 years ago

    @WolfAssasinGamer yes. All the yes for all of that. Turrets in particular. I want my bombers to defend themselves from attackers. XD

    Different guns like a proper, rapid fire MG would be nice too. As opposed to the crappy 'fire in succession rather than simultaneously' wing gun we have right now. (Not to mention that thing is more like a cannon than an MG anyhow) I've been making 1 MG be a synced MG or a slow ROF one, two is med, and three is high. But I would much rather have a proper MG and stuff. Customizable bomb bay doors would also be nice. As would being able to change the curve of customizable fuselage panels so I can get thin hull, light aircraft that are circular rather than boxy.

  • Glass 6.6 years ago

    I've been looking for this kind of stuff. (The game needs to let you make see through blocks...) And now my WWI airplanes can have the view set at a proper distance!

  • Exploding Propeller Syndrome 6.9 years ago

    No, I've figured it out now. :D

  • Exploding Propeller Syndrome 6.9 years ago

    Quite True. XD

  • Exploding Propeller Syndrome 6.9 years ago

    I just shrank the propellers. XD It's still able to fly.

  • Exploding Propeller Syndrome 6.9 years ago

    Wait. I found it. They're clipping the wheels...

  • Exploding Propeller Syndrome 6.9 years ago

    @DisferGoatz @F104Deathtrap

    I haven't gotten any warning about overspeeding which is what I initially thought was happening, except I wasn't going much faster, and sometimes even slower, than level-flight-max-speed. And the warning didn't pop up.

    As for hitting things, I moved the props further away from the fuselage, and they already had about .5 Block worth of space ahead of the wing, and the hard-right-turn-explosion still happened. I shrink the prop diameter and increase the amount of blades to make up for it, still explodes. I've got no clue aside from slapping the engines onto the very outside and see if that fixes anything. :/