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N-21 Nightmare

621 GaluhAviation  2.8 years ago


N-21 atau biasa disebut Nightmare atau alat bunuh diri adalah sebuah jet tempur multirole yang sebenarnya cuma untuk kebutuhan airshow shadowhawk, tapi walau begitu, pesawat ini juga sudah dipersiapkan untuk perang. dengan armor super kuat yang bisa menahan serangan AA gun, pesawat ini bisa menyerang convoy uss beast tanpa harus ditemani pesawat lain. pesawat ini juga sudah dilengkapi propulsi thrust vectoring yang membuat manuver pesawat ini lebih tajam, kamu bisa belok 90 derajat atau flat spin kurang dari 10 detik, dan pesawat ini juga bisa flip dengan sangat mudah dan aman, rencananya N-21 akan dijadikan sebagai pengganti SU-37 Shadowhawk yang biasa digunakan galuh untuk freestyle karena SU-37 dirasa terlalu jadul dan tidak aman apalagi untuk pilot pemula.


Throttle: Throttle & Haze Effect
AG1: parachute
AG2: Buang external fuel tank


2x Nightmare (bomb)
4x SH-21 (Air to Surface Missile)
4x Nightmare ATA (Air To Air Missile)
1x Minigun (Minigun)


The N-21 or commonly called the Nightmare or suicide device is a multirole fighter jet that is actually only for the needs of the Shadowhawk airshow, but even so, this aircraft has also been prepared for war. with super strong armor that can withstand AA gun attacks, this plane can attack the uss beast convoy without having to be accompanied by other aircraft. This aircraft is also equipped with thrust vectoring propulsion which makes this aircraft maneuver sharper, you can turn 90 degrees or flat spin in less than 10 seconds, and this aircraft can also flip very easily and safely, the plan is that the N-21 will be used as a substitute for SU -37 Shadowhawk which is usually used for freestyle because the SU-37 is considered too old school and unsafe especially for novice pilots.


Throttle: Throttle & Haze Effect
AG1: parachute
AG2: Remove external fuel tank


2x Nightmare (bomb)
4x SH-21 (Air to Surface Missile)
4x Nightmare ATA (Air To Air Missile)
1x Minigun (Minigun)

General Characteristics

  • Created On Windows
  • Wingspan 36.5ft (11.1m)
  • Length 54.9ft (16.7m)
  • Height 14.9ft (4.5m)
  • Empty Weight 36,283lbs (16,457kg)
  • Loaded Weight 52,302lbs (23,723kg)


  • Power/Weight Ratio 1.289
  • Wing Loading 33.0lbs/ft2 (161.2kg/m2)
  • Wing Area 1,584.3ft2 (147.2m2)
  • Drag Points 6644


  • Number of Parts 120
  • Control Surfaces 4
  • Performance Cost 855

Required Mods

  • Heat Haze by Kenneth, MOPCKOE
    Version 1.0 (1/24/2021 2:54:56 AM)
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