5,850 FarrowTECH Comments

  • my bad cockpit 1.4 years ago

    If you want I can make a cockpit tutorial for ya. I'm not very good at video editing so it'll just be in one go.

  • backup-1 1.4 years ago

    Ok so it's the flap. Only one hinge is needed per control surface, I removed the left one on the flap and it was fine. Take a look at my Könstflyg-8 for an example. Inside the flaps towards the middle there is a hinge rotator which I shrink down to .2,.2,.2 I believe. It's also nudged into the two parts so they're all flush and look like a real wing would.

  • WT#? 1.4 years ago

    @heywhoisusingsameusername I don't really know what you did to the wing to make it but out since I can't see, but if you tried scaling it or putting it inside a fuselage it may be colliding with something and freaking out.

  • WT#? 1.4 years ago

    @heywhoisusingsameusername I'm sorry mate I can't really tell what is happening since it's so dark, if you have the aircraft still I can try to download it and try myself.

  • The Twin-Prop Challenge IS OVER 1.4 years ago

    Aye I went a bit over 150 parts but I wanna enter anyway. Doesn't matter if I win or not I just want to share my build... That ok?

  • WT#? 1.4 years ago

    Aye mate, it's too dark I can't tell what's going on. Can you try to recreate the bug during daylight or explain the issue you're having?

  • my new improved cockpit free to use size 9.5 1.4 years ago

    A good start mate. For the next one, try using smooth front and smooth back options on the fuselages. It will hide the angles between the fuselage blocks for the main body. Hope this tip is useful.

  • AUTO TARGETING GUN 1.4 years ago


  • Auto Loader 3 1.4 years ago

    @Hiimakeplanes it doesn't bounce because the physics aren't in place for that. Once the projectile reaches the surface it despawns and outputs a damage value. Hesh is designed to create spalling instead of destroying hulls or fuselages, but fuselages definitely blow up and don't spall so it's just HE.

  • Auto Loader 3 1.4 years ago

    @Hiimakeplanes the SH in HESH Is Squash head, but that kind of physics isn't in this game. I do wish soft body destruction physics were in sp instead of just parts blowing up and disappearing. But like it's namesake this game is simple. In reality the damage in this game is just a fixed damage value made prettier by adding some smoke and fire pngs. Though if you can replicate a hesh impact I'd be very impressed.

  • Auto Loader 3 1.4 years ago

    Sadly hesh can't be made. Just HE, kinetic and APFSHE

  • 055A 1.4 years ago

    Your style is similar to spefyjerbf, but he hasn't been active in a long time. You are now our honorary spefyjerbf.

  • Piston Aircraft 1.4 years ago

    Actually tho.

  • New Project Teaser 1.5 years ago

    So what's the plan? Gonna add the rest of Aghsan's body later?

  • BRASIL 1.5 years ago

    Never seen someone with so many points do so little effort

  • Volkswagen Tiguan 1.5 years ago

    I'd actually pay you to make a first gen Rav4

  • Volkswagen Tiguan 1.5 years ago

    How the actual

  • Brazil map thingie (example) 1.5 years ago

    @CR929thenewSPplayer no please oh god anything but that I don't want to go to bra- gunshot

  • Gigachad challenge (canceled) 1.5 years ago

    @FirstFish83828 oh yeas the tutorial plane is the sp p51d. So every plane already has a Chad version minus the buggy

  • Brazil map thingie (example) 1.5 years ago

    F**k you we are going to Brazil!

  • Gigachad challenge (canceled) 1.5 years ago

    Didn't do already make unsimplified versions of everything except the tutorial plane and buggy?

  • Cessna 182 vr 1.5 years ago

    You shouldn't take other people's work.

  • Another prop 1.5 years ago

    @michael114514 sb?

  • "REA CHALLENGE" 1.5 years ago

    With how many upvotes and entrants there are on this already I feel pretty crappy about the turnout of mine after 2 months.


    What is XLM? I've heard of XML, is it the same?

  • Tug 1.5 years ago

    Looks like that one Bugatti plane

  • Flying Wake8472's entry "Mad Boi" through the Canyons 1.5 years ago

    @Zaineman ah ok makes sense, I thought it might've been a challenge or something

  • KONSTFLYG-8 : Golden Swede 1.5 years ago

    @Nightgems also the number and website are both real things Sweden has. and you might've noticed the fine print on the Saab and IKEA logos.

  • KONSTFLYG-8 : Golden Swede 1.5 years ago

    @Nightgems thanks a ton mate! Glad it was worth making 👍

  • Rolling speeds up my aircraft uncontrollably. 1.5 years ago

    @11qazxc oh no I got that part, the second part is what I'm curious about.

  • well 1.5 years ago

    Y E S

  • Rolling speeds up my aircraft uncontrollably. 1.5 years ago

    @11qazxc sorry I didn't really get what you explained there. Do you have an example?
    I've never had this happen to my other aircraft and it seems like every other creator hear hasn't had this problem.

  • Jet planes are jumpy, how do I fix? 1.5 years ago

    @WNP78 hey I have a question, is there a way to add damper to the control surface of a wing or is it only possible through rotators and hinges? I've been having trouble with using custom control surfaces. I made a post describing my issue in detail and I could use some advice from a veteran of this game.

  • JL-9 1.5 years ago

    Great use of parts and very clean build. But I'd love to see a cockpit in this. were you thinking about it since you already put the glass in

  • The Twin-Prop Challenge IS OVER 1.5 years ago

    Does contra-rotating props count?

  • AT-12 (B) VTOL 1.5 years ago

    Looking good, try experimenting with custom wings on this design. I'd like to see it 👍

  • Need some decals made using the Labels. 1.5 years ago

    @11qazxc I wasn't able to get them to work sadly, the redbull one was pink and had a lot of symbols artifacting from it. The Spotify one also had alot of artifacts. The flag works but I couldnt get past how they glow in the dark. The artifacts are probably unavoidable and just a product of the software but I think I'm gonna go the old method and build them, I was hoping to keep the parts count down. Still I thank you for trying it out for me.

  • SPY VERSUS SPY (closed for judging) 1.5 years ago

    @GhostHTX yeah the deadline will probably be extended especially since only just yesterday it got more popular.

  • SPY VERSUS SPY (closed for judging) 1.5 years ago

    @Dragoranos also thanks for the spotlight 👍

  • SPY VERSUS SPY (closed for judging) 1.5 years ago

    @Dragoranos ?

  • Really Really REALLY!? why no mods for andriod 1.5 years ago

    There are mods for Android, but let's not forget that this game can run on literally anything, and a new windows desktop can cost less than 50 bucks. Which is less than most android phones. You can afford a phone you can afford a PC.

  • NDB 12A finished? 1.5 years ago

    Turn on smooth front and smooth back for the fuselage pieces, it will hire the sharp lines on the nose or wherever else you want to use it.

  • 0wO cursed b36 1.5 years ago

    @srbobington absolutely. Glad someone noticed:)

  • Need some decals made using the Labels. 1.5 years ago

    @11qazxc thanks a million mate

  • We all build this 1.5 years ago

    Seems to have gotten smaller since a few months ago

  • Lowtus 195 i6T 1.5 years ago

    Aye could ya make a first gen RAV4 4dr? That car has a special place in my heart but I'm not talented enough to make it.

  • Y’all know paint??? 1.5 years ago

    @Mlancer can't wait 👌

  • Cinema Plane 1.5 years ago

    Aye could you make a camera that stays level on the roll axis but follows the pitch and yaw?