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AMH.55A6 Thunderbolt II URSA-T2

49.4k ManagedReservoir  3.5 years ago
Auto Credit Based on ManagedReservoir's AMH.55A8 Thunderbolt II URSA-T2B

Please Read the Notes section for kinda important details.

The AMH.55 is a 3rd generation main battle tank in service with the Royal Army and Royal Marine Corps. It was designed to replace the aeging main battle tanks of the Royal Army and is equipped with the latest technologies.

During the North Eastern Conflicts, Royal Army Command decided to replace both of their MBTs, the Golem Mk.IX and the Thunderbolt I. The Golem with emphasis on firepower and armor, akin to a heavy tank, and with the Thunderbolt having an emphasis on manueverability and speed. the XMH program was initiated to replace both of these designs, combing their strengths into one vehicle. The new tank which was now named Thunderbolt II, was to be armed with a 130mm smoothbore gun, the newly developed Stroheim composite armor, and a multi-fuel turbine engine. The first prototype was completed in five years after delays and design changes, and the Thunderbolt IIA1 entered service eight years after the program's birth.

The Thunderbolt II was the first MBT of the Royal Army to have a three man crew, a commander, gunner, and driver. This was due to the fact that it was equipped with a bustle autoloader. The engine is a 1,500hp turbine engine which was notorious for guzzling fuel, but later models had larger fuel tanks and a much more efficient engine. The Stroheim armor has a classified composition, but was designed to defeat both shaped charged warheads and kinetic projectiles. The main armament is the GR.130/50A2C smoothbore cannon capable of firing different types of ammunition.

The URSA(Urban Survival Add-on) is a heavy modification first seen during the early days of the SCW. It was revealed that Thunderbolt II's were vulnerable in urban warfare, especially against newer tandem shaped warheads which either penetrated the sides of the tank or heavily damaged the Stroheim. Crews would hastily modify their tanks to protect from these threats, and eventually they were given the URSA pack. The URSA T-1 was the first modification, mainly for additional composite armor on the turret to protect the tank against tandem shape warheads, though they were also capable of stopping some APFSDS rounds. URSA T-2 is the most major upgrade, giving the tank additional hull armor in the form of composite and ERA, slat armor in the rear, additional smoke/anti-personell grenade launchers, a remote controlled .50, and the Lyre Mk.III hard kill APS. These upgrades made the Thunderbolt II very lethal, and soon most Thunderbolt IIs left the factory in this configuration. Though meant for urban, close quarters combat, the URSA T-1/2 did not prohibit the Thunderbolt in long-range engagements.

*Please excuse my less than stellar typing, I'm quite sleepy

Ag.1=Smoke/Anti-personell grenade Launchers(Cannon)
Ag.2=Arm Main Gun, ativate CITV
Ag.8=Turret and Gun Lock
VTOL=Traverse of CITV and RCWS
TRIM=Gun Elevation
Yaw=Turret Traverse


THis is probably my 5th attempt in building a tank with the same name, and I think this is my favourite. I went all out on it, using all of the knowledge I know. Now, due to the amount of parts and moving parts, she makes my game really lag, and thus after I' completed her, I couldn't test her out fully. So if your device can run her smoothly, know that there are a few stuff I might've missed, some oversights and miss behaviours, and for that I apologize. Otherwise, enjoy.


General Characteristics

  • Predecessor AMH.55A8 Thunderbolt II URSA-T2B
  • Created On Windows
  • Wingspan 15.5ft (4.7m)
  • Length 38.7ft (11.8m)
  • Height 13.7ft (4.2m)
  • Empty Weight 124,525lbs (56,483kg)
  • Loaded Weight 128,012lbs (58,065kg)


  • Power/Weight Ratio 2.106
  • Wing Loading 7,611.4lbs/ft2 (37,161.9kg/m2)
  • Wing Area 16.8ft2 (1.6m2)
  • Drag Points 8783


  • Number of Parts 2038
  • Control Surfaces 0
  • Performance Cost 18,076

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    @TheLurkingVexedVortex actually not sure, though I think it will since I forgot to make the entire turret lighter

    3.4 years ago
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    1,971 SirRhyvs

    @UnguidedCylinder sorry to disturb you again but if I were to turn the turret with VTOL it would move the body in the opposite direction? (idk if that made any sense). So I would drive forward, I turn the turret and the whole tank turns into a entirely different direction. So I'm wondering if what would cause that?

    3.4 years ago
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    1,971 SirRhyvs

    @UnguidedCylinder aaah, thxs bro!

    +1 3.4 years ago
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    @TheLurkingVexedVortex oh, well its because the rotator the turret is attached to. Its set to free spin, so it doesn't turn with the tank

    3.4 years ago
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    1,971 SirRhyvs

    @UnguidedCylinder for example, the tank is a chicken. The turret is the head and the body is the chicken's body, when the chicken's body turns, the head or in this case the turret doesn't turn along with the body. It's sort of like that? idk

    3.4 years ago
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    1,971 SirRhyvs

    @UnguidedCylinder Ya I removed those before and that wasn't what I was looking for :\

    3.4 years ago
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    @TheLurkingVexedVortex somewhere in the bustle, the rear of the turret

    3.4 years ago
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    1,971 SirRhyvs

    One question... where is that gyro that keeps the turret straight? (something like that). Not the gun but the whole turret

    3.4 years ago
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    1,971 SirRhyvs

    @UnguidedCylinder :)

    +1 3.4 years ago
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    @TheLurkingVexedVortex glad you love it :D

    3.4 years ago
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    1,971 SirRhyvs

    @UnguidedCylinder Love the tank btw!

    +1 3.4 years ago
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    @TheLurkingVexedVortex Welcome

    3.4 years ago
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    1,971 SirRhyvs

    @UnguidedCylinder Ah thank you very much :)

    +1 3.4 years ago
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    @TheLurkingVexedVortex have you disabled the magnet? If so, then the gyroscopes aren't the strongest so turret movement isn't the fastest. And for M1, I'll think about it since my replica skills are rusty

    3.4 years ago
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    1,971 SirRhyvs

    @UnguidedCylinder Why is the turret so stiff? like stiff stiff... Isn't the turret suppose to have some sort of gyro level?

    3.4 years ago
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    1,971 SirRhyvs

    I would like to see a M1A2 SEPv4 under 800 :)

    3.4 years ago
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    50.3k Sadboye12

    np! great build
    underrated tbh

    +1 3.5 years ago
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    @Sadboye12 Thank you!

    +1 3.5 years ago
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    50.3k Sadboye12

    incredible!!!! what a sight.....

    3.5 years ago
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    @Seeras Thank you! And yes you're correct, those three are some of the tanks I based it off, the others being the Abrams and the K2

    3.5 years ago
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    Mod Seeras

    Great design.
    Looks to me like a combination of the following Tanks:
    Merkava/Leopard 2/T80

    3.5 years ago
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    1,971 SirRhyvs

    I bet it's a nice ride!

    3.5 years ago
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    1,971 SirRhyvs

    @UnguidedCylinder yes, my first post didn't get good review, but I will make my own creations from know on! I'm currently working on a b-17! (MY b-17)

    +1 3.5 years ago
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    @CenturiVonKikie Thank you very much! And yeah it may not have as much upvotes as some other builds, but at the end of the day I'm just glad that I completed this tank as rhe build process was painful

    +1 3.5 years ago
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    @MetallicFox yeah I don't expect anyone to modify or have lots of fun with this due to how much parts she has, and if you can't download her that's also fine since I really went far. To be honest, I'm fine with your modifications, even though they're just the tracks. They'll get negative comments sure, but I understand you're starting out and I have no problem with people modifying my tanks. I'm sure you'll learn how to make your own tanks in the future, and I'll be interested to see what they will if you do make them.

    3.5 years ago
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