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aircraft designation 5

41.5k WisconsinStatePolice  4.1 years ago
Auto Credit Based on WisconsinStatePolice's Help

This is my first aircraft with a custom cockpit!

6 activates forward flight engines
7 toggles VTOL
8 turns on lights
VTOL slider up for forward flight, center for vertical flight, and down for reverse.

Vertical takeoff:
Activate 7, throttle 50%-55%, once the aircraft is a couple hundred feet off the ground activate 6, keep the aircraft level until speed is over 200, then deactivate 7 and push throttle to 100%.

Vertical landing:
Deactivate 6, activate 7, throttle about 40%, use VTOL slider to slow the aircraft (if you push the VTOL slider too far in any direction the aircraft will start going in a tight, uncontrolled flip.), keep the aircraft level, touch down and throttle to 0%, deactivate 7 and activate 6 to taxi.
( You may be unable to achieve a perfect vertical landing due to the aircraft’s tendency to flip as discussed before. )

Throttle should be about 45%-55% for hover

Also, thanks to Thorne, Shortnessmcgee, and DastardlyD for helping me with this problematic plane.

General Characteristics

  • Predecessor Help
  • Created On iOS
  • Wingspan 48.0ft (14.6m)
  • Length 40.5ft (12.3m)
  • Height 15.5ft (4.7m)
  • Empty Weight N/A
  • Loaded Weight 26,177lbs (11,873kg)


  • Power/Weight Ratio 3.605
  • Wing Loading 62.0lbs/ft2 (302.5kg/m2)
  • Wing Area 422.5ft2 (39.3m2)
  • Drag Points 7389


  • Number of Parts 274
  • Control Surfaces 8
  • Performance Cost 1,127