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Sub Prototype

15.6k BlazeInfinity  5.9 years ago
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General Characteristics

  • Successors 2 airplane(s)
  • Created On Android
  • Wingspan 9.8ft (3.0m)
  • Length 129.7ft (39.5m)
  • Height 15.6ft (4.8m)
  • Empty Weight 56,374lbs (25,571kg)
  • Loaded Weight 75,266lbs (34,140kg)


  • Power/Weight Ratio 0.358
  • Horse Power/Weight Ratio 0.079
  • Wing Loading 286.9lbs/ft2 (1,400.6kg/m2)
  • Wing Area 262.4ft2 (24.4m2)
  • Drag Points 9453


  • Number of Parts 160
  • Control Surfaces 0
  • Performance Cost 519
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    I never had the intention to harass him nor did I ever used offensive language to him. I was polite until the I got banned from his server. I do have screenshots to show how it went down.

    4.9 years ago
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    @Squirrel I don't mind him or people taking my parts. If I just see them I just report them or leaving a suggestion in their comments to credit. There is a user named Lagg3 who used my parts. I just left a suggestion to give credits to me for my parts. But Jacob took it to another level when it started.
    Jacob had credited me first for my ship hull. Then as we were casually talking, he said I could use his parts, and I said he already used mine. Then the thing started because he then took down the credit that was there on the post and started to say that the whole thing was his own hard work and he won't let anyone else take credit for it even though it was clearly visible that he took parts from me. His another in work build was also using my ship hull. I said, if you aren't going to accept that it's my hull explain why does everything looks so similar to my ship. After that he banned me off the server and deleted everything related to the incident. I do have a picture of him posting my ship as his own and claiming as well I believe.

    4.9 years ago
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    Mod Squirrel

    @ErvenDynamics that's okay. I just want everyone to be on the same page so things like this happen less frequently.

    4.9 years ago
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    Mod Squirrel

    @BlazeInfinity @NirvashTec @ErvenDynamics It's my understanding that you guys were involved with some kind of conflict with CptJacobson? If not then this doesn't really apply to you.
    If it does you aren't in trouble, I'm just trying to settle a dispute so we can all continue with our daily lives so-to-speak. It's my understanding that CptJacobson has borrowed/stolen/took inspiration from parts you've used and you have confronted him on it with regards to yourself or on behalf of another person. Obviously this isn't fair on you guys and I understand that. However, it would appear that the first point of call wasn't to a moderator and thus it seems the situation has somewhat spiralled out of control a bit to the degree that CptJacobson feels a bit harassed. I'm not really interested in whether this is true or who did what at this point. The situation has gone too far to be resolved in a "traditional manner".
    Thus I'd like to propose a solution to the problem. One where nobody gets banned or has strikes put against them, because i feel like that would be a like opening a can of worms.
    I propose that you guys no longer confront him in the manner you have done in the past and instead come to a moderator when you suspect a part has been taken from you without credit. That goes for anyone and not just regarding CptJacobson. I've spoken to CptJacobson and resolved a couple of the cases in which credit wasn't appropriately given. I have told him to credit in the future for parts that he has directly used from other vehicles and to credit when asked for parts that were heavily inspired by another user.
    If you feel he is not upholding his end of the bargain and provide strong evidence to back up your claim, I will speak to him again and take further action if necessary. Likewise if he claims he is being harassed by you guys and also provides strong evidence for this, you'll pursue further action with you. Again, I'm not really interested in who did what or whether you did or didn't do something. I just want the situation to be resolved as it's not healthy for the community for this to continue.
    If you feel this is a fair resolution, then I won't take any further action and deem the situation resolved. If you feel like you have something to add or aren't happy with what I've proposed, then please let me know and I'll try and arrange something.
    Thank you in advance for your cooperation and no hard feelings.

    4.9 years ago

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