146k Feanor Comments

  • How do I make submarines work right? 4.6 years ago

    @MrPorg137 Put the piston on top of the hull and put a xml modded buoyant fuselage block on top.
    As for how buoyant the fuselage block should be, a value of "10" or so would be good.

  • How do I make submarines work right? 4.6 years ago

    The way I do it is by making the hull non buoyant and by attaching two or more XML modded pistons fitted with buoyant fuselage blocks to the hull, allowing the submarine to "dive" when the pistons are extended.

    If your submarine has a maximum operating depth of a few meters:
    XML mod the propeller(s) to have a "chordScale="10"" or more.

    If your submarine has a maximum operating depth of (No idea, 100-400 meters?):
    Attach a blasto VTOL engine to the buoyant blocks and put VTOL nozzles on your submarine.

  • Brot type D battleship 4.6 years ago

    @Alex2262 @Zanedavid I might build them in a few months.

  • MX Class crude carrier 4.6 years ago

    @GTAPRO A very successful five-year plan

  • QC-12.300 B (iOS) 4.7 years ago

    @EH21122005 Its very nice, though the flag on the tail is actually a kingdom of Yuoglsvia flag.

  • Soviet Challange [Closed] 4.7 years ago

    @Armyguy1534 We serve the Soviet Union.

  • CALLING ALL SHIP BUILDERS!!! 4.7 years ago

    Can't. Unfortunately, American boats aren't what I know how to build.

  • The Best Fighter Plane of World War Two 4.8 years ago

    Is that a train?

  • Brot Type C Battlecruiser 4.8 years ago

    @GeneralOliverVonBismarck Definitely. Like the North Koreans somehow getting their hands on a battlecruiser sort of unrealism.

  • Craft NO.6 "Helper Pie" 4.8 years ago

    @RAAF I forgot, either the USSR anthem of a joke.

  • So who or what inspired you to start playing simpleplanes? 4.8 years ago

    Well, Jundroo was giving it away for free on the simplerockets subreddit back in 2014 so I decided to get it.

  • Quick Survey - Most influential SP user ? 4.8 years ago


  • How to make reflective surfaces with paint? 4.8 years ago

    Or you could so it manually by scrolling down to the very bottom of your craft .xml file and setting
    m="1" s="1"
    m="0" s="1" />

  • C-669 Second generation refurbished cab 4.8 years ago

    @ACEPILOT109 The map? its this.

  • The Points-Follower Ratio 4.9 years ago


  • 1978-container liner 4.9 years ago

    @Adityo0502 Simpleplanes crashed right ater I uploaded it so I couldn't check if the uploaded version and the latest saved version were the same.

  • Replicas or Fictionnals ? 5.0 years ago

    Fictionals based on real stuff.

  • C-669-B Cab unit 5.0 years ago

    @Tang0five Yes

  • C-669-A Box 5.0 years ago

    @randomusername Oh yes, its supposed to be a Milwaukee Road EF-1 ripoff.

  • Exo-hab M 5.0 years ago


  • C-669 Box locomotive 5.0 years ago

    @Stormfur Possibly

  • General cargo ship 1870-class 5.0 years ago

    @Disneyremakes43 They were in the 1960s. The 1870 is the intended part count.

  • What kind of player are you? (zis iz a quiz) 5.1 years ago

    3: What is "enemy"?

  • FSO class-1980 5.1 years ago

    @Shanethepain1 But if "You shall not pass" is only for one balrog, how many balrogs are needed for "They shall not pass"?

  • Ferry-802 SSR 5.1 years ago

    @Lahoski107 Are your game physics set to high?

  • QC-12.300 A 5.1 years ago

    @Stormfur Its actually quite a safe aircraft if you manipulate the flight controls safely, though the landings are traumatising no matter how you fly it.

  • 1959 class cruise ship conversion NO.1 5.1 years ago

    @Trucker1000 It would be impossible.

  • Overspeed 5.1 years ago

    You'll have to put it under <HeliMainRotor.State Like: <HeliMainRotor.Stat power="1500" maxRpm="1"

  • Overspeed 5.1 years ago

    The maxRpm=" property?

  • QC-12.220 D 5.1 years ago

    @Strikefighter04 Yes. its part of a series with registrations such as UR-FAT, UR-MOM, UR-MUM and UR-GAV.

  • Is There Anyone Older Than Me? 5.1 years ago

    If its account age, I might be around 0.3 years older.

  • Ferry-802 SSR 5.1 years ago

    @ThomasRoderick This hull design.. As for the name, its this. As for what I originally wanted the name to be, it would be something like this. "Сталину слава! "

  • 1959 class cruise ship conversion NO.1 5.1 years ago

    Yes @JamesBleriot

  • 1959 class cruise ship conversion NO.1 5.1 years ago

    @JamesBleriot Yes. That merchant hull 1959 on the workshop.

  • 1959 class cruise ship conversion NO.1 5.1 years ago

    @randomusername Reverse thrust, I guess

  • 1959-class ocean liner 5.1 years ago

    @MasonJ Still working on that cargo ship.

  • Can Someone please help me with the wings on this aircraft 5.1 years ago

    Kind of fixed it here
    Changes made:
    Changed Wing-3 parts to Wing-2 parts. Wing-3 parts are wobbly while Wing-2 parts aren't.

    Disabled propeller collision

    The control surfaces might not be what they used to be.

  • Help with ship hull building 5.1 years ago

    @Stormfur Nope

  • Help with ship hull building 5.1 years ago

    Number one:
    The bow (Bottom section) So, just take a fuselage block (bottom part curved top part hard edges) that's around 5 wide and 2 high for a ship that has a beam and draft of 25 meters and 10 meters respectively.
    Reduce the width of the front end by 0.25 and add another fuselage block in front.
    Reduce the width of the new fuselage block by 0.5 and add another and reduce it by 0.75, then add a new block and reduce by 1, 1.25, 1.5, 1.75 and so on until it reaches 0.

    Number two:
    Now, heres the hard part. Take a fuselage block and flip it such that the width goes length wise along the ship (Call it block B) and put it on the rearmost fuselage block making up the bow. use a triangle calculator like this to find out how long block B should be.
    if the block making up the bottom part is 1.5 long and reduces its width by 0.25, you'd input 1.5 to AB 90 degrees to angle A and 0.125 to side C (basically, see how much the width reduction is and halve it)

    Therefore, block B should be 1.505 in width (remember that it has to be facing lengthwise and that the height of the block should controlling its width and length be controlling how tall it is.) and 4.764 degrees away from 0, 90,180,270 or 360 degrees.

    Now for hull flaring:

    Take another block B (Let's call it block B1). Put it on a fuselage block directly behind the bow where the width reduction is 0 AKA it has to go straight and cannot get wider or narrower.

    Increase the width of this block B1 such that the width on top is slightly more than the width at the bottom and mess around with the rise and run to make it lean forward. Afterwards use the rise and run on on the block Bs on the bow to fit in with the Block B1.
    Here is an example of what the bow should look like at the end Anyone can use it.

    Now for the stern. just take instructions number one with a few minor adjustments.
    First off, you don't want it to go down to 0, but rather 1 or some value that's above 0.
    Secondly, reduce the height of the blocks halfway down the stern such that it reaches a a height of 0 at the very back.

    As for the blocks above the waterline, just follow what is being done below the waterline, except with no height reductions. But put a block at the very back and reduce give it a rounded bottom.

  • L3DT Island 5.1 years ago

    @ThePilotDude Nope, Accidentally deleted the files.

  • Brot class larger battlecruiser 5.2 years ago

    @Strikefighter04 Bread and this

  • Gas carrier-2009 5.2 years ago

    @Stormfur They were made around two years ago.

  • Brot class larger battlecruiser 5.2 years ago

    @Stormfur It blows up.

  • Gas carrier-2009 5.2 years ago

    @JamesBleriot Possibly...

  • Gas carrier-2009 5.2 years ago

    @TheXDimension32 I think it should be under "part id" and not "Fuselage.State"

  • A Question for the SimplePlanes Community 5.2 years ago

    1:Was playing simple rockets back in 2014 and saw that Jundroo was developing a new game.

    2: Playing for fun

    3: Fictional ships

    4: Both

    5: !

  • Gas carrier-2009 5.2 years ago

    @TheXDimension32 Is it put under part id like materials="0" scale="1,1,1" calculateDrag="false" ?

  • Gas carrier-2009 5.2 years ago

    @TheXDimension32 Add calculateDrag="false" ?
    @randomusername I have no idea.

  • Gas carrier-2009 5.2 years ago

    @randomusername Reverse the input on the front stabilizer?
    eg: rear one points left, front one points right
    @JamesBleriot I have no idea how to build 1900s cruisers either.