6,250 11qazxc Comments

  • SP site API? 1.1 years ago

    @32 Just designer and it's not that close to release, more like pre-alpha.

  • That big discord 1.1 years ago

    Autocorrect preferring collar over collab? Hey, that's pretty interesting!
    How did you even teach it?

  • 256-byte DDR RAM 1.2 years ago

    To store value select address (buttons a0...a7), select value (buttons 0...7), enable wrt button, switch clk button.
    To read value select address (buttons a0...a7), disable wrt button, switch clk button.

  • Mikoyan MIG-41 1.2 years ago

    There's two pages from author on renderdock, perhaps there's more info than you found on old blueprint.
    link1 link2

  • Plane I should ruin with Hololiveries next. 1.3 years ago

    EA6B (electronic warfare) with chaos rat camo.

  • I need some code 1.3 years ago

    min(90,max(10+atan(TAS/(2*pi*PROP_RADIUS*0.5*PROP_RPM*60)),0))/90 will perhaps work
    PROP_RADIUS is in meters, not blocks.
    So, you calculate velocity at the middle of blade, add velocity of airplane relative to air, calculate angle between result and propeller plane, and add 10 degrees.

  • update 1.3 years ago

    You can try to use button with interactionType=Toggle and some activation group for actual weapons.

  • Gear Preset 1.3 years ago

    @Johnnyynf Because of colliders?
    Colliders are convex even for hollow fuselages, so i don't think they will make gear collide like actual one, it will rather work like cylinder or cone.

  • I’m gonna keep this suggestion simple not complex. 1.3 years ago

    I mean control base can act as a spring both for position and rotation, and with some tweaking you can make it bend just as much as you need.

  • Grouped parts 1.3 years ago

    I think there's still things that act on specific part, not body, like collisions and bullets.
    For entire body you can't remove internal faces, because body can be changed, e.g. one part can reveal other one when destroyed. But if some object is single part, you can make sure that it's meshes will never be changed, so you can remove all internal faces by the time you load part specifications.

  • I’m gonna keep this suggestion simple not complex. 1.3 years ago

    You can use control bases to make specific parts bend in specific places, and i bet actual soft-body part will lag five times more than entire build without it.

  • I’m gonna keep this suggestion simple not complex. 1.3 years ago

    @TheFlightGuySP AFAIK bending wings and rotators is a bug of game engine, not feature of a game.

  • Code for breakable Landing Gears as a function of drag force. 1.3 years ago

    You do not need to account for altitude if you're using IAS. IAS is instrumental airspeed, for SP IAS equal to speed*exp(Altitude/-7640) iirc.
    Last piece of code corrected a bit:
    floor(smooth(max(0,Is LG experiencing the maximum design force?),
    (Current Drag Force experienced by LG)/(impulse to break LG)))
    (separated by linefeed because comment field doesn't let see it if it's on single line)
    You need to clamp first part of smooth (since it's boolean) so it won't go below zero and won't ruin your timing. And then, since smooth won't go below 0, floor(something) will do same thing as clamp01(something)>=1

  • Fly-by-Funky-Trees help 1.3 years ago

    You don't really need to make airplane unstable to make it maneuverable.
    High AoA won't increase maximum GForce (in general situation with dumb AI it will rather decrease it) and won't help you to evade gunfire, it can only help you to point your guns faster (to some extent, and with aerodynamic control only it will rather be dash than continuous increase in turnrate) at the cost of speed (which is life) and glide ratio (which is what wing built for).
    So if you need to increase GForce i recommend to increase wing area and then move CoM so that angle of attack during turn will be just a bit below stall (13deg for symmetric wing, 16deg for semi-symmetric, 28deg for flat-bottom).

  • Damage activated buttons/lights 1.3 years ago

    For "part" in general you can make light work always and attach sort of shutter to part you're interested in.
    So if part will be destroyed shutter will fall off and reveal light.

  • Goodbye. 1.3 years ago


  • Text label Tank Track ( low lag solution! ) 1.3 years ago

    Almost 1.5 years after update, someone actually used it for tracks.
    Low quality is not a problem, you can use actual texture if you wish (SPRASTER) and perhaps you can change colors for weared pads, dust etc.

  • Another Valentine's day. 1.3 years ago

    F22 is forever? Doesn't wastes savings? Perhaps you don't know how hard is fighter jet maintenance, but hey, you must at least remember that F22's "cosmetics" is tons of stealth coating?

  • War Challenge: The return of the evil (CLOSED) 1.3 years ago

    Snowstone doesn't have any naval vehicles at the moment, right?

  • Wireframe_test 1.3 years ago

    @DEADSHOT15 ... And all this is rendered on your 2d screen, which is old and boring...

  • Wireframe_test 1.3 years ago

    I rebuilt it with vertical bars to make actually wireframe.

  • SeNd HeLp 1.3 years ago

    I think body lift on F35 will suck. It will of course increase lift but i think it won't increase glide ratio, and thus won't increase maximum acceleration at given thrust.

  • F-45A Devlog#1 1.3 years ago

    Different F35, same problems. Perhaps it's a bad idea to combine bomber, stealth and quadcopter in single airframe?
    Anyway, please tag me when you'll finish it.

  • SeNd HeLp 1.3 years ago

    I tried.

  • Is My Aircraft Moving Forward, Sideways, or Upward? Lateral, Longitudinal, and Vertical Velocity Components 1.3 years ago

    It looks nice, but a bit too idealized. Yesterday i was trying to fly in space (200km ASL) and rate(Altitude) did not really work because position was as accurate as in minecraft, and i don't want to use AoA/AoS (i don't like to fly relative to wind even if there's no air). Do you have any recommendations for such situation?

  • Bug thread for v1.12.128 (current version) 1.4 years ago

    PitchAngle becomes NaN near 90 degrees.
    png; craft

  • DogFight Challenge 1.4 years ago

    Is stabilator counted as control surface?
    Is there any performance limit? Like maximum gforce or maximum velocity

  • YKP-05 "Youmu Konpaku" 1.4 years ago

    I think she needs a 10-15m-long drone.

  • PQ-14 1.4 years ago

    @Kendog84 IDK then, sorry.

  • Automatic gift delivery 1.4 years ago

    @DatRoadTrainGuy19 311x15=4665 performance cost, but with 15 AI scripts, 15 variable sets etc..

  • (Outdated) Damage mechanics test 4 explosionScale (impactDamageScaler, explosionScale, muzzle / projectile velocity, diameter / caliber, collision, partCollisionResponse) 1.4 years ago

    Guys, do we at least have weapon that deals same damage each time?
    UPD: i downloaded this craft and changed explosion scale to zero and impact damage scale to 0.2 and tried to destroy that block 50 times.
    12 times i needed 6 shoots to destroy it
    20 times i needed 11 shoots to destroy it
    17 times i needed 16 shoots to destroy it
    and 1 time i needed 17 shoots to destroy it.
    It's very strange results.
    If damage is choosen randomly for each shot it will need something between (HP/min damage) and (HP/max damage) shoots to destroy a block. But it gives just three peaks (11 shoots plus-minus 45 percents it seems) as if damage is choosen one time at level start.

  • (Outdated) Damage mechanics test 4 explosionScale (impactDamageScaler, explosionScale, muzzle / projectile velocity, diameter / caliber, collision, partCollisionResponse) 1.4 years ago

    I'm interested (information is always a good thing (as long as it's not information about me, lol)), but i don't have much info.
    HP of connected parts affects number of shoots needed to destroy "this" part, but i was testing it with miniguns (average of ten attempts to destroy a block) and it was very much random.
    About "one block at a time": perhaps shell disappears when it touches something, and since it's spherical or sharp-nosed it may be hard to make it touch two blocks simultaneously, so it only touches the block in front of cannon while it's alive.
    My concept about connections was "HP pools": similarly to your concept, i was trying to use few blocks with high HP and standard blocks connected to them and them only (see link above).

  • How to put a picture on the label? 1.4 years ago

    Stop crushing my dreams about sane user and please try to understand what the fuck is going wrong.
    I can not and do not track each your step (plus i thought that hoomans who'll use my program will be able to use their own brains properly) so you must do it yourself (to some extent at least).

  • How to put a picture on the label? 1.4 years ago


    does not work

    Well, i'm getting such response second time, and second time without any info. Can you please clarify what do you mean?
    If you're not getting any output, are you sure your image is raster (SVG is not supported)?
    If it's image from web and you're not getting any output, did you tried to use downloaded copy of image?
    If it doesn't looks correctly, are you sure your label is large-enough?

  • How to put a picture on the label? 1.4 years ago

    @HololiveFan2009 There's a site and plane634 said already about apps.

  • FT tech idea: Simulated bomb/missile camera for manual remote guidance 1.4 years ago

    @PlanariaLab add cockpit coords and subtract missile coords before transformation? Still looks like a work for search-and-replace tool tbh.

  • You know what? 1.4 years ago

    Link here.

  • FT tech idea: Simulated bomb/missile camera for manual remote guidance 1.4 years ago

    Perhaps repeat(floor(sum(1)*10),10) will work fine. But to be honest it's not really random, it's just counter.

  • FT tech idea: Simulated bomb/missile camera for manual remote guidance 1.4 years ago

    Yes, it is possible. TGTPos_Local_x/y variables from 1part hud divided by TGTPos_Local_z but with aircraft's position and rotation replaced with bomb's position and rotation.

  • MT-2V2 Adept of Rage 1.4 years ago

    I bet it's planned as someone's decorative illumination for christmas, not actual tank.

  • PQ-14 1.4 years ago

    1) There's /10 in the middle of first AP_h_ac variable setter, it's proportion between altitude difference and flight path angle. Replace 10 with higher value toget lower vertical velocity.
    2) It's what i wrote before, <10 in the end of activator of wpSystem_ctgt_id. You can use DebugExpression sqrt(pow(wpSystem_d_x,2)+pow(wpSystem_d_y,2)+pow(wpSystem_d_z,2)) in dev console to get current distance to waypoint.

    AI "piloted" plane and player "piloted" one take different routes (at least initially) for some reason, even if I spawn them at the same location.

    I know about it. wpSystem_ctgt_id variable setter must be zero if Time is less than 0.1s, but Time is global so it only works for player's airplane, and those who was spawned later will perhaps start from 1 or 2 (i.e. second or third point). Try to replace Time with sum(1) in wpSystem_ctgt_id and it's activator.

    You're more likely to successfully pass the waypoint if you only change one type of coords with every ID.

    IDK why it works such way. It only uses coords to get angle to waypoint, and then uses that angle to turn.

    Related to above, if the plane has to turn a lot to reach the next WP, you should make it travel a long distance (so the plane can turn gradually). Again, less likely to miss WP this way.

    Not a surprise. Airplane needs time (and thus distance) to turn, and if AP doesn't makes airplane fly chaotically it will become more and more accurate (to some limit) until a change in heading or altitude occurs.

  • PQ-14 1.4 years ago

    @Olliebowen replace AP_out_ail,AP_out_ele,AP_out_rudder,AP_out_throttle variables setters with inputs you need.
    Or replace AP_in_head variable setter with sum(Roll)*20 and AP_in_alt with smooth(Altitude,Time&lt;.1)+sum(Pitch*20) if you wish to keep arcade controls.

  • Christmas Challenge (Closed) 1.5 years ago

    My entry. FT-only, truck itself isn't my build.

  • PQ-14 1.5 years ago

    It's in the end of activator of wpSystem_ctgt_id

  • All prop race challenge! (ends december 20th 12/20/22) 1.5 years ago

    It is prop-driven, it just uses props from older version of game.

  • All prop race challenge! (ends december 20th 12/20/22) 1.5 years ago

    My entry. You know, one upvote doesn't costs building new airplane.

  • Tera Chad Kicking Fish 1.5 years ago

    Maybe it's not "tera", maybe it's "terra" i.e. ground-level?

  • Rolling speeds up my aircraft uncontrollably. 1.5 years ago

    I fit (...) Onto the rotator for the custom control surface but if I can do the same to the stock wing's built in control surface ...


    FT works (example) in control surfaces (inputId xml property).

  • BVP M-67 - built for AI 1.5 years ago

    You need to rotate cockpit to make use of coaxial minigun. It's possbible and actually shorter than autoaim you currently use (pd controller for local-space x,y target position), but it will work either for gun or for cannon.
