8,281 12ocketguy Comments

  • NS 2882 supply ship "Bananenboot" 5.9 years ago

    I'm da captain now!

  • NavalGunControl 5.9 years ago

    YoU SuNk My BaTtLe ShIp.

  • Before asking for a mod request... 5.9 years ago

    I didn't know there was a part tag, though never really had to use it.

  • [WEBW] F-136 GE600 SVTOL 5.9 years ago

    I feel like those fan blades where a pain to set without radial attachment.

  • Mach 4- SpeedRacer 5.9 years ago

    Blink and you'll miss it.

  • Ideas for 1.8 5.9 years ago

    @Spacedoge12345plane @Elicushman gotta get those sheep specs.

  • soyuz rocket 6.0 years ago

    I like rockets.

  • What music do you listen to while building? 6.1 years ago

    The in game music. I really like it.

  • IS IT OKAY? 6.1 years ago

    Good detail.

  • Could this be the end!!!! 6.1 years ago

    People have lives outside of SP. School is coming to a close in a couple of months so people have to be ready for the end of the year exams. SP isn't dead.

  • Sad news [NOT CLICKBAIT] 6.2 years ago

    You know something is wrong when you have to say [not clickbait] on anything.

  • Armstrong-Whitworth AW-41 Albemarle 6.2 years ago

    The detail on this is very good. Keep up the good work. Possibly add a description on your post to include history of the plane, AG controls, and flight instructions.

  • THIS NEEDS TO BE FIXED 6.2 years ago

    @FgFg I think you need to provide a solution to a problem instead of just saying there's a problem. It's like saying somebody is choking and just watching the person die. Your not helping. I'm not trying to be harsh but that is just the fact. Low ranked users tend to use the excuse that platinum users take away points from them and that they can't gain points. That is baloney. Giving excuses to yourself won't fix anything and that goes for everybody. I was once a bronze level user. But I stuck to my guns and I dedicated time and effort into builds. I was silver when I got my first feature. To say low ranked users are blocked out is not true. If you want points put time and effort into builds. That's the reason Platinum users get so many points. People in the community can see who puts time and effort into their builds and the amount of upvotes that creation gets will show that. Plus platinum users have experience. It takes time to get good at something. It takes time to understand how to build good creations. You can't expect to jump right into the cockpit of a plane and instantly know how to fly a plane. It doesn't work like that. It just takes time. Now I hope I haven't lost you. Just remember what I have said. It will work out.

  • Designer minimap 6.2 years ago

    @mushr0om one thing I have noticed about the mod is every time I exit out of SP I have to reenter the image URL and set the scale again. It can get annoying.

  • Arf & Arf Teaser #3 (10k build) 6.2 years ago

    Nice. Though I would say the turrets need some more work. They are not the right shape. Overall good job and I can't wait to see it.

  • SimpleRockets 2 Mobile Beta 6.2 years ago

    I got PrAnKeD

  • Navigation/Position Lights 6.2 years ago

    Make more of these. I love how informational it is.

  • Vought SB2U-3 Vindicator Dive Bomber 6.2 years ago

    Love the detail you did on this. Though the tail looks off from the pictures I've seen. The tail look too long from the end of the Vertical Stabilizer to the tip of the plane. Over all nice job.

  • SimpleRockets 2 will most likely kill SimplePlanes, here's why 6.2 years ago

    I really don't think SP will die once SR2 comes out and i'm tired of people saying it will. SR2 won't have all the components of SP. SR2 is the opposite of SP. What SP is lacking SR2 will pick up the slack and vice versa. A ton of people here care more about planes then they do rocket ships. I bet in SR2, plane building will not be as smooth as in SP. There won't be as much plane parts as there is in SP. Plus I'm confused how comparing SR2 to KSP is linked to SP dying off. That's just my though on the whole matter.

  • I need your help everyone... 6.3 years ago

    If you do replicas. DO YOUR RESEARCH. Find blueprints, specs, and color schemes of the plane. As well do a ton of detail. No detail is too small.

  • So annoying >:( 6.3 years ago

    What's so wrong about planes with more parts and are better looking than others. It sounds like you want to limit creativity. Plus I won't accept 5 minute builds and hold them to the same standard as month long build that were though out and created perfectly. 5 minute builds are those creations that slap some landing gear and some wings to a cockpit with some bombs on there for fun. That is not creativity, that's showing that the builder doesn't care. I don't mind skipping over those post.

  • 5 or so things that NEED to be changed or added 6.3 years ago

    IOS will never have mods. It's apart of Apples policy. That's out of the devs hands. As well there are hinges to make legs. You just have to get creative about your leg design. That's a huge part of SP is creativity. Plus getting shot and leaking fuel is physical damage which is a part of the game. Physical damage is part of the damage system.

  • NCC-1701 USS Enterprise (TOS) 6.3 years ago

    Well Fantastic. Would be cool if you put USS Enterprise NCC-1701 on the top though. Good job.

  • I do not know if I'll be doing it right 6.3 years ago

    @diegoavion84 Okay kewl. Looks great.

  • Problem with this site.. 6.3 years ago


    Everybody just chill out. I don't care what side your on. Calm down. There is absolutely no reason to be arguing with people. We are a community. Time to act like it. Be civil with each other.

  • Everyone is....leaving 6.3 years ago

    That is life. People come and go. You are just going to have to find a way to deal with it.

  • Video Teaser 6.4 years ago

    @Gestour noice.

  • Supermarine Spitfire MkVb(tropical)(0.3mi) 6.4 years ago

    nice job. Some advice is make the wings taper to a point at the end of the wings. Also you would make custom landing gear. That would look sick. Overall nice job. Keep up the good work.

  • A-20 Havoc 6.4 years ago

    Nice. Simple yet beautiful. I love the rocket post things on the wings. My advice is add some stripes (D-Day), insignia's, and identification letters and numbers. That would look sick. As well add a turret at the middle of the plane. Also add some guns to the nose. Make is more historically accurate as possible. Look up photos to get ideas. Overall nice job.

  • Dear Haters. 6.4 years ago

    I agree with you, what people said is not right however, you don't need to tag the people who didn't like your post. By tagging them you are causing more drama. I think people could've stated their opinion differently so that people won't get hurt on both ends.

  • Today must be my lucky day! 6.4 years ago

    Driver taken to hospital after patrol car is hit by a PLANE on tarmac at Saudi Arabia's King Abdulaziz International Airport. PUBLISHED: 12:26 EST, 19 February 2015 nice try.

  • Has anyone noticed? 6.4 years ago

    Well here's a hint. No new feature will ever go unnoticed. Somebody will find it and make a post about it. Including the devs. In fact the devs would probably announce any new feature about the website to the community. People will know about this feature very quickly.

  • What do you think will come after the Boeing 797? 6.4 years ago


  • Umm... 6.5 years ago

    I didn't know a lion owned a kindle fire.

  • OOF 6.5 years ago

    How did you know we could put gifs and images in the descriptions? I though we could already do this?

  • Inflatable Life Raft 6.5 years ago

    Noice. That's just cool how you made it do that. Also Your creation has less upvotes than mine. Here is one to close that gap.

  • How do I make a 2350 HP WWII Propeller Engine? 6.9 years ago

    XML editing. If you have the Overload mod
    1. click on the engine and open the mod
    2. go to advanced settings
    3. type 2350 in the horsepower section
    4. close mod and exit the editor.
    5. go back into the editor and then you have your 2350 HP.

  • ~HELP~ F-15C Eagle 7.0 years ago

    @Botfinder using the gyro to solve problems isn't good engineering. That's the easy way out. I feel the gyro is a cheat to make unflyable designs flyable. The gyro is a bandaid fix.

  • Stratolaunch 7.0 years ago

    Space. I like space planes.

  • Downscaled small rotator 7.8 years ago

    I believe I got it 1/6 rotator if not then just tell me. If you ever need any scaling mod request just ask me.

  • External Flow: Lift and Drag 2.1 years ago

    @DwiAngkasaAeronautics wait till I find my notes on jet engines

  • External Flow: Lift and Drag 2.1 years ago

    @11qazxc you're right. Airplanes don't have wings.

  • Viper V3.0 (Teaser) 2.1 years ago

    @Croissant thanks

  • External Flow: Lift and Drag 2.1 years ago

    I tried making the images as big as I could. Zoom may be your best friend.

  • Viper V3.0 (Teaser) 2.1 years ago

    What do you use to get the image link for the image formatting? I try to use Imgur, but it doesn't work. I'm trying to post images, but thy don't seem to work.

  • Your Exam Paper 2.4 years ago

    cries in engineering student

  • Boeing SB-17G Search and Rescue 2.6 years ago

    @Bismarcksurvivor100 You didn't download the right one. You were supposed to click on the link in my message. Check my previous message and click on the hyperlink. It'll bring you to the "newer" one.

    Also, due to today's advancements in technology, mobile devices should be able to handle relatively high part counts. I have this plane on my phone and it works fine. A rule of thumb is any build under 1000 parts is mobile friendly.

  • Boeing SB-17G Search and Rescue 2.7 years ago

    @Bismarcksurvivor100 click here ----> click here for download It's a "newer" version, as in it's been a long time since I did anything to it.

  • [Teaser] FUUUUUUUU- 2.7 years ago

    sending thoughts and prayers

  • Volkswagen Beetle 3.3 years ago

    Paint it white and remove the front passenger seat.