7,192 Bellcat Comments

  • T-42 Tank Destroyer 6 months ago

    Good concept but the turret is simplistic and unrealistic. If this has gun elevation and depression, is this an oscillating turret? Try to make the turret look like what the Stryker MGS’s turret is, a turret sandwiched between 2 rotating mounts connected to a single base. Also make sure the ammunition rack is big enough. I hope that helps.

  • Mini-Cirno 9 months ago

    @TheUltimatePlaneLover, you need Overload mod (already in the game), DesignerSuite mod (already in the game), and a bit of hard work and effort (as well as knowledge of XML and Funky Trees). Patience also helps. If you havve a schedule, time management certainly helps.
    Many of my mini series creations are based off the very first mini series build, Mini-Marisa. It helps to base off one hard work off another instead of redoing it from scratch, because it's efficient to do so.

  • Mini-Cirno 9 months ago

    @DatMaluchGuy19, here.

  • I might make a tech tree 9 months ago

    Up to you.
    You can use pictures from SimplePlanes, only if you gain permission from the authors or you are the author of the pictures.
    What you likely need is something like a spreadsheet.
    However, you should know that:
    - War Thunder's developers only implement vehicles if evidence of them being built exists (e.g. no Lowe or E-50) in War Thunder); a prototype or chassis being built (e.g. E-100) is enough for implementation, but drawings, a mere mockup or a scaled down prototype is not enough for implementation.
    - Yes, certain mass produced vehicles (like the Arado Ar 196 A-5 and certain variants of tech tree vehicles) can become premiums vehicles. A common theme is their obscurity, specialty, rarity, uniqueness, "overpoweredness", and whether it fits nicely into tech trees or not.

  • Name Change #2? 10 months ago

    The word “Panther” sounds good, is it?

  • Cartoon image of SimplePlanes (Sample) 10 months ago

    Is the character free to use or does one need permission to use? She looks like an useful mascot for simpleplanes.

  • "You have disconnected." 11 months ago

    Have you used the wrong IP address?
    The current multiplayer server is

  • G1 Optimus Prime 11 months ago

    It doesn’t even transform, but it should walk, at least.

  • I learned something new (read desc.) 11 months ago

    Just click at the link provided by TheFlightGuySP and you will see. You have created title text that should obviously be used for titles.

  • Teaser 11 months ago

    “Look at that horn.” Either Konngara or Yuugi. Suika has 2 horns.
    Touhou Windows 11 = no PC-98 characters (especially Konngara). Suika appeared in 1st fighting game, before subterranean animism.
    So that leaves me to Yuugi.
    Judging by her characteristics, it should be some heavy construction machine, or a combat engineering vehicle fitted with a bulldozer blade and... something among the lines of a horn, like an excavator or crane boom maybe? If it was a plane, it should have a high HP pool (any part has 20000+ more HP in their XML).

  • Untitled 11 months ago

    @MrSilverWolf, can you look at this poster’s name (don’t know if it’s legit)? It kind of resembles a slur.

  • Indonesian Java Island one year ago

    Java is larger than Maywar. So, it would only work on some pretty high end personal computers, not mobile devices. On the other hand, Jundroo dropped mod support for Android, due to technical issues.

  • Forgoten(maybe) one year ago

    The Original Ac-400 Was not get high upvotes like other variants

    • It takes time for something to get popular. It’s normal for new players to not get popular initially, even if they made som pretty good aircraft.
    • An original design might get more attention than a successor of another design; this is because original designs are regarded as being done with far more effort than successors.

  • Atlas one year ago

    @Amirreza1Ipchi0e5Haq, it was based off the AI tanker; I envision it to be a playable version of such. I copied the colors, because I feel like it.
    Sorry for late respons.

  • Wings? Who Needs Wings? one year ago

    I might have to test wether this is real or not by building a replica of your car.

  • Anyone here just tired or burn out of building things? one year ago

    Why I haven’t posted much builds as before?
    - Simpleplanes is getting boring for me. I used to play multiplayer a lot, but as I moved on to other projects, I have found new friends along, especially in discord.
    - I have ran out of ideas to build. On the other hand, I have got other things to prioritize, mostly related to artistry, gaming, and developing 1 program, which can get difficult, if not impossible.
    This does not mean I am quitting building anymore, just build less. Note that when I build something, it will usually just be a mini-character, Touhou or not; or a weird or normal build.

  • Xiaomi 12 one year ago

    If the digital clock works like a real digital clock would, it would be a convenient clock tower in multiplayer. Anyways, nice job.

  • SpHz-47 Wheeled IFV one year ago

    Simple and good looking. Mind adding a cylinder below the turret that somehow touches the hull roof, so it doesn’t look a bit detached from the hull.

  • WE DID IT!!!1! one year ago

    “What does the scouter say about his point count?”
    “It’s over 9000!?”
    “What 9000!? There’s no way that can be right!”

  • Why my friend can't see the Image in my post? one year ago

    Not only your friend, all of us cannot see the image. Have you checked for typos or tried using different image urls? I see a suggestion for postimg but it apparently doesn’t work.

  • Hi one year ago

    Welcome back, @X99STRIKER!

  • Mickey one year ago

    There is a high probability that Disney’s lawyers are going to send you a cease and desist letter later...

  • FV. T-39-01(Miku Miku) one year ago

    War thunder anime skins be like...

  • RL-5 Multi purpose fighter one year ago

    Looks like it has been inspired by star wars’ X-wing. I like how the cockpit moves. Still, I consider this a starter’ build.

  • Rate the hull one year ago

    Looks like a Soviet light tank that had been redesigned to have an even lower profile at the cost of losing amphibious ability. I’ll rate it 3 out of 5.

  • Gumpert Grestin one year ago

    Meanwhile at the Grestin border checkpoint...

  • Minecraft Jungle Krakabloa one year ago


    Anything you can imagine...

  • Removed parts from SP one year ago

    Ah, the old days. Anyways the description in “NoseCone-2” is quite incorrect, as it has a scale attribute while the “NoseCone-1” doesn’t.

  • Minecraft Jungle Krakabloa one year ago

    Nice. Will there be a creeper mod?

  • apc sus test one year ago

    Good suspension work there. Unfortunately, they seem to create obstructions in the troop compartment. Should be remade as an armored car instead if you want to preserve those obstructions.

  • F4 PHANTOM one year ago

    Recognizable shape, but slightly disproportionate proportions.
    Also, is your name somehow connected to Wadanohara? Just curious.

  • C-400 one year ago

    @JosephStalin765544, I appreciate you efforts to credit us, but please do NOT tag us if we do not request such; doing so will annoy us with useless notifications. Auto credit is sufficient for successors like this one.

  • Dwarven Backpack Helicopter one year ago

    Urist Stâkudcubor, Mechanic has created Giginlanlar, a steel backpack helicopter!

    This is a steel backpack helicopter. All craftsdwarfship is of the highest quality. It is decorated with steel rivets and encircled with bands of steel. This object is adorned with a wooden tail with fabric fins. The object runs on steam. On the item is a mechanism for a coaxial rotor. Beware it’s deadly rockets.

  • Flying Hawaiian Pizza one year ago

    The Italian Armed Forces has declared war on Hawaiian pizza for it’s ungodly appearance.

  • WIP one year ago

    How did you put an artificially generated image on a background of SimplePlane’s Wright Airport?

  • Who is MidnightStriker one year ago

    @Randomplayer, PlaneFlightX’s comment should answer your question. On the other hand, this user has also made comments that happens to be made by a human, not a robot. So we can confirm this user is not a bot, but a human being that likes to follow people. I hope this further answers your question.

  • Suggestion: Game Verification one year ago


    “an account used with this device has been banned and this game is now invalid“

    If you want to disable a person’s game, you would need some sort of identification for a person’s game. Preferably, the device or application’s unique identification would work, but scanning, then, storing such data is the same as storing an IP address, which only happens to prevent said IP address to access (or log in) to this website for repeated ban evasion for storage and cost-saving reasons. So, this is nearly redundant. Also, do note that data protection laws vary differently.
    Regarding that email problem, I appreciate your efforts to clarify the problem. Essentially, you are creating an authentication system by having a person buy SimplePlanes and log in to it, taking advantage of an existing system. While it may not eliminate the bot problem, it can only reduce the number of bots that log in on this site (hackers can still use a myriad of techniques to hack into accounts and convert them into bots, such as what happened to the accounts that were converted into bots that act as advertisers for a seller of financial accounts). As explained before, said idea cannot be used to prevent the circumvention of bans. So consider me slightly satisfied, unless a more experienced person (preferably one of the developers of this game) creates a more effective counterargument, or I have found more concerning aspects about your idea.

  • Suggestion: Game Verification one year ago

    @32, on top of that, for your idea to work, you have to put an ID for every copy of the game sold, and that is expensive, as it requires unnecessary data collection to be put into servers that can be expensive to maintain (imagine how much gigabytes, as well as the number of designations, would you need to store an ID of every person on earth, anyways, what to do with the old IDs and other complications). An alternative solution would be to use the email address you have already mentioned (but in a way that would not hinder gameplay). However, data collection on such a scale would not only still be expensive, if any data breach occurs, your email would be exposed to literally everybody, including adbots (data anonymization would still not protect you, especially those commonly used that are really easy to break), threatening your privacy and/or spamming your feed with advertisements, personalized and/or not, hate mail, love requests, links containing viruses, et cetera. On the other hand, some bot operators would bypass this system by hacking other people’s accounts, through a myriad of techniques. So I am still skeptical wether this doable idea would work effectively.

    Ok but see bots and AI are getting more advanced and really the dev team can't really do much unless there's a governing agency and laws implemented for AI usages &32

    @Numbers2, it would be pretty complicated and inefficient to enforce such a law and creating a separate agency to combat bots might be quite redundant (law enforcement agencies already fulfills that role, it’s just that they usually respond to reports that are usually made during or after an incident); even the mere presence of such laws would not completely discourage the malicious use of bots. What you could do to reduce the number of bots entering a website is to implement an effective CAPTCHA, and simpleplanes.com’s CAPTCHA found during registration is easy to break (there is a reason why Google’s text-based CAPTCHA was replaced with an image-based one).

  • Suggestion: Game Verification one year ago

    @Michiganstatepolice, @32, an IP address-based ban would work (and has already been implemented on this website). On the other hand, the CAPTCHA used for registration is extremely easy for bots to bypass.

  • Suggestion: Game Verification one year ago

    @32, most email services do not allow users under the age of 13 to create and use emails by law, so your idea would lock out users under the age of 13 from playing, then enjoying the game. Some of them might require phone numbers for emails, which is can be pretty complicated.

  • Suggestion: Game Verification one year ago

    In order to post a forum or comment, you need to log in to your account in game.

    How does that work? It’s like you need to play the game to post in or comment in the website, which may look quite reasonable, considering it is a forum about games, but this isn’t a practical idea. Not everyone has the ability to play the game at times where something else needs more attention. I have been quite an active member, answering questions, and I do not want to lose access to the website, considering I rarely play SimplePlanes and focus on other things. Forcing me to play SimplePlanes to help users is going to waste my time, and there are times where I cannot access SimplePlanes, due to many circumstances that prevent me from doing so. So I do not want this idea implemented in the game and in the website. Anyways, I have never seen any sandbox game require you to log into the game to post on their game-related websites.

  • The Broom one year ago

    Marisa’s new bike. Should have been sold on Halloween.

  • Tractor one year ago

    @ColonelCanada, the manufacturer of this aircraft is called “air tractor”, hence why the title of this post is that. While their models look exactly the same, save for canopy differences and radial engine layout on some models, there are different models out there. I’m guessing this is in the AT-400 series.

  • AI Generated Aircraft Ideas one year ago

    Apart from legal issues, that’s a pretty nice way to bypass artist’s blocks. :)

  • 16-64 one year ago

    You put new 64gb ram. Now you are going to play games for over 9000 minutes.

  • I have played Simpleplanes Multiplayer on my phone. one year ago

    I don’t know, but a keyboard will do.

  • ALPACA (KT10-A) one year ago

    Ah, the effort you put into this. Might make an Indonesian version someday.

  • Beasthunter class gun package one year ago

    Named after one of simpleplanes.com’s more notorious jokemasters. +1