9,652 EnderWiggin Comments

  • My First Flyer 7.4 years ago

    Looks a lot like my first one. Keep 'em coming.

  • Daredevil 7.4 years ago

    Daddy is a weird thing to call a stranger but, to each their own.

  • Daredevil 7.4 years ago

    My last entry got schooled, so I'm not going to be surprised.

  • Daredevil 7.4 years ago

    I'm in. My plane finishes in just over a minute, but it's very reliable. It is also small enough to fit through bridges with ease.

  • Daredevil 7.4 years ago

    Really!? Wow

  • Daredevil 7.4 years ago

    Aren't you rockin an Android? You can mod. It's really not fair for IOS users though.

  • Daredevil 7.4 years ago

    Now we're talkin! I might actually have a chance if I can flex my modding skills. Lets do this!

  • PY-JL 'Manta Ray' 7.4 years ago

    Thanks for the upvotes! I'm in Everett (Mukilteo really). I work operations at the airfield up here.

  • PY-GJi 'Brigadier' 7.5 years ago

    Believe it or not, that is how the design started, as a high performance racer. Then, as usual, it developed a mind of its own. Feel free to play with the design.

  • PY-GJi 'Brigadier' 7.5 years ago

    Thank you! Normal is boring ;)

  • PY-GJi 'Brigadier' 7.5 years ago

    Thank you, crazy was what I was going for ;)

  • PY-RTY 'Eurynome' 7.5 years ago

    Thank you! This project took a long time to complete, I'm really happy you enjoyed it.

  • Hydro-Jet 7.5 years ago


  • Updates! 7.5 years ago

    Wow, Fowler flaps! How did you build those?


    Whoo, that's what I thought. They are probably just doing some long-line training, though they probably shouldn't be doing that near residences.


    Is this a joke? I really hope it is a joke or I'm significantly underestimating peoples' paranoid ignorance.

  • Why THE hell do i even try??!! 7.5 years ago

    Your aircraft will not take off with the landing gear so far back. The tail must be able to drop, or your wings will never achieve a high enough angle of attack. Try placing the rear gear right behind the center of mass, when the elevator pitches up, the tail will be able to drop a bit. Your other option is to place a lifting canard on the nose of the aircraft to help lift the nose and present the wing's leading edge to the wind. Place an inveted elevator somewhere forward of the center of mass, but be careful not to move the center of lift too far forward. Let me know if you want me to fix it.

  • Why THE hell do i even try??!! 7.5 years ago

    The COT can be anywhere, however, the COM must be forward of the COL or the aircraft will flip.

  • Lockheed | F-104 | Tiger Meet '88 7.5 years ago

    Great build! I still have no idea how to 'paint' with such detail. Extra points if you build an Aardvark with not only the variable swept wings, but also the awesome clamshell ejection system. I've been able to perfect V. swept wing designs, but I'm still struggling to build a functioning B-58 Huster clamshell ejection capsule; though I have built several rocket sleds for testing purposes.

  • Beechcraft T-6 Texan II 7.5 years ago

    Great build! Since your armed the Texan II, I've got to build EMB 314 Super Tucano so we pit them against eachother in a little air combat action.

  • The Flying Corgi 7.5 years ago

    Hey, your avatar is a Dash 8 train engine flying like a Bombadier Dash 8. There's irony in there somewhere ;)

  • The Flying Corgi 7.5 years ago

    OMFG, I just realized I've been reading your name as 'Himalayanwalrus" all this time. Wow, I suck, LOL.

  • HF 1 7.5 years ago

    Great build. I rarely say this but, I like your redesign better than the original. Much cleaner lines and more realistic. Keep 'em comming!

  • 'NOT WORKING' PLS HELP Supermarine S.6b 7.5 years ago

    Options: Add weight to the front of the aircraft, remove weight from the rear of the aircraft or increase the horizontal stabilizer's size. Bottom line is the red line must be in front of the nlue line.

  • Rutan Model 61 Long-EZ v 1.1 7.5 years ago

    Yeah, why someone would design an aircraft with the fuel tank selection valve behind the pilot's head is beyond me. Goofs happen though. The Glasair Sportsman was designed with the RED ballistic parachute activation handle (looks similar enough to the mixture handle) mounted right below the throttle console. A simple ergonomic mistake that has led to accidental parachute activations and required a refit.

  • Tractor mk2!(Robot Arm Ver.) 7.5 years ago

    I second that, Wow!

  • Rutan Model 61 Long-EZ v 1.1 7.5 years ago

    Oh, that's right, Denver was flying an EZ. On a lighter note, we have 5 EZs based at my airfield that fly quite a bit; they are fantastic and unussual aircraft. The Rutan brothers are one of my main design inspirations. I've built Rutan's Model 76 Voyager and their SC 158-8 Pond Racer.

  • Can the Moderators Please Explain? 7.5 years ago

    No clue what they are talking about, but I wouldn't engage with them. Mods or stern on occasion with certain difficult users, but as you can tell, they are more likely to not participate in some conversations (this one for instance) than to be mean and scary. Bans and upload deletions are done for a reason in my experience.

  • No warning for this one ;) 7.5 years ago

    Why do I get the feeling this thing is a death trap?

  • Rutan Model 61 Long-EZ v 1.1 7.5 years ago

    Great build. Just my two cents, you should write even a rudimentary description for all your hard work. When I see 'no description' it's like kryptonite to my interest and I rarely download or upvote.

  • Tailless Seaplane SP003 7.5 years ago

    I've been trying to make one of these work for a while. Well done!

  • Gold Prix 7.5 years ago

    It isn't if you use the Fine Tuner to nudge parts or change angles, but don't scale size, weight or power. Changing part attributes is not allowed.

  • Help with this plane. 7.5 years ago

    You know, if you used an effective description in you upload, the aircraft would likely not be deleted. Mods are under a lot of pressure to remove copycat aircraft. If it was a collab, mention it so people don't report it as a copy.

  • How do I xml mod on android? 7.5 years ago

    The hard way: you could download a file explorer that would allow you to manually alter written game code to create modifications. The easy way: download the Finer Tuner Mod to assist with part size, weight and placement and the Overload Mod to assist with functional part settings like engine power, exhaust scale and part interaction.

  • How do I do invisible parts? 7.5 years ago

    To the best of my knowledge, there are no invisible parts. However, it is possible to move parts outside of the aircraft without them detaching from the main structure, thereby making the part look like it is floating.

  • Simple Gami Carrier 7.5 years ago

    Wow, that's awesome!

  • Gold Prix 7.5 years ago

    Placement and aesthetic mods are just fine. Just don't scale, reduce/add weight, increase fuel capacity or change power settings.

  • Gold Prix 7.5 years ago

    Yeah, give it a go. Tournaments are a lot of fun.

  • PY-6GENq 'Yeager XLT' 7.5 years ago

    Thank you! Believe it or not, this is one of my more conservative designes for a fighter. At least it started out that way, they always develop a mind of their own at some point during the build. Cheers!

  • Yule Log No Fire 7.5 years ago

    I'd add a Game Ball of two to give it the... well, the old firey effect, but it's just too big for my old Android tablet.

  • Can the Moderators Please Explain? 7.5 years ago

    You can always write a suggestion post in the forums, but I'm willing to bet a visual successor interface and a part/subassembly tracking system would require a lot of work. However, I think the idea of hiring more Mods is a great idea. BTWs, without punctuation, your posts can get pretty tough to read.

  • Can the Moderators Please Explain? 7.5 years ago

    Ok, will do. I'll work on being more patient, I know there is a LOT that goes into managing Simple Planes than we know.

  • Air Krill 7.5 years ago

    What are the odds? In the past 24 hours we've had 4 Krill and 1Shrimp. LOL ;)

  • Can the Moderators Please Explain? 7.5 years ago

    That's usually what I do after the report fails to get the post taken down. I understand these guys are busy as heck with the number of uploads, so I try to make it as easy for them to investigate as possible by also tagging the copied craft. I'm sure I just need to be more patient... as usual ;)

  • Can the Moderators Please Explain? 7.5 years ago

    I understand Mods are busy, I'm really trying to figure out how to more effectively report these problems so they can be addressed. I, for one, do not believe any of the Development team and Moderators are lazy.

  • Can the Moderators Please Explain? 7.5 years ago

    I made a specific point not to make any assumtions with this post, and certainly didn't mean it as a shot at the Moderators. The fact is, builds ARE being copied, reported and they stay up. I understand there is plenty going on in the background that we don't know about, and I do my best to alert the Mods when an aircraft or vehicle has, in fact, been copied, and yet these brand new posters are effectively getting away with it. As I've done in the past, I'm asking the Mods what we are supposed to do to protect our builds. I've leterally reported exact copies, posted as "backups", to you and other Mods. The weird thing is, they are slowly being taken down now that I've posted this in the forum.

  • Sky penetrator 7.5 years ago

    With the sky's permission... of course ;)

  • Comet 7.5 years ago

    @Seeras @Skua @TheLatentImage
    This post is a copy of another users build

  • Highlighter 7.5 years ago

    @Seeras @Skua @TheLatentImage
    This post is a copy of another users BUILD